Personal Safety

[Gear Review] Resqme Car Escape Tool – An EDC Essential




Every year, hundreds of thousands of automobile crashes happen in the USA. These result in over two million injuries and over 30,000 deaths. While a lot of preppers get ready for doomsday, they often neglect to be ready for the more likely everyday hazards of driving. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare for car crashes and equip yourself accordingly. However, you may not have any idea where to start. Don't let its size fool you… this one simple tool could save your life, the life of a loved one… or even a complete stranger.  A crisis occurs in the blink of an eye…. be ready for anything friends:

Resqme: Car Crash Survival At Your Fingertips

Resqme is a small device that allows drivers and passengers to get out of their vehicle if it's damaged in a wreck and escape through the door is impossible, the windows are jammed, or your seatbelt is caught. I purchased several of these a while back and can confidently say having at least one is a smart investment in your safety.


The tool itself is a small (3” long) device that has a detachable plastic clip at the end. It's made of plastic and steel and weighs less than an ounce. The resqme has two functions: to cut seat belts and to break side window glass. This is important if your door can’t open due to an impact or if your seat belt is stuck. It allows people who are trapped, but otherwise physically able, to extricate themselves from their damaged vehicle.




It works via two integrated tools. One is a spring-loaded window breaker that uses a hardened steel spike to break tempered glass. You push the end to the corner of a side window, and a spring causes the spike to shatter the glass. The other tool is the seat belt cutter, which looks similar to a letter opener. After you pull the black plastic clip, the metal cutter is exposed. Then, you slice through the seat belt with its edge, allowing you to escape. The good news is you can reuse it multiple times if necessary!

Projected Costs

The list price on the resqme is $9.95 each; although you can purchase it in multi-packs for less. There are also several accessories that you can purchase for a few dollars each.



I looked at different car escape tools before but, in the end, decided to go with the resqme, because it was small and light. I carry my keys and other items on a carabiner, so the clip and ring assembly made it easy for me to incorporate it into my EDC. It hangs around until (God forbid!) I need it. I’ve played around with it too and can attest that the cutter will slice through nylon material quickly and cleanly. It also weighs nothing, so the resqme isn’t a burden to carry around. Because of this, I have multiple ones for my cars and gave several away as gifts to family members in the past.

There are a few limitations to keep in mind though. The resqme won’t work on the front windshield. This is because windshields are made with an outer and inner layer of glass and a middle layer of plastic. This layer is designed to crumble in an impact and not shatter into small, sharp pieces that will injure occupants. So keep this in mind if you ever have to use a resqme. Also, I had one of mine confiscated by TSA when I was on my way to Europe a few years ago. Although the blade is integrated into the unit, TSA will take it away from you, because they reckon it could be used as a weapon of some sort. So if you are traveling in an airplane, leave your resqme at home, lest it be taken from you.

In Summary:

Automobile crashes happen hundreds of thousands of times each year. Your chances of being in one are much higher than being affected by a natural or a man-made disaster. If you don’t have one of these, get a handful of them now and put them in all your cars. It will cost you around ten bucks each and will increase your chances of getting out of an accident alive.


It's small and lightweight, which makes it easier to carry around with you compared to other car escape tools.



There's basically none that I can think of, other than you can’t take it with you on an airplane. So unless you're traveling by air, you're basically good to go.

Watch this video demonstration by resqme on how the tool works:

Overall Rating: 10/10!

Resqme | [Gear Review] Resqme Car Escape Tool – An EDC Essential

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  1. Resqme

    August 30, 2017 at 1:58 PM

    Thank you for this great piece! Your feedback are so important to us. And yes, the resqme tool doesn’t work on laminated glass, as it has to be cut and cannot be broke. Thanks!

  2. Pingback: Tactical Pen Roundup: The 7 Best Tactical Pens For Your Dollar

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