Financial Survival
How To Retire After A Financial Crisis, Comfortably

You can retire after financial crisis in comfort! Read on to find out how.
RELATED: How To Survive An Economic Crash
Retire After Financial Crisis in Comfort with These Tips
The First Step: Understanding a Financial Crisis
You might not connect a comfortable retirement with a financial crisis, but the truth is there are always opportunities if you know where to look.
Yes! To retire after a financial crisis in comfort and even in luxury is possible. Start by asking yourself “What causes a financial crisis?” and “What will happen if the economy collapses?”
A financial crisis is often triggered by one or more of these problems:
- Out-of-control government spending and debt
- Investment bubbles caused by “easy money” (near-zero interest rates)
- Inflation of the money supply
- Loss of confidence in financial or government systems
- War
- Large-scale natural disasters
Next, look at what all of these triggers have in common: They feed off of each other and they all involve money.
The first four triggers are almost always directly related to fiat currency – fake money, the government, or central bank prints. Fiat currency, like the U.S. dollar, always has the same fate: eventually, it dies.
The last two triggers – war and natural disasters – often cause the first four because war and disaster damage are both very expensive. They are usually not paid for with regular tax revenue, so they print it instead.
This list should look familiar. We are in the middle of most of these triggers right now and have experienced large-scale natural disasters recently (Hurricane Katrina, for example).
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So what does all this have to do with retiring comfortably?
The answer is in the currency. When a nation’s money dies because of irresponsible practices, like paying debts with more debt, people will flock back to real money.
Real money is limited in supply and cannot be inflated by greedy bankers and politicians. Real money is a store of value while fiat currency falls in value from inflation until people lose all confidence in it. Then it dies.
Recognizing real money isn’t difficult. For thousands of years, gold and silver play an important role as a currency – far longer than any paper currency. The opportunity to retire comfortably with real money comes from two things:
- As the general population flocks back to real money (when the big crisis hits), demand will skyrocket and so will the “price.”
- Fraudulent practices by commodities brokers, central banks, governments, and Wall Street have promised the same piece of gold and silver to several “owners.” When these owners figure out they all own the same piece of precious metals “real estate” and they have been duped, the supply of gold and silver will plummet and the price will skyrocket.
Let’s dig into each of these two opportunities so you can understand why you can retire comfortably just by owning some gold and silver.
The Flight Back to Real Money
The first one is pretty easy to understand. All fiat currencies eventually fail and the U.S. dollar will be no exception.
When this process is complete most people will lose everything tied directly to the dollar. This includes bank accounts, Wall Street stocks, bonds and mutual funds along with other paper assets like insurance policies.
Barter will work for a time, but it has limitations because some form of money will eventually take over. For example, it would be impractical for you to trade chicken eggs for a place to live.
Barter generally works best with items of similar value. Most people understand gold and silver are the answer, so everyone will be trying to get physical gold and silver.
The problem (or opportunity) is with limited supply, so the old economics law of supply and demand will take over and the value will shoot up until things level off.
So when the other 98% decide they need to catch up, those who already own physical gold and silver will see their investment climb into the stratosphere.
The Coming Fight Over Who Owns What
Ownership claims for gold and silver by Wall Street investors, banks, governments, and customers of some storage facilities now exceed the actual amount of physical gold and silver by over 100 times.
Known as the leverage ratio, the chart below shows how many ounces of gold are claimed by someone on paper for every ounce in the inventory of the COMEX gold exchange (think of COMEX as the New York Stock Exchange of gold and silver).
What this means is brokers of “paper gold” are selling the same ounce of physical gold over and over to 100+ different people and institutions. Eventually, this fraudulent practice will fall apart when investors demand their gold – and very few will actually get it.
There are two lessons you can learn from the COMEX leverage ratio being so high:
- Don’t own any “paper gold.” This includes Wall Street Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) like GLD or SLV. In other words, don’t be on the wrong side of the losing argument.
- Do own some physical gold and silver. When investor panic strikes the COMEX, you will be the one who sits back and watches your real investment turn into a retirement nest egg.
So prepare for the biggest financial opportunity to come along in several generations by getting some physical gold and silver. Then you won’t just be prepared to survive the financial meltdown, you can actually come out of it wealthy and prosperous if you do it right.
This video from City Prepping will show you tips and ideas on how to survive an economic crash:
A financial crisis can take a toll even among the most prepared, so before the worst occurs, arm yourself with the tools and knowledge you need to combat the effects. Learn how to prepare and retire after a financial crisis without worries, starting today!
