
How To Become A Human Lie Detector Test




Want to know how to tell if someone is lying? Read on and let Jason Hanson from the ABC TV show Shark Tank teach you how to become a human lie detector test: It doesn't matter who you are or what you do for a living, once you know how to detect deception it can benefit you in all areas of your life. For instance, a friend of mine owns a martial arts studio in Nevada. A while back, she called me because she thought one of her employees was stealing from her. I shared with her the tips I'm about to share with you and she was able to quickly determine he was indeed stealing and she fired the guy. In another instance, I was able to quickly figure out that a friend's husband was cheating on her (more about how I did this in a moment.) But before I go any further, you've got to know that nothing is set in stone when it comes to detecting lies. What I mean is, every human being is different and not everyone gives off the same signs that they're lying. So use the checklist below as a guide and if a person is showing more than one of the signs below then it's a good indication they're not being honest with you.

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To begin, let's go over one of the biggest indicators that someone is trying to deceive you. It's what I like to call “the freeze.” In short, if someone is lying they tend to move a lot less and want to retract “into their shell” because they feel guilty. For example, let's say I was teaching a seminar and accidentally left my wallet on the table when I left the seminar to go use the restroom. And when I came back from the restroom my wallet was missing. If I started to ask the group what happened to my wallet most people would be offering to help me look for it or they would be shaking their head that they didn't steal it. But the guilty party would most likely be the quietest person of all and wouldn't have much movement or be offering to help me find it. They would be trying to hide among their fellow attendees and would give themselves away because they wouldn't be acting natural at all. lying

Here's a real life example that happened to me on an airplane-

I was sitting in my seat when all of the sudden there was a horrible smell. Clearly, someone had passed some gas. The smell was so bad that I was looking around to see where in the world it was coming from. I noticed that almost everyone around me was looking around too. shark-tank-abc

However, there was a fellow across the aisle from me who was frozen still. While most people were looking around, which is natural behavior in this situation, he was the only person sitting awkwardly like a statue. Obviously, he was the one where the smell was coming from. I shared the above story with a group I was teaching when a member of the group said to me, “holy smokes, I know who stole my headphones.” Apparently, this gentleman was on an airplane when he fell asleep with his very expensive Bose headphones in his lap. When he awoke, the headphones were gone.


He asked the people in his row if they had seen them and he said the guy sitting in the aisle seat was sitting frozen and would barely speak to him or move, while the other person was acting normal and trying to help him find them. The bottom line is, if the person you think is lying all of the sudden has less movement and is less animated, then they're probably trying to retract into “their shell” because they feel guilty for what they've done.

Next on the list of detecting deception is to watch a person's feet-

You see, most people are trained to lie with their face and many people do it on a daily basis. But people aren't trained to lie with their feet, which is why a person's feet will often give them away. For instance, in airports, Customs agents are trained to watch a person's feet when they are going through the customs booth. An honest person, like you or me, will have our feet pointing directly at the agent who is questioning us because we don't feel guilty and we have nothing to hide. But the drug smuggler will most likely have his feet pointed toward the exit because he wants to get the heck out of there because he's afraid of getting caught. why-do-men-lie jason-hanson

We've all had a co-worker or relative or someone who thinks they're our friend, but who we really can't stand. When we run into this person we may say something such as “John, it's great to see you, how are the wife and kids?” But since we don't like John our feet will be pointing away from him showing that we are not being genuine in wanting to know how he is doing and we in fact want to get away from him. So the next time you're having a conversation with someone pay attention to where their feet are pointing. To detect lies, you also want to pay attention to the eyes, but not for the reason you think. Most people believe that if you ask someone a question and they look down that means they're lying, which isn't true. Just imagine if it was your first day of a brand new job and the CEO of the company called you into his office because someone had taken some files off of his desk. This clearly would be intimidating because you're a brand new employee and he's the CEO. There's a good chance you would look down because of the gap in authority even though you didn't take the files. So instead of worrying about if a person looks down, you need to watch if a person stares too long at you. People who are lying tend to “over stare” because they're guilty and they believe if they stare long and hard at you this will convince you they're being honest. One time, while still working for the Agency, I was traveling overseas on a personal vacation. Even though I was traveling for personal reasons you obviously still don't say you work for the CIA when you go through Customs in a foreign country. lie-detector

When I got to the Customs counter the agent started to grill me and ask a ton of questions. I told her that I worked at the museums in the Washington, DC area and did security guard work and gave people directions to help them find their way around. As I was telling the agent this information I remember forcing myself to break the stare and look down so I didn't stare too long. So the next time you think someone is lying and they're “creepily” staring at you, remember, that's not normal behavior and they're likely trying to deceive you.

