Do It Yourself
9 Tips to Keep Your House Cool

During the summer a house can get really warm. The quick solutions would be to turn on the air conditioner, ceiling fans and other cooling devices that run on electricity. Effective as they may be, these artificial coolers can use up a lot of power and this will reflect on your electric bill. There are other ways to beat the heat in your home without having to pay so much.
9 Tips to Keep Your House Cool
Now you may be wondering, why talk about cooling the home when it's already fall and winter is just around the corner? Simply because we are preppers and survivalists. When TSHTF, the power grid will be shut down and apart from power outages, there may be weather disturbances and who knows what else. It is better to prepare and arm yourself with the knowledge now than wonder what to do when the temperatures rise.
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9 Tips Everyone Should Know for Keeping Your House Cool
Use these affordable options to reduce your cooling bills and stay comfortable in summer heat.
This is a guest post by Amber Bradshaw of The Coastal Homestead.
Remember way back when last winter you were praying for warm weather and promised you would never complain about the heat again? Yeah, me neither.
Are you considering taking out a second mortgage just to pay your electric bill? Ditto.
Are you staying inside because it’s too hot to go out? Right there with ya.
Summertime may bring many wonderful things but the extreme heat is not one of them. For many using air conditioning is not affordable nor available. Here are some tips to keep your house cool in summer heat that we have used to combat our ever increasing electric bill.
Keeping Your House Cool Tip #1 – Dehumidify
Not all 100 degree weather is created equal. I’m from Southern California where the blistering heat can be relentless, not to mention the drought, although it was a dry heat. I now reside on the coast of South Carolina where you can never get dry after taking a shower (literally), and I find myself missing those 105 degree temperatures compared to the 95 here. Call me crazy but it’s hotter here. If you live in an area with dry heat your body perspires, your sweat evaporates, and you cool off, just the way nature intended. If you live in an area with lots of humidity (which I do) you sweat and it doesn’t evaporate. Instead it soaks your clothes leaving you feeling hot, wet, sticky, and miserable.
For personal comfort in high humidity:
wear loose cotton or other natural fabric that breathes
purchase a dehumidifier
A dehumidifier helps remove excess moisture from the air which leaves you feeling cooler even in hot temperatures. You can find a dehumidifier at most big box stores; Craigslist, classifieds, and online. Here is a link for a small one on Amazon.
Keeping Your House Cool Tip #2 – Unplug
via 9 Tips Everyone Should Know for Keeping Your House Cool.
Heat is one of the causes of dehydration. In high temperatures, the body sweats and you lose the fluids needed to function normally. Dehydration is not the only risk in hot temperatures. Heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and the fatal heat stroke are all very possible.
High temperatures can cause death so it is only sensible to protect ourselves from being exposed to heat. Apart from the negative effects it can have on one's health, heat can also cause great discomfort. We need to be comfortable in order to continue with daily tasks as well as survive any crisis situation. It is also worth noting that food can easily spoil in high heat conditions so you also need to keep them cool.
Drinking a lot of water can help cool the body down. So does wearing light and loose clothes. Survival is not only about having the skills and supplies; it is also about taking good care of your body and keeping your house comfortable to live in.
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