10 Gardening Tips And Tricks You Can Use Right Now!
Spring season is fast approaching. This is one of the best time to get those gardening tools, till the soil and plant. And what better way to do this than to be guided with awesome gardening tips. Read on and find more about this tips that will make your gardening a whole lot better.

Make the best out of the greens you grow by putting these gardening tips to good use!
10 Gardening Tips and Tricks You Need to Know
Natural Ways for Your Garden
There are tons of gardening tricks and tips that make gardening lots of fun! You'd be surprised at how a few simple household ingredients can transform your garden.
The best part? All of these gardening tips use natural ingredients, free of pesticides and other toxic chemicals.
These yard work tips will definitely make your garden better. Check out the list below to get started.
Tip #1: Grow Tomato Seedlings the Easy Way
This is the easiest and the best way to grow tomatoes. All you need is potting soil or garden mix, container or pot, and ripe tomatoes.
I was so impressed with this simple technique of growing tomatoes! Anyone can actually do this, regardless of how long you've been gardening.
Tip #2: Turn Your Plastic Milk Jug into a Watering Jug
I like this idea because it’s all about recycling what you have around the house and saving money. Let’s face it, gardening tools can cost a lot of money.
Good thing there are gardening hints and tips that can turn your old stuff into useful things, like this watering jug! Choose either a small needle or a big needle and heat it on a flame so you can pierce the lid of the milk jug easily.
Now you can water your plants and crops in an earth-friendly way.
Tip #3: Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden
Utilize those coffee grounds! They make excellent fertilizer, compost, and so much more!
It adds nutrients to your soil, makes texture and drainage better, and keeps pests from devouring your vegetable garden. These are the fundamental benefits you can get from coffee grounds.
Tip #4: Use Crushed Eggshells
One amazing way to protect your plants from pests is by sprinkling crushed eggshells at the base. They act as a good fertilizer.
When you till these eggshells into the soil it provides calcium to your plants, which is essential in building cell walls. And it also aerates the soil while reducing its acidity.
For other tips and tricks using eggshells and egg cartons check this article about egg carton seedlings.
Tip #5: Re-grow Your Vegetables from Kitchen Scraps
Here's one more vegetable gardening tip: stop throwing away leftover vegetable scraps! You can regrow so many different veggies by planting their bottom end into a well-prepared patch of good soil.
Just make sure their bed is kept moist. This is surprisingly easy.
Here are detailed instructions on how to regrow vegetables from scraps!
RELATED: Vegetable Plants Can Be Grown Vertically, Cutting Back On Space And Effort
Tip #6: Grow Microgreens
If you're into making salads, juices, and smoothies, then these delicious microgreens will make it delectable. Growing them is easy and all you'll need are seeds, potting soil, and a shallow tray.
A recycled baking dish or container will do the trick.
Tips #7: Herb Garden Planter
Got limited space? Well, that's not a problem!
You can make rustic plant box in a jiffy. All you need is an old wooden box or drawer, rocks, soil, and of course, your favorite herb.
This project will greatly simplify your cooking because you won't need to go to the store for fresh herbs.
Tip #8: Succulent Planters
Succulents planted in eggshells are definitely one of a kind. It's a unique and inexpensive way to showcase your plants.
Tip #9: Bottle Gardens
This self-watering planter will make your gardening a whole lot easier. This garden tip can be really helpful.
Sometimes we don't have enough hours in a day to tend to our plants and that is the reason why these bottle planters are very good additions to our garden. Although this project may take some time, it will surely be worth it.
Tip #10: DIY Tea Tin Herbs
Upcycle your old tea tins and transform them into useful and fascinating planters. Though the image calls for succulents, you can definitely plant herbs in old tea tins, too!
It will be an awesome addition to your garden or to your kitchen. After all, food cooked with fresh herbs will make it even more delightful and flavorful.
If you want more gardening hacks, check out this video by GrowVeg to improve your garden!
I know there are more sources of gardening tips out there, like this one that's 300-pages long and these playing cards. But these 10 are the no-fail basics your garden will benefit from.
They are so easy to do and uses only the natural ingredients to keep you and your plants safe. Having an improved garden will make your life easier and healthier.
If you have a gardening tip you would like to share, please share in the comment section below! Best of luck, fellow gardeners!
Up Next: 20 Survival Gardening Plants For Spring
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Expand your garden and grab a variety of seeds from the Survival Life Store here!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 7, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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glenda urmacher
October 19, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Now if someone can tell me how to get rid of squirrels.
They destroyed every avocado on my tree.
October 16, 2017 at 6:33 AM
Put some chili power around plant.
Mike Coloma
January 21, 2018 at 9:33 AM
Apply fox urine powder around the base and branches. See your local garden shop or look for it on line.