What do you think of our tips and ideas on how to retire after a financial crisis? Let us know your thoughts about it in the comments section below!
Up Next:
- Set Up Your Crash-Proof Emergency Fund Before It’s Too Late
- 17 Signs That Most Americans Will Be Wiped Out | Financial Collapse
- Flood Survival Tips | How To Survive Before, During, And After A Flood
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on July 9, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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July 9, 2014 at 9:42 AM
Yes Gold and Silver is a good form of currency but there is one item that will be in higher demand and worth more than gold and silver during a collapses it will be FOOD, you can’t eat Gold or Silver
Larry Fleeman
July 9, 2014 at 3:08 PM
Paul, it is true that food will be worth much more than currency, like the dollar. You may know that in Germany in 1923 it took trillions of paper marks to buy a loaf of bread.
But Gold and Silver are not currency, they are money. And there is a difference.
Historically, Gold and Silver have outperformed every other form of wealth during a major collapse. And food, while valuable and important, is perishable and is not a store of value. In other words, you can get wealth by growing and selling food, but not by saving it.
It’s actually a good thing that you can’t eat gold or silver. This is one reason why those metals are real money.
In fact, there are several things necessary for something to be real money, but currency like the dollar doesn’t satisfy the requirements.
Check out this video on my blog that explains it better than I can here:
Certainly you need food and having a stable supply is a good thing. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that food will replace Gold and Silver. You need both not only to survive, but to prosper as well. Watch the video and see why.
July 9, 2014 at 2:57 PM
True, one cannot “eat” precious metals, however, one cannot merely HOPE to secure PMs, and their savings from their local safety deposit boxes, or bank accounts after a crash either. As we’ve already seen from the Cyprus Haircut Debacle, and in Greece, the banks will be forced to seize those privately held assets, and you won’t actually HAVE them.
Far better NOW, to begin(if you haven’t already) to start becoming your own “bank” and keeping your “emergency” cash and precious metals in YOUR possession, rather than in an ETF, COMEX or other non-physical ownership situation. If you don’t physically have it, you don’t “own” a thing at all.
Larry Fleeman
July 10, 2014 at 3:25 PM
Hey TPSnodgrass, you are right about physical precious metals. Any other kind is just going to go up in smoke.
Make sure you limit your physical PM emergency fund to an amount you can afford to lose. Theft and government confiscation are both strong possibilities, so don’t keep your whole life savings in your possession. There are too many reports of thefts of PMs kept at home, even in a good safe or hidden away. They often occur without the owners even knowing it and some result in their deaths.
This article explains it in more detail:
The only viable alternative for larger amounts of physical gold and silver is in allocated offshore storage. A lot of preppers may be suspicious of this, but it’s the only workable solution (and won’t cost you your life). This article on my blog will explain more about it:
July 11, 2014 at 2:55 PM
If one carefully purchases PMs, no governmental entity will ever know you even have them. it can definitely be done, legally. OPSEC requires that one NEVER discusses what one has at home, or, if one even HAS a “safe”…I used to have a safe, until we got flooded out, yeah, it really DID happen…see my photos? Of course, we re-did everything to make it all better,(after the flood) that’s the difference.
Larry Fleeman
July 14, 2014 at 7:09 PM
Your ideas are all good, but they just aren’t enough. If you are counting on secrecy and anything short of a full blown vault to keep your life savings safe, you are taking a big risk.
I also wonder about no government entity ever knowing about your PMs. How do you test that? Until it happens, I don’t think you can know for sure and by then it is too late. Or what if you decide you need to leave the country? There won’t be any way to take the PMs with you.
Right now the biggest risk is just theft (not the government kind). For small amounts ($10k or less) home storage is the only viable option (and you want some there for emergency use anyway). Larger amounts just add to the risk, so weigh it carefully.
Ultimately it comes down to how much you are willing to lose if the unforeseen happens.
August 6, 2014 at 7:34 PM
I’ve been wondering if I/we should spend our remaining years b/4 retirement, building & developing a small farm/homestead to become as self sufficient as possible. Already have some PMs. But having a homestead that provides water & fresh food seems like tremendous security to me, & the means to protect it. However, my health is not good, & I’m not sure my body could hack a farming lifestyle. Need to find a chiropractor & massage therapist for our prepper group! 🙂
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