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DIY Venison Jerky | Survival Food

Jerky is one of the most popular snack foods in the country, and venison jerky is especially popular this time of year. It's not only a delicious snack, but also makes a great survival food. One reason for that is that jerky is surprisingly nutritious. When the meat is processed, all the fat and moisture are removed. The dehydrating (or drying) process ensures that apart from being almost a hundred percent fat free, jerky also contains a high concentration of protein.
We all know that fat is not a good thing to put in our bodies. With only 3% fat in jerky, the associated health risks are nearly eliminated. Protein on the other hand is a very important compound since it is the primary component of the body's cells. It helps build tissue and repair those tissues, and it gives us energy. Protein like that found in jerky is vital in a survival food.
DIY Venison Jerky
We're big fans of venison, and venison jerky is one of our favorites. It's tasty, healthy, stores well and is easy to carry on the go. Below is a preview of one of our favorite venison jerky recipes. Check it out, and click through for the full recipe.
To see all the steps in making venison jerky, click here.
How To Make Awesome Venison Jerky
Want to know how to make awesome venison jerky with all that meat in your freezer?
This is a traditional technique to preserve any type of meat and makes a great snack to have in your pantry through the winter.
Making jerky consists of cutting the meat into thin strips and then drying it with salt or sugar so that it will not rot. The fat is often-times removed.
Making jerky on your own is actually a simple and easy process. With this recipe, you can preserve venison for a long period of time
This recipe is for those who want to have their Venison Jerky simple with just a hint of seasoning.
Recipe adapted form Beef Jerky Recipes
Venison Jerky
6 lbs venison, cut into small strips
1 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1 tsp chili powder
1 1/2 tsp. curing salt
2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. lemon pepper
1 tsp. pepper
3 tsp. accent seasoning
8 tsp. salt
2 Tb. liquid smoke
Combine all the ingredients in a plastic bag or sealable container.
Add venison strips, mix well and refrigerate for 3 days to allow for marination.
Place jerky strips on a wire rack, with a shallow baking pan underneath to catch any drippings.
Preheat oven to 175 degrees, and cook jerky for one and a half hours. Check consistency and pliability, and cook 30 minutes at a time until desired dryness is reached.
Store you jerky in a dry container and location. Sealed mason jars or vacuum packs work well.
via How To Make Awesome Venison Jerky – Wide Open Spaces.
Protein is a macronutrient that the body needs in large amounts, and venison jerky is a very good source. It is also interesting to note that the body has no storage for protein which means protein should be a constant part of one's diet in order to stay healthy and strong.
Jerky does not only offer nutritional benefits. It is also the ideal survival food. This fat-free dried meat is so easy to carry with you because it is very light yet so full of the protein that the body needs. Plus it is ready to eat, anytime, anywhere. But the best thing about venison jerky for preppers is the fact that it has a very long shelf life. It will actually last for several months, making it a great addition to every prepper's food storage list.
Check out some related articles from our blog and our partner sites:
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December 11, 2014 at 9:52 AM
December 11, 2014 at 10:01 AM
I happen to love jerky, and already knew how to make it myself. So I’m in agreement that it’s a good thing. However, you might want to remove one comment above… no, we don’t all “know that fat is not a good thing to put in our bodies.” Fat is necessary for our bodies and minds to function and is the optimal source of energy, needing to replace sugars and simple carbs for long life and good health. Not all fat is the same [PUFAs, transfats, rancid fats, fats from animals that are not pastured… are all problems], but fat in venison, which is super low to begin with, would not be something to avoid. The “fat is bad and unhealthy” myth has finally been put to rest scientifically [see the works of Chris Kresser, JJ Virgin, and any of the dozens of health researchers and practitioners changing the world of heath today]. Jerky is good stuff… no need to sell it with an old myth.
Stephen H. Rush, DC
December 11, 2014 at 9:15 PM
Carrie is right. Something I learned in Chiropractic College 28 years ago. Problem with America is the “unnaturlization processes” of our food like bleaching, enriching, and adding poisonous fillers, preservatives, hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and GMO’s. Add over-eating until we can’t breathe, not chewing our foods enough, and washing it down with soda and juices which are high in sugar and dilute our stomach acids (even worse, taking antacids). Eat foods in the form that God created them, eat raw what you can, cook that which is necessary.
