
HERO COP: Rookie Cop Saves 12-Year-Old Girl



A hero cop does not think twice when he or she needs to save someone's life. More often than not, their act goes unnoticed but that does not matter to them.

HERO COP: Rookie Cop Saves 12-Year-Old Girl

This is an amazing story and shows that police officers truly are heroes.

When this rookie police officer found a 12-year-old girl standing on a bridge, “sobbing and desperate” and ready to jump, he took immediate action — and ended up saving her life.

Check out the video below.

A hero cop is what our country needs to win back the faith of people that police officers seem to have been losing for some time now. Citizens have been dismayed by news of bad cops, what with the unjustified arrests and killings and all that. These selfless law enforcement officers give hope to the image and future of the police force.

It's also important to realize that not every cop is a bad one, out to take advantage of innocent people or get rid of unwanted members of the minority. As people of this nation, it is also our part to avoid prejudice and give each police officer the benefit of the doubt.

Human beings are inherently good and a hero cop is proof that there is kindness in this world. We must keep in our minds that most police officers are ready to risk their lives in order to save those of others like you and me.

After all, if every good deed that each officer does is reported in the news or TV, the papers would not have enough space and broadcasters will run out of time. Let's not give up or lose trust in the country's finest. There is always a hero cop hiding in every law enforcement officer.

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