
Product Review: The I MOD Weapons Cleaning System by Otis Technology



i mod cleaning system, weapons cleaning, weapons cleaning systems, survival gear reviews

Shooters of all types can agree: It is important to have a weapons cleaning system designed with the best tools and accessories as well as compactness and versatility in mind.

Weapons cleaning systems are frequently purchased with not much thought or research put into the type of cleaning system that is truly needed.  The tools included in the weapons cleaning kit will often have to be replaced or some of the accessories will have to be swapped out for other, more reliable pieces.  However, the dilemma of dissatisfaction over weapons cleaning kits and systems is over now that Otis Technology offers the highest quality standards for weapons cleaning systems designed specifically for hunters, sport shooters, and military personnel.

The I-Mod Weapons Cleaning System

One of the newest products available specifically for military personnel but also made convenient for hunters and sport shooters is the Individual Modular (I-MOD) Weapons Cleaning System.  This weapons cleaning kit designed by Otis Technology cleans and maintains all 5.56 mm weapons, and is made for individual use.

Unlike many other weapons cleaning kits and systems, the I-MOD can be securely attached to a backpack, vest, or even a plate carrier via MOLLE webbing either horizontally or vertically for easy access to the tools and accessories inside.


What's In the Kit

Included in the Individual Modular Weapons Cleaning System is:

  • a 5.56 mm bronze bore brush to prevent copper deposits and corrosion
  • 5.56 mm chamber rods for thorough cleaning of the chamber
  • 30” cleaning cable for efficient removal of fouling
  • Ripcord designed and produced by Otis Technology and featured by SHOT-Show 2014
  • Gerber MP600 multi-tool great for reaching the hard to reach areas within the rifle during a thorough cleaning

One of the best features on the Individual Modular Weapons Cleaning System, or the I-MOD, is the case itself.  Both sides include MOLLE webbing allowing for a variety of places the weapons cleaning system can be stored. The outside of the case includes two durable button pockets which are great for storing additional cleaning cloths or other accessories needed for weapons cleaning.  The case has two zippers and folds open to so that it may either lay flat on the ground or from wherever it is securely attached.

Personally, I think the I-MOD Cleaning System outdoes most other weapons cleaning systems by its compactness and versatility alone.

Most weapons cleaning systems are designed so that the weapon, tools, and accessories can be laid out on display to be cleaned; however, the I-MOD Cleaning System allows the weapon to be easily cleaned without ever having to completely remove all of the tools and accessories.  This factor also allows for easier cleaning of rifle magazines if necessary.

All products made by Otis Technology are manufactured in the United States in Phoenix and Lyon Falls, New York.  Visit Otis Technology on their Twitter and Facebook page or at their website at, and check out the video below to see the I-MOD weapons cleaning system up close.

Want to know more? Check out this post:

Product Review: The T MOD Weapons Cleaning System by Otis Technology

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  1. TripodXL

    January 23, 2015 at 11:36 PM

    @OP; Alden, your review of the Otis I-Mod cleaning system leaves a little to be desired. First, the Gerber MP-600 you mention, is not in the basic I-Mod kit. Back story is that I have a number of deployments OCONUS in “serious” environments, that spanned almost 40 years. Ret. in 2010, so I’m familiar with the topic. The ACTUAL I-Mod kit is nothing but a GI kit with SOME few Otis accessories and an unnecessarily nicer ($$$) pouch. Now, I do like the Otis stuff. I have the M4/M16/9mm Softpack round kit (NSN 1005-01-561-6181) I was issued the last time over and had it refilled before DOS. The system that has the Gerber in it are the Soldier Kits (they’re expensive), or it can be ordered separately. They don’t list the price for it separately but it would certainly push the kit well over $100. The I-Mod is $79 and only has the items of a STANDARD M16 cleaning kit, which can be had for $20 or less and about 5 Otis pieces, a plastic bottle and some Q-tips and patches and the pouch. There are two things wrong with this. One, I shouldn’t have had to do the actual review and research for you, you should have done it. AND you did an inaccurate and very poor job of what little you did do. Two, Otis should be ashamed of themselves for overcharging people for what they could get for a better price/value. You can buy a stock M16 kit for $20 (more like $12 if you shop around) and add some of the Otis items to it and be done with it for significantly less. OR, you could buy the more appropriate MSR/AR Cleaning System for the MSRP of $69.99 with way more shit than the I-Mod (has the B.O.N.E. tool a $25 value), AND a GI kit and still spend within a few $$ of what was spent for the basic I-Mod. WHO THOUGHT THIS GOAT ROPE UP? Hell, you could also probably find a small molle pouch for $5 that would hold it all and not bust the price of the I-Mod by more than $10-14, and have much, much more. Significantly more than the I-Mod, even with with the Gerber tool. This I-Mod article is wrong on so many levels. How did you manage to overlook the “research” into this. The picture shows the basic I-Mod, you don’t mention that the Gerber is extra and the fact that you make the statement;
    “Personally, I think the I-MOD Cleaning System outdoes most other weapons cleaning systems by its compactness and versatility alone.”

    kinda indicates you either don’t know what is in a std AR cleaning kit OR you didn’t even touch the I-Mod, or both…I go with option C Alex. This was a piss poor review. If anyone wants to go back and look at my posts, I have been more than kind and supportive to the site and the authors I’ve posted on. I’m not sure how it is that you guys have the #1 status on “Top 50”. You don’t put out near the number of articles that Slavo, Jorgustin and the other top 10 do, and they aren’t near the quality. You guys need to tighten up as your performance is on par with the double digit folks, up a ways. My two cents.

    • Robert in Texas

      January 27, 2015 at 3:48 PM

      No doubt an NCO. Nice job tightening this guy up. Half-ass reviews get on my last nerve. If you’re gonna write about something, get the thing out and use it, and if it’s the first time you’ve used something like this, you shouldn’t be writing a review in the first place since you have no frame of reference. If the best thing about a weapons cleaning kit is the bag, I reckon I’m going to keep moving. Everyone out there throws the word “modular” in their item description and it’s somehow supposed to validate the value.
      Thanks giving the down n dirty on the product and for bringing some reality to that Charlie Foxtrot of a review.

      • TrpodXL

        February 5, 2015 at 11:04 PM

        @Robert; Roger that. Yeah..E-8, older than shit. Crusty, mean, fair, bastard…..and don’t care…except for excellence. Be Well.

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