
7 Genius Seedling Greenhouses You Can Make Today

Looking for easy, inexpensive ways to help facilitate the growth of your seedlings? No worries, we got you covered. We’ve listed down these mindbogglingly effective seedling greenhouse ideas that will help you help your seeds to grow this season!



Planting seedlings in greenhouse in spring | Genius Seedling Greenhouses You Can Make Today | featured

Start a garden without spending a lot of money with these DIY seedling greenhouses.

Seedling Greenhouses Ideas | 7 Ways for Little Spaces

Grow Plants with These Do it Yourself Seedling Greenhouses

A seedling greenhouse is a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to keep your greenery thriving. In fact, you can make greenhouses as small as the palm of your hand!

There are dozens of ways you can make a seedling greenhouse that can fit on a small shelf or windowsill. Even better, you can do these without shelling out so much on greenhouse or nursery supplies.


Check out 7 of the most inventive yet easy ways to make your own seedling greenhouses.

1. Egg Carton DIY Greenhouse

small-plats-growing-carton-chicken-egg | seedlings

This DIY egg carton seedling greenhouse will be one of your favorites when it comes to starting seeds in a small greenhouse. All you need is an egg carton as your germination tray.

Hint: It's as simple as adding a clear plastic wrap or bag to your egg carton seedlings.

2. Plastic Bottle Mini Greenhouse

planting-seedlings-plastic-bottles-placed-on | DIY Greenhouse

A plastic bottle can be another great DIY greenhouse for your seedlings! It is a perfect way to save those plastic bottles instead of throwing them away.

You can recycle and upcycle the containers and turn them into these awesome seedling greenhouses. Most of all, you can help save the environment.

3. CD Spindle Case Greenhouse

Do you still have those cases from your CD-burning days lying around the house? Did you know they make perfect greenhouses for your seedlings?

All you have to do is to have an empty CD spindle case. Then you cut out the column at the center.


Cover up the hole at the base and drill a couple more on the top cover. Add your small pots and seeds.

That’s a simple seedling greenhouse idea you can do in no time at all.

RELATED: The Art of Seed Saving

4. Clear Storage Greenhouse

Sometimes, temperatures can be erratic. You can have warm temperatures during the day and cold ones at night.

In these situations, grow your seedlings in small containers inside clear plastic box.

You can take the totes out in the morning. This way, the plants can enjoy a day's worth of sunlight and build up their tolerance to the cold.

Then at night, you can bring them inside.

5. Mason Jar Greenhouse

three-plants-standing-jars | seedling jar

A mason jar is a basic item for homesteading and canning. An old one, though, can make an awesome greenhouse for your seedlings.

You can make a simple but cute greenhouse with it. Simply make sure there is adequate airflow for the plant so it can thrive.

Tip: If you don't have a mason jar, you can make a mini-greenhouse terrarium with a plastic container. The principle is the same.

6. Plastic-Wrapped Greenhouse

This plastic-wrapped homemade mini greenhouse is another excellent addition to your list of ideas. It's also easy to do and inexpensive.

This type of seedling greenhouse is an effective solution for difficult seeds. It's also great for beginners since it needs only a couple of cheap gardening supplies.

7. Clear Plastic Greenhouse

female-gardeners-hand-planting-flower-bulb | Greenhouses

Who says you need a whole lot of equipment and tools to start your garden?

With this idea, all you need is a clear plastic food container with a lid. Then you can use tissue paper cores or cardboard rolls to complete the greenhouse for your seedlings.

For more ideas on seedling greenhouses, check out this full tutorial video from OikoEco: 

Of course, if you want the faster route to growing seedlings, you can buy a full-sized greenhouse. It's already available in Amazon, and you can choose among the different sizes and even designs.

There's something nice about upcycling old items, though. Besides, turning them into something useful such as seedling greenhouses is a valuable skill.

Benefits of Seedling Greenhouses

The benefits of seedling greenhouses are numerous and can greatly aid in the successful growth of plants. Some of the key advantages include:

Controlled Environment: Seedling greenhouses provide a controlled environment, allowing growers to regulate temperature, humidity, and light levels. This ensures optimal conditions for seed germination and early plant growth.

Extended Growing Season: With seedling greenhouses, you can start your plants earlier in the year and extend the growing season well into the fall or even year-round. This enables you to grow crops that would not survive in harsh outdoor conditions.

Protection from Weather and Pests: Greenhouses shield seedlings from extreme weather events, such as frost, hail, or heavy rains, which can damage or destroy young plants. They also serve as a physical barrier against pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

Faster Growth: Seedling greenhouses provide an environment with optimized conditions for plant growth, leading to faster and healthier development. This can result in earlier and more abundant harvests.

Water Efficiency: Greenhouses often incorporate efficient irrigation systems, reducing water usage and minimizing wastage compared to outdoor cultivation.

Reduced Weeding: Since seedlings are started in a controlled environment, there is less competition from weeds, saving time and effort in manual weeding.

Experimentation and Research: Greenhouses allow for experimentation with different plant varieties, growing techniques, and environmental conditions, making them valuable for agricultural research and development.

Environmental Benefits: Growing seedlings in a controlled greenhouse environment can lead to reduced pesticide and fertilizer use, as well as lower overall resource consumption, contributing to a more sustainable agricultural practice.

Portability and Flexibility: Some seedling greenhouses are portable and modular, offering flexibility in terms of location and setup. This versatility is beneficial for hobbyists and urban growers with limited space.

These ideas are a good start. With some ingenuity and creativity, you can come up with even more!

These tips will also inspire you to start a cheap but effective garden. You don't need to spend a lot — or any — money on greenhouse accessories and greenhouse equipment.

You can also create this homemade weed killer to protect the seedlings further. The most important thing is these seeds will grow and serve their purpose.

[poll id=”21″]Do you have other seedling greenhouse ideas you can recommend? Do share them in the comments section below!

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Seedling Greenhouses

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 10, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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