
Homemade Aluminum Can Burners




Survival gear can be expensive, heavy, and prone to breaking down.

Having some gear around is a great idea, but relying on it too much can be a mistake, especially when it comes to filling an essential need like food preparation.

DIY Aluminum Can Burners

Though you might have stoves and burners around for this purpose, this is a low cost project for creating an alternate source of heat for cooking food and sanitizing water.

These can burners, also known as hobo stoves, give you a quick, cheap, and easy flame to cook with.


Having this knowledge under your belt could be your ticket to staying fed in a pinch or just help out as a cheap way to create a mobile burner for many other reasons.

Here are two methods for creating a cheap and easy alcohol fueled burner out of aluminum cans.


Method 1: The Homemade Outdoor Luxe

This burner is a simple, open topped assembly.

aluminum can burners


Method 2: The PBR Burner

This version has a covered top, creating a bit more protection around your fuel.


Want to know more? Check out these related articles on our site:

Make Your Own Hobo Stove From Scrap

Twin Tin Can Survival Stove?

[Video Review] Wood Gas Stove…Now We’re Cooking!

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  1. al uhrich

    March 26, 2014 at 6:51 PM

    Interesting article, but hard to read and hard to see photos and illustrations ( almost 70 yr old eyes ).

    • Larry

      March 27, 2014 at 11:28 AM

      If you click on the pictures you can see them bigger, if they are still
      small click one more time to get them big.

    • Great Grey

      March 28, 2014 at 5:18 AM

      If you click on the illustrations they will open a new page and click on the illustration again it will make a larger view that is easier to read.

  2. Larry

    March 27, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    FYI, in option 1 those are rivets not nails

  3. Edward Johnson

    March 28, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    thanks, the homemade can burner plans was just what I’ve been looking for..I saw a lot of ways to make them, but this is the best and easy to make. I am a backpacker and weight is what we try to cut down on..

  4. Pingback: 36 More Weekend Preparedness Projects | Self Reliance - DIY Ready | DIY Projects | Crafts

  5. Bob Wilson

    September 5, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    Pretty crafty stuff…and I thought I was a Boy Scout…damn!
    Guess I’ll have to make a couple of these!!

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