December 17, 2014 at 4:43 PM
Could not have said it better myself. The only thing you left out was the excito-toxins like artificial sweeteners. Thanks for raising awareness about how we kill the nutritional value of our food in America. As my Italian cousin asked me during a recent trip, “Why do you Americans,…(pause)…, eat bad food?” To which I could only reply with a laugh.
December 12, 2014 at 3:02 AM
You are so right about our bodies needing fats, there are those to avoid, and those that our bodies need, just like needing omega3 the plant omega’s are not the ones we need the most actually we really don’t need much of them at all, omega’s from fish is the best, if you don’t like or eat alot of fish then supplement to get that fish oil, they have chewables out now, so you have a choice, I am very much into fitness, and at my age, I tend to do a little homework on what my/our bodies need to be optimal,anyway Carrie you are right, everyone have a great weekend coming.
December 11, 2014 at 10:01 AM
I have been making Jerky for 30 years. I have never given up my secret for the worlds best jerky.
4-5 lbs any meat that can be thinly sliced. Freeze your meat for 30-40 minutes prior to slicing. Makes it much easier to slice.
One bottle low sodium soy, one bottle teriaky sauce, one cup whisky, one cup brown sugar and 1-3 tsp chili flakes. I like to use sriracha with garlic 1-2 tsp.
place in a Tupperware container mix it all then add your meat. Let it marinade for 6-12 hours..mix the meat around ever 2-3 hours. Then dehydrate on oven racks or but a $35 6 tray from Ronco on eBay . This will keep your oven clean and your wife happy.
Steve Cebell
December 11, 2014 at 10:25 AM
I’ve jerked 1-1/2 year old venison after I cleaned out my freezer. I retrieved 60 lbs. and kept 40 lbs. after going through the smell test for gaminess. It came out great, with about 15-18 lbs of jerky. I put everything into my marinade that I thought would taste good including red pepper flakes for about half so I had some hot and regular. Everyone loved it, especially the hot jerky.
Daryle Thomas
December 11, 2014 at 10:28 AM
Hey Joe,
(You may need to hire a proof-reader.)
Jerky, whether it is made from beef, venison, fish, turkey/chicken or pork is something that really must be done with care to prevent food related illnesses. There is a lot to be said for investing in commercial jerky seasoning kits. Almost all have a curative (nitrites) to prevent bacterial growth. It is true that salt, in its various forms, greatly reduces bacteria. Jerky is not heated hot enough to actually kill all bacteria not affected by the use of salt.
When making jerky from whole muscle you should be aware that it will shrink by half in weight and size. To create the typical grocery store sized piece, cut meat about an inch and a half to two inches wide by a quarter of an inch thick. Flank steak is good for jerky, as is bottom round. Both start out low in fat. Chilling the meat to just about freezing allows for easy cutting.
Many recipes call for dry seasoning. Wet processing works well, too. All those meat sauces such as soy, Worcestershire, A-One, Frank’s, or what have you, sitting on your kitchen shelf can make a good seasoning for jerky.
The better tool for jerky making is a dehydrator. I use semi-commercial sized units, but small and affordable round dryers work very well. An optional quick run through a smoker can add a bit more flavor to finished jerky.
Don’t worry about shelf-life. Unless you have processed the better part of a young steer, you and your friends will eat all the jerky produced before it even shows signs of age.
That is all.
December 11, 2014 at 10:30 AM
Haha jerky is healthy for you except for the fact that every package has at least one of Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Nitrite, and Sodium Nitrate. Each of these are scientifically proven to cause cancer, and maybe a few other things.
December 11, 2014 at 10:36 AM
Looks good. I may try that sometime soon. The recipe that we use also calls for Accent which I stopped using! Accent is pure MSG, the stuff that health interested people want to stay away from. All it is is a flavor enhancer and does nothing else for the body and can cause other problems that we do not need in a long term survival situation. My suggestion is to add a little more salt (which is not good for you either) and experiment with flavors/herbs instead of salt or Accent. If I had my druthers I would take salt over MSG any day.
December 11, 2014 at 1:55 PM
Friends of mine make and sell Gator Jerky here, in Florida!
Alan Deuchar
December 11, 2014 at 8:12 PM
from South Africa, make my own Biltong. Jerky it does not come close.Use a home made box with a light and good ventilation.
December 13, 2014 at 3:46 PM
My son’s former wife’s Dad can make the best venison sausage balls in the world, dang, I wish they had not gotten divorced!
December 15, 2014 at 12:00 PM
Excellent recipe. Nothing beats the satisifaction of harvesting a deer and processing it yourself!
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