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Can You Find These 7 Critical Survival Items in the Dark?

We've all done it…
You hear a sound in the middle of the night, leap out of bed ready to spring into action, only to stub your toe on a coffee table, or the edge of your bed. Then you spend the next several minutes cursing loudly and stumbling around…
Good job…
You are stealthy.
You are covert
You are a Ninja….
You either scared the intruder away with your cursing, or let them know exactly where you are.
I'm right there with you… I've done it plenty of times (heck I've done it in broad daylight…)
Most of the time that noise you heard is something simple; the cat knocked something over or a raccoon is trying his best to grab a midnight snack from your garbage can. But sometimes it is something much worse, sometimes you need to get up and get gone, or spring into action.
And in the middle of the night, even in your own home, the darkness can be disorienting…
Read this article from my friend Damian over at ReThinkSurvival, and make sure that, should you ever need to take action, you always know how to find these 7 critical survival items, even in the dark:
Darkness can be both an ally and your worst enemy, especially when you’re in a hurry. And, as life would have it, disasters tend to happen at night, in the dark, while you’re fast asleep, and without warning.
With this in mind I strongly suggest you have the following items nearby your bedside (somewhat in my order of importance) so that they can be easily found:
- Light source – obviously if it’s dark the first thing you’re probably going to want is to be able to see! There are a couple of options here but by far the best one is to keep a durable flashlight (I prefer Maglites) next to your bed. In fact, keep a flashlight next to every bed in the house. Put it wherever it is within arm’s reach and ensure it doesn’t get used but for emergency situations. If you prefer a different approach, you might consider a simple emergency night light that will not only light up if the power goes off (I have these in every bedroom as well) but also turn into a flashlight if you so desire. You could also use a simple tap light (tap to turn on) placed next to the bed if all you need is a small bit of area lighting to get your bearings.(Editors note: Click here to see my review on a fantastic tactical flashlight that you can pick up for under $4.00)
- Firearm – Your choice here, handgun, shotgun, or whatever. Certainly, if your concern is the defense of yourself and your family then it behooves you to have one or several within arms reach. Of course, I’ve mentioned why this isn’t the best of plans for people like me in the past but for most people it’s a good idea. You understand.
- Fire Extinguisher – I prefer to keep a fire extinguisher or two next to each bedside. While I have no intention of battling a fire without help from the fire department, I will try my best to deal with small “trash can” sized fires if I can. And, of course, I recognize the fact that I cannot and should not battle anything much larger and without an for sure escape path. If you’re at all unsure just get out and pray for the best. Which brings me to my next few points…
- Emergency Escape Mask – They say more people die from exposure to the smoke from a house fire rather than the actual flames. I tend to take the experts word for it and suggest you do as well. In this case, consider adding a quality emergency smoke mask next to each bed as something that might give your family a few extra seconds to get out with as little harm done as possible.These masks can get expensive but I would suggest this isn’t the best item to skimp on in the quality department.
- Shoes (or slippers) – Actually, slippers are probably the best idea here, especially for those people who live in earthquake areas for the simple fact that in the event of an earthquake you could be literally running for your life–even though you probably should not be–quite possibly over broken things like dishes and glassware.The same can be said for stepping foot over anything that might have caught fire due to a house fire. Certainly, foot protection is a good idea for anybody wandering around their house at night so I suggest you keep a pair of slippers, loafers, or anything that is quickly slipped on next to your bedside so that you’re ready to run… literally.
Want to know the final two items you absolutely need to be able to find in the dark (and one critical bonus that you can't leave without)?
Click here to read the full article by Damian Brindle on RethinkSurvival.com
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jason bill
October 11, 2013 at 3:08 PM
other than the mask an extinguisher,all that u mentioned are with-in 1 ft of my bed.always have been
Buck Crosby
October 11, 2013 at 6:56 PM
At night , the 45 ACP I carry all day everyday , has a blinding light slid under the barrel and is place on my nightstand , if I have reason to pick up one , I have picked up both . In the morning the light comes off and remains on my nightstand and the 45 auto goes in its holster inside the waist of my trousers . Of course there are occasions when I carry it in the small of my back or under my left armpit , whatever the situation requires , also when I leave home overnight my light accompanies me .
October 13, 2013 at 1:23 PM
toilet paper
Mark Smith
October 14, 2013 at 2:14 PM
The shoes or slippers should be upside down or have a drape over them. In case of earthquake. shattering windows can cast glass shards a long way. it does you no good to stick your foot into a slipper full of glass.
Debra McBee
November 10, 2013 at 6:14 PM
I have a motor home parked next to my house. It has a large gas tank which I keep full. Behind it is parked my pickup with again a full gas tank. I keep the extra set of keys for both next to my bedroom window. In the event of fire I go out the window. Down the motor home. Get the truck out then the motor home. The only thing I cannot figure out how to do is get 100 pound dog out of the house. He won’t go out the window. So I guess he will die in fire. It takes 4 minutes to clear both vehicles out.
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