Stephen Taylor
October 26, 2017 at 9:59 AM
Squirrels avoid my bird feeder and gardens since I bought a nice 22 caliber pellet rifle and scope. They are smart and word travels. Umarex Octane, break barrel. Under $200.
March 14, 2018 at 9:00 AM
That’s a bit extreme don’t you think? Squirrels don’t know the food is for the birds. No need to kill them, Get a squirrel baffle at Wild Bird Center or Wal Mart.
March 31, 2018 at 7:38 AM
They are not bad cooked on an open flame.
July 18, 2018 at 3:09 PM
If eating rodents ( rats ) your style…go for it.
Jon Jones
October 5, 2019 at 6:50 AM
Have you ever tried rabbit, it’s a bit tastier than rat, I would think, and a whole lot healthier.
Also, judging by your demeanor,
I might suspect that you’re a Liberal thinker…….Enjoy
May 2, 2018 at 11:52 AM
You’re an idiot!!!!
May 21, 2018 at 11:01 PM
Plant a decoy garden
James Mathews
June 15, 2018 at 1:06 PM
Your comment,”You’re an idiot”, not only is out of place here but since you do not have the ability to move out of your normal routine cuisine, you will never savor the delicious flavor of a well-cooked squirrel stew, right out of American History! “Delicious!!!
May 31, 2018 at 9:57 AM
that’s wicked all animals should be allowed to go wherever!
James Mathews
June 15, 2018 at 1:15 PM
Rats In your bedroom??!! Uh, no thanks, Preserve animals if you can, that is nice, but remember that animals have no human morals and all they want is food, sex, sleep, and a warm place in Winter. Essentially that is the same recipe as for a robber, murderer who wants what you have because like an animal he has nothing! I believe I will adapt that idea to protect myself and my family. I understand a hungry or angry bear should not be allowed in your house, just because he wants to come!!!!
February 14, 2018 at 5:26 PM
O sprinkles Old Spice after shave around my property years ago and have not seen a squirrel since!
February 27, 2018 at 4:03 AM
For real,,,
March 31, 2018 at 7:36 AM
I will try it. There are hundreds of Squirrels in our neighborhood.
Resul AKSU
March 2, 2018 at 1:14 AM
1 liter of water
100 cc likid arap soap (natural soap)
100 gr Chili pepper (hot pepper)
1) pepper and 1 liter of water are mixed and left for 1 night.
2) blend, thinly sieve.
3) Add 100cc liquid arab soap (natural soap) to the filtered mixture.
4) Mix thoroughly. Sprinkled fruit and leaves.
NOTE: The benefits and uses of this applet are; It is done once a week for all the plants. The insects hate it painfully. Animals like ants, ants, snails, etc. The animals such as squirrels and mice do not like pain.
This practice has inherited us from our grandfathers
Just as everything is harmful. Do not overdo it in practice.
April 15, 2018 at 9:36 PM
Do you have a cat, they are deathly afraid of cats.
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January 20, 2017 at 1:32 AM
I did read it over and found it to be very well written and informative. I’m going to try a few of the suggested tips. Thanks for all the great tips and advice! Will also recommend it to others.
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June 19, 2017 at 7:27 AM
Hi! Great article! I’m not sure if anyone here could help me or not but I was wondering if anyone would be able ti give me some advice about garden fences? I know it’s random but I don’t really know where else to go to ask about this kind of thing! The thing is for years I’ve had the same fence in my garden – it’s a classic wooden one – nothing particularly special – it did the job of providing some privacy to the garden and that was pretty much it. But a couple of months ago we got our new dog Maxie. We love Maxie to pieces, but I think all of us would admit he can be a bit of tinker to say the least! Needless to say after a few weeks in the garden, the fence has been burrowed under and jumped over a multitude of times! We really need to invest in a new fence that is both going to look nice but which will also help keep our little tinker in the garden! Have anyone got any suggestions for where we can get this type of fencing? I saw an article in the paper the other day for Park Lane Fencing has anyone heard of them? We’re based in the Birmingham area so we really need someone within the nearby vicinity, hence why I thought they might be a good option. Does anyone have any recommendations or are we best going for Park Lane? Any suggestions people could offer would be amazing as it’s fair to say fencing isn’t exactly my area of expertise!
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August 7, 2018 at 12:48 AM
Nice tips to try out. These are great for people who are addictive to indoor and outdoor gardening.
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Perfect Plants
January 4, 2019 at 3:37 PM
Thank you for sharing these. Some were new to me and some I knew. Always interested in learning new things. Thanks!!
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Claire Masters
October 25, 2021 at 10:33 PM
This lockdown has me wanting to go into gardening. So, thanks for the tips especially about using coffee grounds. I love coffee so I’m happy to know I can repurpose it to make the soil healthier for plants. I wonder where I could purchase more gardening materials and decorative rocks because I’m really going to put an effort into this thing.
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