Now let's talk about how I (unfortunately) found out my friend's husband was having an affair.

I got a call from my friend one day and she told me she was looking for something in her husband's car when she found a cell phone underneath the seat. When she dialed the last number that had been called a woman answered the phone then immediately hung up. My friend called and told me this to see what I thought and I told her the obvious thing you are thinking right now: “He's clearly having an affair” but I said it in a nicer way than that. My friend told me there was no way he was having an affair and that their marriage was wonderful. So here's what I told her to do: Since she believed her husband wasn't having an affair I told her that when he got home that night to tell him the same story she'd told me about finding the cell phone and then to call me back with his reaction. shark-tank

The next day she called me and said, “Ohh my gosh Jason, I've never seen him so mad in his life. I can't believe I accused him of having an affair, I feel so bad. He was so angry that I thought he had an affair and I didn't trust him.” Now, if you're married and are not having an affair and your wife accuses you of cheating, what are you going to do? Well, if my wife accused me of having an affair I would make some hilarious joke (which she wouldn't find funny) and that would pretty much be it. I wouldn't get angry or fly off the handle because I'm not having an affair so there's no need for me to be angry. You see, people who are lying tend to have an extreme overreaction. They want to “beat you down” and make you feel so bad for even questioning them that you will never do it again and they'll get away with their lie. And this is exactly what my friend's husband did. He was like a wild animal caught in the corner of a room and he fought back fiercely because he knew he was cornered. Of course, I told my friend all of this but she still didn't believe me and was in denial that her husband was having an affair. Just a short time later she received definitive proof he was in fact cheating and she's still amazed how quickly I knew even though from what you know now it's pretty much common sense. So the next time you're questioning someone and they turn into a psychopath (which hopefully isn't their normal behavior) then you know they're lying. Like I mentioned earlier, when it comes to lying nothing is set in stone. But using the tips above will help you determine if a good percentage of people are lying, so pay attention to “the freeze”, keep an eye on their feet, make sure they're not “over staring” and watch for an extreme overreaction.

So remember to watch for:

  1. The freeze
  2. Foot behavior
  3. The liar's Stare
  4. Extreme reaction

Lie Detector | How To Become A Human Lie Detector Test

Want to learn more skills like these?

Check out Spy Escape by Jason Hanson


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  1. gbs

    May 9, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    Of course if Obama and company find out about this, they will probably master the art of avoiding those pitfalls. I hope they don’t -LOL

    • Jay Jorgenson

      August 9, 2014 at 6:53 PM

      In obamas case, all you have to do is watch for an open mouth, every time he opens it he lies/


    May 9, 2014 at 10:26 AM


    • snowman8wa

      May 9, 2014 at 2:49 PM

      My Brother-in-Law, a retired Sherriff deputy would agree with you. He has stated to me that when interrogated people who have integrity and are being accused of something tend to get ticked off at the accusation against them. With that being said, I believe that what is being presented here is what I would consider “over theatrical” indignation to the accusation. It’s one thing to get ticked off, but it’s another to “Bully” your feigned innocence.

      Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis

    • JoAnn Dolberg

      August 27, 2014 at 10:47 AM

      Why are your caps on, David?

    • Richard Hendrix

      August 29, 2014 at 8:39 AM

      My friend, this may not apply to you so if I’m incorrect please accept my apologies up front. I too am a Christian, but can’t really say it was always so. Oh, I fought the good fight, went to church and even said grace when we ate (especially when my mother was there)but deep inside I was still short of what the Lord wanted me to be and had a few Skeletens I didn’t want him to know about? Shows you how much I knew? As I grew in my beliefs (the true Christian does so for most of their life)I realized that I would have to own up to them and ask forgiveness. Even though I did so, and believed I was forgiven, I would occasionally remember something I was truly sorry for because of something I would read and feel regret. Keep in mind, had only confessed to God, not man and kept that information to myself. I believed myself to be a person of integrity for the most part but knew I might occasionally have thoughts about taking advantage of a situation. Didn’t do it, but still felt annoyance at my thought. I have found situations when I have been accused of something (for want of a better word) and felt annoyance at it, but when I thought about why, I found that I may have briefly thought about doing what I had been accused of or had done something similar in the past. I realized it was more a feeling of guilt on my part than anything else and for a moment felt I had been found out? Yeah, being a true Christian is not a Cakewalk? I’ve actually tried some of the things on my grandsons and believe it or not IT’S PRETTY DARN ACCURATE!

