
Six Ways to Escape from Handcuffs, Zip Ties, and Duct Tape



  1. While we hope this never happens, one day you may find yourself in a situation you need to escape.  It's always best to not get caught in the first place, but if you do, how are you going to get out of there if you're tied up?

How to Escape from Handcuffs

Fortunately, you don't have to be Houdini to escape from a tight spot.  With a bit of practice you can become adept at breaking out of handcuffs, zip ties, and the like.  Check out this video to learn more.

To learn more about self defense tips, check out these related articles:

Self Defense When SHTF

Self Defense Tactics: Close Quarters Defense

SELF DEFENSE: Escaping Your Captors in the City

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  1. Charles B

    May 15, 2018 at 4:40 PM

    Total BS I can show you many ways of using the same restraints that cannot be defeated that way. Oh so sorry, Uncle Albert!

  2. Gerardo

    May 16, 2018 at 7:17 PM

    I think the point is being missed.
    Are you writing this article to get away from the police? They use procedures like cuffing behind the back to make it more difficult and the zip ties are heavy duty type so you can’t break them with your hands and arms tied behind your back. Cutters or scissors must be used to remove the zip ties.
    I think the majority of criminals that tie a person up to assist with committing their crime will tie the hands in front because it is easier for the criminals.

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