
Preparing for a Power Outage



power outage

Don't Be Left in the Dark

When preparing for a power outage, make sure you take the lighting needs of your entire home into account. Some rooms get plenty of natural light throughout the day; others remain near-dark all day long. You should also take into account how much time is spent in each room of your house, and which rooms you use for tasks that will require more light. Pay attention to these things and begin coming up with your own custom lighting plan for a power outage with your specific home and family's needs in mind.

Here are some tips and things to consider:

  • Think about which areas you use the most and the most affective ways to light those areas.
  • Stock up on candles — they're cheap and a great light source.
  • Stock up on kerosene or gas lanterns. These can often be found at garage sales.
  • Be aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide that can be emitted by lanterns. Use only in well-ventilated areas.
  • Stock up on flashlights and extra batteries. Make sure you know which batteries your flashlights require and don't purchase the wrong kind.

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  • Avoid opening the fridge and freezer during a power outage.
  • Don't connect your generator to your home's electrical system.
  • Turn off or disconnect any appliances you were using when the power went out to avoid power surge.

The video below, from Survival Common Sense on Youtube, outlines these tips in more detail. Check it out:

Want to know more about preparing for a power outage? Check out these related articles from our site:

Power Outage: What to Do When the Power Goes Out

The Emotional Effects of Power Outage

Why is Our Power Grid Failing?


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    January 15, 2016 at 8:57 AM


  2. Anthony

    January 23, 2016 at 11:38 AM

    Mason jars work very well for protecting your candles from pets as well as wind. With enough medium-sized holes you can even use the lid as an extra protection. These can be used indoors as lamps or outdoors as luminiers. A piecee of aluminum foil on the back side of the jar will help reflect and spread the light the light. You should still observe safety practices with any open flame

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