    • Linda

      November 4, 2014 at 7:24 AM

      David Krull, you should learn to spell!

      • Linda

        November 4, 2014 at 7:35 AM

        Or should I say, yoo shud lern to spull???

  3. Lorie

    May 9, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    I really like the “feet facing you” tip…never heard that one before. I’ve heard that when someone pleads to you with their palms facing up that it’s another sign that they’re lying & trying really hard to get you to believe them.

    • Don Buley

      August 8, 2014 at 9:01 PM

      Crap, this one is true. I unwittingly do it all the time at work. Oops

  4. Jean

    May 9, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    My former cheating husband would always turn away and look away when he was going to tell a real whopper. If I questioned him, I got the psychopath over-reaction.

  5. dominick

    May 10, 2014 at 8:40 PM

    I find the information presented both informative and entertaining. people do tend to be defensive if they are being somewhat deceptive.

  6. gena

    May 11, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    I basically tell people to listen closely to what people tell them and try to remember it. If, in subsequent conversations, they are contradicting themselves over and over, you know you are dealing with a liar, and you need to take everything they say afterward with a large grain (or handful) of salt.
    I have found that most honest people tend to think they must be misunderstanding the contradictions and blame themselves for either not remembering correctly what had been previously said before or not listening closely – but people need to realize there are a lot of people out there who will lie for no reason whatsoever, and the easiest way to find out who they are and avoid them or at least know how to best deal with them, is to merely pay attention to what people say to you. Especially if the person is an employer or employee, and is someone you need to deal with, be alert, pay attention, remember and compare things they tell you.
    I had been very gullible and believed almost everything people told me until my second husband, which was a real awakening for me. Until then I had no idea of the number of people who will lie when the truth would do them better. There really are more of them out there than most people would imagine.

  7. Lawrence

    August 8, 2014 at 11:45 PM

    I am someone that hates being lied to and I do not lie and I get angry when someone accuses me of anything not true or lies about me .

  8. polluxdc

    August 9, 2014 at 2:07 AM

    I Work in corrections and we have a way of telling if someone is lying to us that wasn’t mentioned here, probably because it doesn’t work in normal, every day situations. We can tell if they are lying if their lips move.

    • Angie

      September 30, 2014 at 9:20 PM

      That’s the same ‘tell’ of any politician.

  9. Thomas

    August 11, 2014 at 5:40 PM

    Another way to tell if the average person is lying is to ask them to tell you a lie and watch for there tell, a subtle movement most people make when telling a lie. ex: I think XYZ is lying so I ask him to say no to my next question. I then ask is your name XYZ, when he says no I notice his right palm goes from facing him to facing me while he lied. That would be his tell, so the next time he does that he is likely lying. This way isn’t foolproof, some people may have multiple tells they switch between and others can mask there tell and/or use a false tell to redirect your attention from there true tell.

  10. Charlie

    August 27, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Agree with David Krull !

  11. Susan Rasmussen

    August 27, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    this is good to know. I wish you would post some more on this 😉

  12. chip culbertson

    August 27, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    some of this i knew but some of it i did not know.
    it is good to learn new techniques.


  13. Danny Irby

    August 27, 2014 at 12:57 PM

    I really liked the article about how to tell if someone is lying. Some of that I never thought of. Thank you.
    Danny Irby

  14. STMA

    August 28, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    I sometimes stand at an angle to people just to talk without any deception going on, because I think I will make them feel uncomfortable or that I’m being agressive. That includes friends and family. I guess I’m one with some different body language.

