
Fisher Zero Gravity Space Pen Review



fisher zero gravity space pen ft image 01

Your EDC kit is an incredibly personal survival tool. Many of us keep knives and multtools in our pockets or even paracord in our boot laces…. But do you keep one of these NASA-inspired Fisher Space Pens in your kit?  Check out our review below to discover if this tactical tool (that can write in space or under water) is right for you:

Fisher Space Pen: The Ultimate Every Day Carry Pen

Some preppers focus on knives, guns, and other weapons one may need in an emergency. However, how often do you need to use these if your trip to work doesn’t involve a commute through Mosul?

Paul Fisher designed a series of pens around a pressurized ink cartridge that would work in extreme conditions and withstand extensive use. The Zero Gravity space pen from Fisher is a descendent of the original Anti-Gravity 7 (AG7) Space Pen that was created for the Apollo Space Program. While this model isn’t as famous as the Bullet or the AG7, it is notable in its own right.


Like most space pens, the Zero Gravity is sold as a pen you can use almost anywhere. It is thicker than other models and is fairly heavy, making it the Heavyweight Champion of their product line. What’s ironic is that it uses the same ink cartridge as the Bullet (PR4) so most of it’s extra mass is metal. Nobody would mistake this for a delicate, dainty pen. Since I am a fan of Space Pens and live in a hot climate, I decided to pick one up and see how well I liked it.



Product | Fisher Zero Gravity Space Pen Review

The first thing you notice is how solid this pen is. It is heavy and thick yet refined at the same time. You can get this model in either matte black or silver, which is fewer than most other Space Pen models. It has a retractable tip instead of a cap, which is a feature I like since caps have a tendency to get lost. The Zero Gravity also has a clip on it, meaning you can keep it securely fastened in a pocket. It isn’t too big either, measuring 5.5” long.


Observations | Fisher Space Pen Review

I have owned Space Pens for years because they can withstand the intense Arizona heat that destroys other pens. In fact, I own several different models and use them in various kits that I have. If memory serves I have five MB4s, at least three Bullets, a pair of Trekkers, a Tough Touch, a Backpacker, and a Stowaway. You could say that I am a fan. Having said that, I am not afraid to knock a product for its shortcomings, and the Fisher Space Pen isn’t perfect.

…but it is very good in many ways.

The quality of the pen, like other Fisher products, is top-notch. The materials and quality are what you would expect from them, which is military-grade. You don’t make your name in outer space by producing a shoddy product. The Fisher Space Pen is well-made and solid, which should not come as any surprise.

How it feels writing with the Fisher Space Pen

The Big Surprise…

What caught me by surprise though was how big it is. This pen is thicker than most, meaning it feels odd in your hands. I have Medium to Large size hands, but this pen still felt a bit too unwieldy when I used it. There is no doubt I am holding a solid, sturdy pen but the Fisher Space Pen seems like a bit of overkill in this regard. Plus, it is too wide for most pen loops in notebooks or other holders. Its clip makes it handy if you have it in your flight suit or other uniforms, but this pen’s size gets in the way I think.

Now if you are a first responder, pilot, field engineer, or another user who has lots of pockets and equipment, the Fisher Space Pen may be a good choice. I can see where it’s size could help if you are wearing gloves, it won’t get lost in your hands. But for me, it doesn’t feel as natural as the MB4 (Military Space Pen) and won’t fit in my Rite In The Rain notebook, which is a definite minus. The end result is that this pen spends most of it’s time in my office laying around used while my MB4s get regular use.

Pros, Cons and Projected Costs

Pros, Cons and Projected Costs | Fisher Space Pen Review


Quality materials and construction, reliable, sturdy clip. However, it's a bit too thick to fit into most pen loops and feels unwieldy compared to other pens. MSRP for this pen is $35 on the Fisher Space Pen site, but you may be able to find it for less if you look around a bit. The replacement ink cartridges cost $6.50 on the manufacturer’s site.

Watch this short video review on the Fisher  Space Pen:

For this tool, I'll be giving it an overall rating of 7/10.

The Fisher Space Pen is a great pen in a large package. I don’t use it because it just doesn’t fit where I need to stow it. Granted, I am just a regular civilian and not a first responder or member of the military. But most of us are just regular civilians who will probably find the pen cool…but limiting. I may use it more in the future but right now, it serves only as a backup. I like it, I just don’t use it as much as I had intended.

Fisher Space Pen | Fisher Zero Gravity Space Pen Review

Do You Already Carry A  Fisher Space Pen In Your EDC? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Check out more tools to add in for your EDC kit! Here's a review about the Z-blade!

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  1. Pingback: Fisher Zero Gravity Space Pen Review | The Tactical Survivalist

  2. HollaPoint

    August 9, 2017 at 5:43 PM

    Nice review on the Zero Gravity pen. I used a Fisher Police Pro for a couple months. As far as I could tell, it is the same as the Zero Gravity aside from the words “Police Pro” printed on the barrel. It was a great pen but had a flaw that led to its demise. The pocket clip was turned up at the end. When kept in the pen pocket on the sleeve of a uniform, it caught on everything. I caught it on the shoulder strap of a hydration pack and bent it bad enough that it no longer made contact with the barrel of the pen. There was no way that I could see to remove it and bend it back. After that incident, the only thing holding it in the pen pocket was friction and I lost it shortly thereafter. I was a bit bummed but moved on to the Fisher MB4 which has been great so far. The clip is a different design and never catches on anything.

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