Personal Safety

Car Survival Kit Essentials For Road Emergencies

We’ve come up with an assortment of stuff or kit that when put together will make an awesome car survival kit. Read on to find more about it. Read. Learn. Survive.



Feature | Car Survival Kit Essentials For Road Emergencies | car survival kit list

If you still think you don't need an emergency car survival kit, think again! Traveling unprepared in the dead of night and getting stuck in the middle of nowhere are the last things you'd want to happen to you, especially if you're a car owner.

Car Survival Kit: Tools to Bring When Traveling

A car survival kit plays a crucial role whenever you're faced with an emergency situation while on the road. I know preparing a car survival kit can seem a bit daunting, but it can also be an interesting project. Plus, preparing for you and your family's survival and safety is unquestionably a worthy task. If you don't have an idea of the items included in a car survival kit, then this list below can be a useful guide.


1. Sustenance Kit

When you're stuck in a survival situation, one of the most important things is staying hydrated. Each person in the car needs to drink about a gallon of water a day. You may also bring water bottles and water purification tablets on your journey. And when it comes to food, carrying high-energy protein bars is a good idea because you will need all the energy you can muster to get out of an emergency situation unscathed.


2. First Aid Kit

If you're far from civilization, it is always wise to keep a first aid kit in your car bug out bag because you'll never know when an emergency situation will start showing its irksome face. Here are some of the things you need to include in your first aid kit:

  • Gauze bandages of assorted sizes
  • Burn ointment
  • Absorbent pads
  • Eyewash cup
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Cloth Tape
  • Aspirin and nonaspirin pain relievers
  • Nausea medication
  • Scissors, safety pins, and tweezers
  • CPR mask
  • Duct tape
  • Sunscreen
  • Emergency blankets

3. Mechanical Kit

Mechanical Kit | Car Survival Kit Essentials For Emergencies | car survival kit list

These mechanical tools or vehicle equipment should always be on your car survival kit list, regardless if you're going to embark on a long road trip or just heading out to the convenient store. We can never be too complacent when we're traveling, so it is just right to carry these tools in your car all the time. Here's a list of the tools that should be in your vehicle's trunk:

  • Ratchet Set
  • Screwdrivers
  • Lug Wrench
  • Jumper Cables
  • Jack
  • Oil
  • Replacement Bulbs
  • Brake Fluid
  • Antifreeze/Coolant
  • Extra Belts
  • Fuses
  • Spare Tire
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Magic Tank (in the event you ran out of gas)

4. Fire, Light, and Heat

In the event of an emergency and you're stuck in the middle of a dark, misty road, light and heat care absolute life savers. Even if you have all the necessary tools but are deprived of light, your effort in fixing your vehicle will be futile. And your struggle continues if you find yourself stranded while the freezing wind is continuously piercing your skin. Consider including these items below in your car survival kit:

  • Light sticks
  • Hand crank flashlight
  • Headlamp
  • Emergency candles
  • Fire starters

5. Recovery Kit

When you are caught in a situation and a tow truck is not a valid option, you will be needing a sure-shot plan. Thus, having a recovery kit in your truck is a must, particularly if you will travel on rough terrain. Check out this list of items below that should be present in your recovery kit:

  • Winch pack
  • Snatch strap
  • Winch extension strap
  • Exhaust jacks
  • Jack mounts
  • Tree trunk protector
  • Snatch block
  • Recovery dumper
  • Bow shackles
  • Gloves
  • Shovel

6. Carryall Bag

Carryall Bag | Car Survival Kit Essentials For Emergencies | car survival kit list

A backpack is the best carryall to keep your things when a situation arises where you need to ditch your car and set out on foot. The backpack should have a lot of separate compartments and pockets to store the fragile items, such as your first aid kit and prescription medications. There are backpacks that come with hook and loop patches on them and it can keep your bag in place, preventing it from sliding inside your car's trunk.

7. Miscellaneous

Every survivalist and devoted prepper know preparedness is the key to survival. And having these things in your car will be good leverage. Others may not agree with it and think it's just a waste of space, but when SHTF while you're in the middle of the road, you'll be glad you have them in your car's trunk. Check out these items below and consider bringing some of them on your next road trip:

  • Fire extinguisher
  • Car batteries and batteries for flashlights
  • Hazard triangles and road flares
  • Extra clothing and blankets
  • Multi-tool
  • Sanitation kit
  • Compass and maps
  • Rescue mirror and emergency whistle


Check out this video from EverydayTacticalVids and find out what you're missing in your car survival kit!


Travel with caution and always have a car survival kit in the trunk. When everything you need is well-prepared, you will feel more confident as you travel and explore whatever place you will go to. Arm yourself with the right knowledge and equipment every time you're going to embark on a journey, so you'll come back with a pleasant experience without a single drop of regret!

Car Survival Kit Essentials For Road Emergencies | car survival kit list

Do you know other items that should be included in a car survival kit? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

UP NEXT: Survival Emergency Car Kit | The DIY Kit That Could Save Your Life


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  1. Alan

    February 8, 2017 at 8:09 AM

    And now you need an SUV to keep all that stuff in, it would fill the trunk of an average car!!

    • Victor

      June 12, 2019 at 6:58 AM

      Maybe, but rather leave behind the really unnecessaary stuff and have your survival prep kit with you at ALL times .
      My boss used to tease me about the stuff in my car, until he called me for help !!

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  16. Victor

    June 12, 2019 at 6:59 AM

    Try also adding a small 12 volt compressor to inflate a flat and a puncture repair kit !!

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