
10 Things to Know Before Going Off Grid



10 things to know before going off grid

Get Started Homesteading with These 10 Tips

Thinking about going off the grid? What are you waiting for?

These days there are tons of resources and communities for up-and-coming homesteaders who are still learning. Don't worry if you don't know everything yet…no one does. The beauty of it is that we can all help one another reach our goals, and make ourselves better preppers in the process.

The video below from Fouch-o-matic Off Grid on YouTube lists ten things this couple wishes they'd known before starting their homestead. Here's the list, but be sure to watch the video for more detail.

  1. Solar power is easier than you think
  2. Plants can't grow where there's no soil
  3. Water runs downhill
  4. Carrying water is THE WORST
  5. Batteries run out
  6. Bears like trash
  7. Firewood is a ton of work
  8. Yurts are better at cold weather than hot weather
  9. Temporary is longer than you think
  10. You can do things you didn't know you could do
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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Duane Williams

    February 22, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    Would like to have seen the video, but couldn’t make it run.

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