  15. Dennis Fedder

    August 30, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    The getting angry because your caught isn’t always true… I recently went through this over something at work… And was told I had done and said some things I know I did not do or say… My first reaction was anger because I felt betrayed that people were believing the other person over me when everyone had worked with me and known me for a long time… Longer than the accuser… I caught myself and realized that I was making myself look guilty but had to force myself to calm down…

  16. Thomas Greis

    September 3, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    some very good stuff

  17. Don

    September 6, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    Great article and absolutely true, A well written little reminder of lessons I have learned and don’t always think about when I should! Thanks

  18. Steve

    October 4, 2014 at 11:21 PM

    Someone who has been trained in the art of discipline will not get caught. This is the type of training one may get with special forces or the CIA for a deep cover spy.

  19. Lee

    October 19, 2014 at 9:39 PM

    Thank you for the basic lesson some of us have a hard time catching lies,this will help

  20. Pingback: How To Become A Certified Survival Instructor | Family Survival

  21. Ricky Warman

    November 8, 2014 at 6:41 AM

    Awesome information sir, will you let me to rewrite it with my language?

  22. Trish

    November 16, 2014 at 1:28 AM

    Good article. As someone who held a security clearance for 25 years and had to undergo polygraph exams every 4 years, I find this better than being “wired up”. I passed all my polys with flying colors until the last poly I took (8 years ago). The examiner accused me of being a terrorist. In addition to the blood pressure cuff and the breathing cuff, they had me sit on a pad that measured the tension in my butt muscles. Ludicrous. The theory is that when you lie, you tense your butt muscles. But when the polygraph examiner kept hammering me with questions, I just got tense when the question started. For crying out loud, I’m an over 50 Christian woman! I hardly fit the profile of a terrorist. Fortunately, the entire session was video taped and even though the examiner said I’d be called back for a repeat, after her supervisors reviewed the recording, I never was called in.

    I like your tips on detecting lies much better and view them more accurate than the polygraph.

    I too was cheated on by my ex-husband. I wish I’d known this info back then. I suspected he was cheating but didn’t want to believe it or how to prove it. He went (supposedly) to the gym until midnight every few nights. Tell your friend to sniff his underwear. My ex gave me a venereal disease he claimed just spontaneously occurred. Yeah, right.

  23. Stephen G

    November 17, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    I had a girl friend who cheated on me and when I asked her about having sex with someone that new about it she would go off and get mad and attack me which was not her ways of actting about anything that would make one mad or attack someone.Well I wised up and told her to stay out of my life and my family,she begged for me to come back but I would not even speak to her and totally ignored her which drove her nuts-she haressed me for 3.5 years and 15 years later she calls and caught me off guard-please don’t hang up,please give me a chance to talk which I did.She said you treated me better than any man in her life including her father and ask if I would come to where she lived when she got back in town plus she said she had changed and was not the slut she was only to find out she had a guy living with her,she was hoping to get back in good standings with me hoping she could get me back and rid her man.I cussed her out and told her she has not changed and found out she was cheating on the guy living with her.The best book I read was-What everyone is saying by Joe Navoro-buy it on favorite book.This is a very good article.Nevere argue with the one you love-if you totally ignore them it will drive them nuts like I did with this woman,my doctor told me this and trust me it works so much better than a verbal fight.I have used this many times and works every time too.A cheater,liar and a thief are the same-if one cheats on you and you take them back they will do it again as I did with this woman plus she stole from me,my mother and got caught by police at a up scale clothing store-hope this helps someone.

  24. HillRunner

    December 10, 2014 at 3:25 AM

    That “wild animal” reaction when being quizzed about or even just reminded of a transgression is pretty common. As is a general hostility toward the person transgressed against.

    I can’t explain it but have seen it in men, women, kids, bosses, employees, etc.

    But still, maybe a person with a volatile personality would get PO’d at a false accusation.

    • Patrick

      December 16, 2014 at 7:13 PM

      Boy what a bunch of crap! First off if my feet are pointed away from you is because I do want to get away from someone who is being an idiot and accusing me. And the tail of farting in the plane is a joke! I worked in construction for 30 years and if 10 people were headed up in an elevator and one of them farted they would be the first person to speak up and say….who the hell crapped themselves. This way NO ONE looks at them! Your advice may work sometimes but then who becomes the judge and jury?

  25. MADDOG

    February 2, 2015 at 1:07 AM


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