
15 Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden



Feature | Herbs plants inside the house | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Knowledge of medicinal herbs and their uses is a true survival skill. Read and discover which herbs are best to grow indoors!

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Best Medicinal Herbs to Grow Indoors for Survival!


Medicinal Herbs for Survival

Growing an indoor medicinal herb garden is a brilliant survival strategy. As you very well know when SHTF happens, it's bound to get ugly with hoarding and looting.


Having medicinal plants in the safety of your shelter will help you treat minor illness. Check out this medicinal herbs list and their uses for your home!


1. Thyme

Thyme plants | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Thyme has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Its aroma also helps relieve stress and promotes rest, which is good for your immune system.

Antiseptic Definition: These are substances that stop harmful microorganisms from spreading in the body. It can be used against fungi, bacteria, and other disease-causing organisms.

Next time you get coughing fits, consider drinking some thyme tea. A pot or two of this medicinal herb will give you your daily dose of immune-boosting medicine for free.

2. Lemon Balm

This well-known herb isn't only for freshening up your breath or flavoring your food. In Austria, traditional medicine uses lemon balm.

Lemon balm aids in the treatment of liver, bile, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract disorder. It is also used as a digestive and sleep aid.

3. Rosemary

Rosemary plants | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Rosemary is an aromatic medicinal herb from the mint family. Dried rosemary is often used in cooking to add flavor, especially to meat.


Medicinally, rosemary can help improve your mood and helps sweeten your breath. When you're having trouble concentrating, drink a cup of rosemary tea to boost memory and concentration.

You can also try making your own rosemary oil. This essential oil speeds up the healing of external wounds or skin irritations.

Rosemary oil can also relieve sore parts of your body. Rub the oil on the affected area for a speedy recovery.

4. Spearmint

Oral health is all the more important in a survival situation. The spearmint also called common mint or lamb's mint can help you with that. Spearmint, after all, is used to flavor toothpaste and oral care products.

5. Cilantro

This herb is a powerful natural cleansing agent. All the parts of cilantro or coriander, especially the seeds and leaves, are used in cooking and medicine.

Cilantro has antioxidant properties, helps improve sleep quality, has blood sugar lowering effects, and improves digestive system functions.

6. Sage

Green sage herbs | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Sage is a classic ingredient in roasting and stuffing for your hearty meal. Like rosemary, sage is from the mint family and used for some home remedies.

Minor illnesses such as dyspepsia, indigestion, and hot flashes can be treated with sage. Additionally, sage can also give a soothing relief for throat and mouth inflammation.

7. Tarragon

If you found yourself with a toothache, insomnia, and digestion problems, tarragon is a trusty herb to have growing indoors. This aromatic herb with hints of anise is easy to grow from cuttings and for good measure. You will want to have more of these herbs growing in your medicinal herb stash!

8. Lavender

Violet plant in a pot | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Lavender's scent is famous for calming and relaxing. Additionally, this medicinal herb can also help to ease the pain.

If applied topically to cuts, lavender has healing properties. Lavender as an essential oil is also great for a lot of natural home remedies.

RELATED: Beginner’s Guide To Having an Outdoor Herb Garden | Survival Gardening

9. Parsley

A urinary tract infection can come without warning. Avoid this painful illness by supporting your kidneys and other internal organs like your spleen and intestines.

You can do this with parsley which is quite effective in cleansing our body. It also promotes proper digestion and blood circulation.

10. Basil

Basil plant pot | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Basil is one of my favorite herbs for cooking delicious meals like pasta sauces or soups. But, this wonderful herb also has medicinal properties that can help relieve flatulence.

It can also be used topically for scrapes and cuts for a faster recovery. Basil is also said to have antiparasitic properties which may aid in deworming of both man and animals.

11. Marjoram

Although marjoram grows in partial shade, you can grow this herb indoors where they can get sun. A south-facing window is ideal. You will want to grow this herb for many medicinal uses including pain relief of the muscles and the joints.

12. Chamomile

Chamomile tea | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

For years, chamomile is a popular natural remedy for anxiety due to its calming effects. Even now, you will find drugstore herbal teas infused with chamomile. If you have a stomach ache, you try drinking a cup of chamomile tea to help settle your stomach.

13. Chives

The medicinal value of chives is like that of garlic although not as strong, but chives are easier to grow both indoors and outdoors. You can also boost your immune system with the high level of vitamins A and C in this herb.

14. Peppermint

Peppermint plant | Incredible Medicinal Herbs For Your Indoor Garden

Another perfect addition to your indoor medicinal herb garden also comes from the mint family, the peppermint. This amazing herb is used to relieve indigestion or gas and to soothe headaches. Simply drink a cup of peppermint tea and wait for its magic to take effect.

15. Oregano

Another one of the known culinary and medicinal herb is the oregano. With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory uses, it's seriously a must-have in your indoor garden. Studies show essential oil from oregano kills certain bacteria and its effectiveness is not lost even when heated.


Learn how to dry culinary herbs from your indoor herb garden in this video from Planet Natural Garden Supply:

It need not be an SHTF situation for you to plant an indoor herb garden. Herbs have wonderful medicinal and health-boosting values, you just have to have these plants ready and available in the home.

Now you know which herbs to grow and what they are good for. Grow your own ‘nature's pharmacy' with these amazing culinary and medicinal herbs.

What medicinal herbs do you have in your indoor garden? Share your indoor herb gardening experience with us in the comments section below!

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Check out Beginner’s Guide To Having an Outdoor Herb Garden | Survival Gardening at

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 13, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.



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