Do It Yourself

DIY Propane Torch



diy propane torch

Learn How To Make Your Own “Gas Blaster”

If there's one word that can describe us as preppers, it's “resourceful.”

It's almost like our minds just work a little different from everyone else's. We're constantly looking for ways to make use of everyday items, to work with our hands and build something useful.

At Survival Life, we love DIY projects and we think it's important to learn how to build and forge needed items on your own. After all, when SHTF, these skills won't only be useful — they'll be necessary for survival.

The video below from King Of Random teaches you how to make a propane torch from just a few simple materials. If you enjoy metalworking, you've gotta check this out!


Want more DIY projects? Check out these related articles and videos:

DIY Swedish Torch

DIY Fire Starters

DIY Emergency Fire Starting Kit




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