
New Year Tips | Survival Tips To Help You Ease Into 2021



wooden blocks change year 2020-2021 | Survival Tips To Help You Ease Into The New Year | featured

Here are some new year tips we have for you this 2021 to make sure you start the year off on the right foot. This is your ultimate guide on becoming a better prepper than in the past years!

There's no telling what 2021 holds, but if the previous year is any indication, we need to be more prepared!

RELATED: The 10 top Survival Tips that will Help you Survive any Blackout

New Year Tips You'll Need for Survival

1. Stock Your Pantry

home food storage room various jars | new year tips for success


This is a great time to take inventory of your food storage, throw expired food away, and make sure you're stocked up on the essentials.

Ideally, it's best to have at least a year's worth of food stored up, but of course, building your food storage up to that point takes time. Starting right now will give you a head start.

2. Prep Your Vehicle

car traveling roof rack on mountain | wellness tips for the new year

The beginning of the year is a great time to make sure your survival vehicles are in good working order. In case you need to bug out or evacuate, it's important that your vehicle is as prepared as you are.

3. Review Your Family Survival Plan

big family having meal outside table | new year tips 2021

Do you have a family survival plan in place? If not, you need one. And if you do, it's always good to go over it with your family to remind everyone what to do and to make any necessary changes.

This should be done at least yearly, and the new year is a great opportunity to get everyone together.

4. Stock Your Bug Out Bag

man packing different camping equipment into | new year resolutions ideas

A lot of preppers put together a bug out bag, then keep it in a closet somewhere and never touch it again.

In reality, you should be checking your bug out bag often to make sure you didn't forget everything and that all your gadgets (like flashlights and communication devices) are in good working order. Be sure to check all the batteries.


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5. Prepare for Power Outages

survival ki on warm blanket | new year resolution ideas

With New Year's upon us, we still have several months left of winter. That means there's a risk for winter storms and freezing temperatures that could lead to power outages.

Outages present unique challenges for preppers, and it's important to be prepared for any short- or long-term outages that may occur.

6. Get Your Kids Prepared

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Since you likely have a week or two left of winter break and maybe stuck inside due to bad weather, this is a great time to get your kids excited about disaster preparedness. The skills you teach them now will last them the rest of the year and beyond.

7. Get Ready for Spring Gardening

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It may be winter now, but spring will be here before you know it, and we all know what that means: time for gardening!

In order to get the most out of your spring garden this year, you should start planning now by deciding which plants you want to plant this year.

8. Stock up on First Aid Supplies

first aid kit on table garden | how to make new year resolution

There's nothing more important than being prepared for a medical emergency. Not only should you stock up on the basics like bandages, rubbing alcohol, and antibiotic cream, you should also make sure to stock up on any medicine or supplies for your family's specific medical needs.

9. Get Fit

young couple running together park | my new year resolution

When it comes to survival, there's nothing more important than taking care of your body. At the end of the day, it's all you have and it's the only one you've got.

If SHTF and you're forced to bug out, you will need all the strength and stamina you can muster to survive.

10. Hone Your Self-Defense Skills

young woman practicing elbow blow male | new year articles

Knowing how to protect yourself and your family against an attacker is a vital survival skill. Whether with a weapon or with your bare hands, it's important to learn how to defend yourself should the need ever arise.

Watch this awesome video by AlfieAesthetics for some handy wilderness survival tricks that might just save you in an emergency:

It's hard to believe the new year is already upon us. If there is anything that 2020 has taught us, it is that we need to always prepare. Fortunately, the new year is a great opportunity to change your habits and become a better prepper!

Got your own list of new year tips for survival? Share it with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: 

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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in December 2020, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.




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