How To Build A Hurricane Shelter

If you live in a coastal area, you already know the need for Hurricane shelter….and if you're new to the area, you'll want to make sure that you educate yourself quickly!
Hurricanes and tropical storms are massive and can cause an incredible amount of damage in a short time. If you don't have access to a hurricane shelter, building one may be your only option… but where do you start?
How To Build A Hurricane Shelter:
Hurricane shelters are built either as a part of a house or a building to provide protection from winds up to 190 mph. Additionally, a hurricane shelter should be accessible and easy to recognize. Ideally, its location should be in an area far enough away from the coastline to ensure there is no risk of storm-tide inundation. However, there are limitations when building a hurricane shelter. Scroll on to know the dos and don’ts for building a hurricane shelter.
Ultimately, a hurricane shelter should be located outside tide inundation areas. The shelter needs to be away from creeks or rivers because it may be subjected to a landslide or flood. If you decide to build a hurricane shelter in your own home, choose a room away from large trees, power, or communication posts to avoid falling debris.
The foundation is the most important part in building a hurricane shelter. It could be as small or as big as you want, as long as it has the right materials. Use the top-of-the-line materials and steel foundations to ensure durability. If your shelter is impact-resistant, it will protect you and your family from the windblown debris that is ultimately what causes most fatalities…Floor Space
Floor Space
Floor space is incredibly limited in your hurricane shelter. For this reason, you must be efficient when choosing what things to put inside. you'll want to only stock it with buy items that have multiple purposes to make the most efficient use of space. In addition, it should accommodate as many people as possible and have ample storage for food and water.
Head Count
A family of 3 to 5 can fit in a small room. If you have a family pet, be sure to take this into consideration. Your pets are likely irritable and scared during these situations so it's best to provide some of their favorite things like a toy to calm them down. Caged birds and animals require more space planning. It is essential to brief each family member on what to do if or when SHTF. You can assign tasks on what they should do if a hurricane comes.
Pack Long-Term
Hurricanes may last anywhere from an hour up to 18 hours straight. Pack your essentials such as water, canned food, flashlight, emergency kits, extra clothes and a bucket for call of nature purposes.
Don't be afraid to get creative with your hurricane shelters! Check out this innovative design:
Hurricane shelters are crucial along the coast. Careful planning and efficient space saving techniques are a big help in these situations. You should always be alert and attentive to what is happening around you. Knowing basic survival skills is also a must, plus take the time to learn how to give first aid so you will be able to help in times of need.
Have you ever needed to go into a hurricane shelter? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Want to know how to create a tarp shelter? Check out this article about Survival Life guide on building a tarp shelter!
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