Do It Yourself

Shedding A Little Light On Cheap Solar Power



Feature | Shedding A Little Light On Cheap Solar Power

Build your own emergency solar power for homes or outdoor use using only three affordable materials. Learn what those are here!

How to Make Cheap Emergency Lighting Using Solar Power


An Alternative Light Source

How important is it to have solar power?

The days are short, and the temperatures are low. The cold weather and winter storms are sure to bring down a few power lines this winter. It means it's time to break out your lanterns and flashlights, right?


Propane, oil, and batteries can get rather expensive over time. If you want a steady supply, you can consider having a DIY light that runs on solar energy.

A number of people believe the sun tends to be far from the earth during wintertime. The seasons and their relation to sunlight depend on many factors. One of these is the angle of the planet's tilt.

In other words, even if the weather's mighty cold, the sun is still out there. You can still depend on solar power systems.

My friend Leon wrote an article on how to produce an effective solar light source for under $8. He asked me to share it with you.

RELATED: 9 DIY Solar Power Projects For Survival And Self-Sufficiency

How to Make a Solar Power Under $8

Here's an excerpt from Survival Common Sense (shared with permission) to learn how to make a cheap solar-powered light:

Nobody wants to sit in the dark when the power grid goes down. An effective, safe source of light will be greatly appreciated as a gift or as an addition to your emergency lighting plan.

Here’s what you need to complete this emergency lighting project:

  • Chandelier shades/globes: These are generally really cheap because you need at least four to outfit a chandelier. When it's time to replace one, it may be hard to find an exact duplicate. Then, you can donate the other shades to the local recycle store. Shades have a variety of shapes and glass style, and all you need is to find two that will fit together at the wide part. I got my last shades for 50 cents a piece at the local ReStore.
  • Solar accent lights: The sun recharge these lights, and you may have some in the garage leftover from this summer’s garden. If you have to buy them, the standard wand shape lights will probably cost less than $5 each. During the off season, you’ll probably find a sale.
  • Glue: You’ll need something that bonds glass. I used LIQUID NAILS® Adhesive, and it has held up well. Assembly is simple: Just glue the two wide parts of the shades together and let the adhesive cure. Find another type of chandelier shade and use that for the base. Insert the accent light in the top, and the lamp is ready to go.

Read the rest of the article by visiting Survival Common Sense.


Do you need another DIY light source? Here's a video by SensiblePrepper that can be useful when SHTF:


Light allows you to do so many things, including those that can help increase your survival. Make sure you have one anytime with these DIY home solar power kits. We hope you find this post interesting and helpful. Share these lighting project with your family and friends as well!

What do you think of this cheap solar power? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: 7 Camping Light Ideas For Your Next Trip


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on January 3, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  1. Lyle Spiva

    January 4, 2014 at 4:03 AM

    I’ve kept bandaids (small and large) and 2 sizes of safety pins in my wallet since high school (50 yrs) always handy to have bandaids but a safety pin has fixed many items including on my tractor in the field. One lady at church was dripping blood from a fresh paper cut. I asked if i could help and she half chuckling said yes if I had a bandaid. She couldn’t believe I did. I asked if there was anything else she needed and wouldn’t you know it, she said ” well I need a safety pin to repair the hem on my pants” She about died when I pulled out two gold safety pins I also had a couple more larger ones. They take up minimal space and are a must in my “wallet firstaid kit”. One gentleman in a department store caught his finger on something sharp on a cloths rack. As i walked by i reached in my pocket took a bandaid out and handed it to him without breaking stride. I just said ” here looks like you could use this. I was already ten feet away before he could get a thank you out. A great feeling to help someone that didn’t expect it. I teach a class on beefing up your firstaid kit. All kinds of neat lightweight stuff to include in your kit that makes a difference in being ready for most firstaid situations. Thank you for Survival Sence . Com!

    • Lyle Spiva

      January 4, 2014 at 4:13 AM

      I’ve kept small gold and a larger safety pins and small and large banaids in my wallet for 50 yrs now. Always helpful to have a bandaid and really nice when you need to clip something together with a safety pin. No wallet should be without these quick fixes.

    • Bruce Forster

      August 7, 2018 at 11:38 AM

      WELL DONE!
      Having a small 1st aid kit on your Belt would also be a good idea, but remember this.
      It is fine to GIVE another person 1st aid supplies, but you DARE NOT render the actual 1st Aid yourself. Because if ANY thing goes wrong, you could be on the hook if the person you are trying to help has a “litigious” nature.

      • Ida

        October 12, 2018 at 8:55 AM

        Good Samaritan laws in all 50 states, so not so much on the legal fears. That said, you do not want to present yourself as a trained professional, even if you have first aid/ cpr training unless it is a life threatening emergency. And the ONLY advice should be keep it clean & check w your doctor if you have any questions…

    • Walter D. Burnett

      August 7, 2018 at 1:17 PM

      Great minds ‘eh? I’ve had band-aids and safety pins in my 2-speed wallet for years. In fact, there is enough room to carry two 36″ stainless braided fishing leaders for use as snares, 20’ of 36 lb. test, braided nylon cord and paracord. RIP, Boy Scouts of America!

  2. Rick England

    January 6, 2014 at 12:04 PM

    Love these articles, please keep’m coming, thanks
    Rick, Des Moines, Iowa

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  4. Pingback: 9 DIY Solar Power Projects For Survival And Self-Sufficiency - Survive!

  5. Pingback: 9 DIY Solar Power Projects For Survival And Self-Sufficiency | Life Off The Grid

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