Don’t Cash That Social Security Check Just Yet!
The proposed rule change would mean that Social Security recipients could have their guns confiscated if they're “unable to manage their own affairs.”
Social Security Check
While most would agree that people who are severely mentally unstable or incompetent probably shouldn't have guns, where will the government draw the line? If you're bad at keeping a budget or forget where you left your keys?
Unfortunately, we can probably count on the government to use the most intrusive standard possible. All the more reason to prepare and save for your own retirement, rather than relying on the government to take care of you.
Want to know more? Check out these related articles:
- Prepping for Financial Collapse
- How to Retire Comfortably After A Financial Crisis
- Set Up Your Crash-Proof Emergency Fund Before It's Too Late
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on July 20, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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July 20, 2015 at 10:23 AM
How about don’t take our taxes if you can’t manage our Country’s budget !
July 20, 2015 at 12:58 PM
Excellent suggestion !!!
July 20, 2015 at 10:25 AM
Or – stop stealing from our SS account! Pay back what you (government) stole!
Norman Desjarlais
July 20, 2015 at 10:38 AM
We pay into this fund our entire lives. This is not welfare or a handout from our loving Uncle Sam! He has managed to rob us blind, and then tell us they will dribble a small amount of OUR money back to us under an ever expanding list of conditions.
July 9, 2018 at 5:23 AM
Right on Norman, I couldn’t agree more!!
John Mitchell
July 20, 2015 at 10:43 AM
The government will only take care of the government. Citizens are a pain in the ass to the government. If you think the government will take care of you just look at what they do to veterans. 1/3 of veterans died while waiting as much as a year to get medical treatment.
But then if you are an illegal alien convicted of murder you can probably get a taxpayer funded sex change.
Neal Gaylor
July 20, 2015 at 10:43 AM
This fkn JACKASS thinks he’s king of America!
July 20, 2015 at 11:21 AM
The way congress is letting him run wild, he is.
Lorraine E
July 20, 2015 at 11:24 AM
Social Security is a trust fund. Employees pay into the trust fund which is supposed to be repaid to them for their retirement. Social Security has absolutely nothing to do with guns or this administration’s lust for gun confiscation. Our appointed president has no right to deny retirees their Social Security benefits. The Congress has depleted the fund over the years and replaced the money taken with IOUs. Also the government has erroneously taken money from our Social Security trust fund to pay for the State Department’s Foreign Aid. All of the money which the government has withdrawn from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for benefits given to illegal aliens in our country should be transferred from the State Dept. to the Social Security Trust Fund. The congress must stop the appointed president from stopping Social Security Benefits to rightful recipients until they have surrendered there guns. This is a FIRST STEP toward denying Social Security Benefits to all recipients unless they surrender their guns and forego their Second Amendment Rights. Hello Congress! Put an end to this evilness now before it is expanded to everyone receiving Social Security.
July 20, 2015 at 9:09 PM
Sorry to tell you this Lorraine, but there is no such thing as a Social Security trust fund. This is a fable people have been falling for ever since it was enacted. Check around if you don’t think I’m right. As for it’s being a method of gun control, it’s possible, though one has to wonder where the Government would get the number of people needed to audit the finances of everyone who gets it.
July 7, 2018 at 1:06 PM
The “trust fund” exists only on paper & as has been stated, $$$ coming in has been spent on other things & all the “trust fund” has is a stack of IOU’s. Also, there is no such thing as a S.S. “check” anymore — payments are either direct-deposited into a recipient’s bank account, or put on a debit card. I chose the latter method.
And I have never seen anything which ties firearms ownership to social security. Like everyone else receiving monthly social security payments, the amount I receive is based only upon what I & employers I worked for paid into the system. No one has ever asked “do you own a firearm”, or are you black, white, or hispanic, are you married, do you have children, etc.
It’s strictly a mathematical calculation — X amount was paid in to the account (your SSN is your account #) over the years & this SSN is eligible for Y amount each month — also based on age @ the time of filing.
The ages have changed since my Dad applied for his S.S. “benefit” — now you can file @ age 62, 66, or 72. At age 62 you receive the lowest amount (based on what you & employers have paid in), age 66 is considered “full retirement age” & your benefit amount is higher, and if you wait until age 72 to file, your benefit amount will be higher.
I did the math & for me, filing @ age 62 made the most sense. How long will you live? Is it worth getting zero for 4 years for a larger payment, or 8 years for the maximum amount? You have to figure that out for yourself . And several people I know filed @ age 62 because they thought there might not be anything to collect later. As has been correctly stated, CONgress can change or eliminate S.S. benefits @ any time. — S.S. is NOT a contract & the federal Gov’t. is not legally bound to pay you anything.
