Become a Writer for Survival Life!
Survival Life is looking for talented writers who are knowledgeable and active in the survival/Prepping community – we’d love to have you contribute to our site!
If you’re a Prepper, survivalist, Bushcraft enthusiast, avid camper, or any combination thereof, we’re interested in partnering with you to publish some of your work. If you have an article(s) that is original and would be exclusive to our blog, we want to share it with our community.
We are specifically seeking articles about preparedness, Prepping, survival skills, emergencies, security, and sustainable living.
If you’re interested and have some examples of your work, send them over to us! Please be sure to send your best articles, about topics related to survival skills and Prepping.
The work that you send to us should represent both your knowledge and your writing skills, so that we can determine if you’re a good fit to be published on the site.
If we decide that your caliber of work meets our standards, we will contact you with all of the details and instructions on how to proceed.
Apply below to get started freelance writing:
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Compensation and Standards
We pay a very competitive rate, especially for a side gig that you can do from the comfort of your own home and at your leisure! Because of this, we are looking for the best writers in this space.
We take pride in our site and its reputation, and we seek out articles that provide valuable information while also entertaining visitors. We want our content on each topic to be the best on the Internet!
Visiting our site and reading our current content is a great way to familiarize yourself with the quality of work we expect.
To be considered for publication with us, an article must be an original work of at least 500 words. All submissions will be reviewed and judged based on the quality of the writing as well as the value of the topic and information presented.
All writings must be original works and the copyright will become the property of Survival Life.
Once your article has been submitted to Survival Life for consideration, you cannot submit it elsewhere. Please do not send us articles that you have already posted or submitted elsewhere, unless you own or have regained full copyright!
Submit as many articles as you’d like, on as many topics as you’d like!
Please understand that we will edit articles for length, grammar, spelling, punctuation and will remove any portions that are off-topic. We will not publish submissions that do not meet our minimum standards.
Articles that are promotional are not eligible.
- The content of your article must be Prepper and survivalist related, original and written exclusively for Survival Life only.
- Your article must add value for our readers and not have been previously published anywhere else at any time or in any form.
- You must agree not to publish it anywhere else, including your own blog or website.
- You can, however, post a brief teaser or summary on your site that links to the post on Survival Life.
- Your submission article should contain structured writing using easy-to-understand wording.
- Please proofread and edit your post accordingly before submitting, or we are apt to instantly reject it.
- We do not accept submissions that promote any affiliate products.
Plagiarism is Inappropriate and Should Be Avoided
You must submit only your own original work.
Any identified plagiarism will lead to your article being removed and disqualified from being featured on our site.
Feel free to include illustrations or pictures along with your article. All images should be submitted separately from the article and in .jpg, .gif, .png or .pdf format. Please do not embed the images in a Word document! (Not all images can be lifted for processing. Embedded images will be ignored.) All images that you submit must be original to the author of the article. You, the author, must own the copyright to them.
Thank you for your interest in working with us at the Survival Life team! We are looking forward to reviewing your submission(s)!