Do It Yourself

Ingrown Toenail Treatment | Home Remedies




An ingrown toenail can be an incredibly painful and annoying ailment to suffer from.

Aside from the discomfort, ingrown toenails also often get infected.

These infections cause swelling and inflammation, making the toe even more painful.

We have some great home remedies for removing the ingrown toenail, making it grow straight again, and healing infections.

To avoid infection and a visit to the doctor, take care of the problem early using these ingrown toenail treatment tips.


Ingrown Toenail Information:

Recognizing, preventing, and home remedies for ingrown toenails.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Ingrown Toenail Treatment:

Step-by-step instructions:

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

1. Clean the foot with soap and water, then sanitize the toe with rubbing alcohol.
2. With a clean instrument, remove any dead skin that might be in the way of the toenail.
3. Once the edge of the toenail is visible, pull the nail up as much as possible with tweezers.
4. Clean off any blood with cotton balls and rubbing alcohol.
5. Apply ice to the toe to take down swelling and numb the area.
6. Use tweezers to pull the edge of the nail free of the swollen outer-edge of the toe.
7. Using your tweezers, grab the area of the nail that was growing into the toe and pull it out.
8. Clip the edge to be even with the rest of the nail.
9. Remove any blood with cotton balls and rubbing alcohol.
10. Apply antibiotic ointment to the toe.
11. Take a pain killer to help with the swelling and pain.
12. If signs of infection continue, soak foot in warm water and epsom salt.


Ingrown toenail removal video-


For more home remedies, check out the links below.

21 Home Remedies for a Toothache

Spider Bites: How To Identify and Treat Them

Sneaky Medical Trick To Remove A Stuck Ring


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  7. Peter

    June 23, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    What I find that works best is to take a cuticle cutter and cut straight down the nail from the tip to the nail root; as far as you can and start to pull the nail away, this will usually remove enough nail to keep your toe free from pain for at least two to three months until it grows back in again.

    • Lauren J

      June 24, 2014 at 9:23 AM

      Thanks, Peter! What kind of methods do you use to prevent infection?

    • Frankie

      November 1, 2017 at 7:03 PM

      that’s what I do to my big toe nails,i try to get to it before it start hurting too bad.As long as I can bend over to do it I’m alright.

  8. Pingback: Home Remedies For Preppers | SHTF First Aid | Survival Life

  9. Pingback: Home remedies to treat ingrown toenail - America Health News

  10. Pingback: Ingrown Toenail Treatment | Home Remedies – My Blog

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