January 15, 2016 at 8:05 AM
Social Security is an insurance policy with no obligation to pay anybody anything. See:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1984/1817/schedule/1/made
2nd Amendment
July 20, 2015 at 11:24 AM
They want our Social Security so they can pay for the debt were in
Jake Williams
July 20, 2015 at 12:28 PM
The gubment does not to want to pay for our debt – NEVER!
But they will keep raising it.
Any SS money would be given to illegals and anti-American gubments.
Don Taylor
July 20, 2015 at 12:31 PM
let Obama and Washington start at their own house, they can’t do it now .Washington is such a joke, not just here but around the world
July 20, 2015 at 12:43 PM
This is not a criticism, it’s long winded and merely meant to inform. You might want to read the above link before making any mis-statements using words like “account” and or “payback” etc. There are no “Accounts” to pay back and there is no “Trust Fund”. Please take special note to the terms “insurance period” and “contribution…” Social Security is an insurance policy and or an annuity. In addition, the whole SS system is now administered (owned) by The Kingdom of Great Britain. The Queens is now your “Benefactor” and you are now subject to a meriad of rules, codes, statutes designed to suck out your substance. Thank you FDR.
I believe it was originally designed (circa 1933) to create a “Nexus” and entrap most American nationals (People of the Republic of the several states) into unknowingly contracting away their rights for privildges and mere benefits (pitance) and becoming US (D.C. Territorial) citizens.
As such, said citizen are now subjects (serfs) instead of freemen. It was basically a “coup d’ etat” resulting in converting a Republic, under the Common Law into a Democracy, now under Administrative Rule; whereby the courts are no longer Article III (Judicial) but are now Article I (Adminstrative) Ever hear a Municiple court judge (lawyer) say: “Don’t bring that Constitution into my (private franchise) court”?
As an American National, you would not be subject to the Territorial Laws of DC. You would not.. in fact, you could not be drafted, you would not be subject to Obama Care, you would not be liable for a income tax, i.e., 26 USC or any USC for that matter (unless you committed a crime on Federally Ceded Lands) See: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/2fj1-2.htm and or
Obama, even if he was a lawfully seated President, (Whole different subject) Congress and any and all of those corrupt alphabet agencies, have zero authority over the People of the (now) 50 several states of the Union. (Unless you have contracted with then and accepted their benefits)
The design (effectuated by the aforementioned “coup d’ etat”) was to make everybody dependent on this defacto regime, then, take everything and enslave the entire population by converting all of our rights into a taxable “Priviledge”. (“The power to tax is the power to destroy”)
I’d say they did a hell of a job! If you don’t believe it then look at the deed to your property. Why are you listed as a “Tenant” (in common or Joint)? Look at your car registration. Why is it only a “Certsificate of Title”? Where’s the real Title? Niether belongs to you. You merely are paying a “User Fee”! Stop paying it and watch a new user show up…
I’m getting long winded, but my point is, complaining about the wrong and offpoint issue (and getting the right answer to the wrong question) only tells those in power (this includes all “Willing Dupes and Useful Idiots”, i.e., those in local, county, state and Federal Goverment) that we are still a nieve populace.
So, look up Federal Legislative Jurisdiction, Republic vs. Democracy, US citizen vs. American Citizen and repariate back to being an Amercan with God given Unalienable Rights and give them back their meeger benefits. Then bitch and complain and then help get rid of these stealthy, subversive, treasonous parasites the have ruined our great Republic by exposing their agenda.
July 20, 2015 at 1:40 PM
To destroy a nation one must rewrite its history, remove its traditions, and take it deeply into debt. Obama, the RINOs and Demorats have been doing a very good job of it!!!!!
July 20, 2015 at 1:59 PM
This is not a criticism, it’s merely meant to inform. Also, this subject matter is highly criticized and denied by politicians, the national media, liberal talk show hosts and of course most attorneys, so *I encourage you to check it out for yourself.
Also, you might want to read the above and below links before making any mis-statements by using words like “account” and or “payback”, etc., because there are no “Accounts” to pay back and there is no “Trust Fund”; and please take special note to the terms “insurance period” and “contribution” in the above link.
From what I can *glean from these sites, Social Security is an insurance policy and or an annuity. In addition, the whole SS system is now administered (and maybe wholly owned) by The Kingdom of Great Britain. The Queen is now your “Benefactor” and by signing onto SS you are now subject to a myriad of fees, taxes, rules, codes, statutes and whims, designed to suck out your substance. (see the Unanimous Declaration) Thank you FDR.
I believe SS was originally designed (circa 1933 and after the intentional economic collapse) to create a “Nexus” and entrap most American nationals (People of the Republic of the several states) into unknowingly contracting away their rights in exchange for mere pittance, i.e., SS benefits, and thereby, becoming US (DC Territorial) citizens.
As such, said citizen’s are now subjects and are now citizens of the DC government (Territorial serfs) instead of freemen on the land of their birthright. (See: 14th Amendment) It would appear to have been a “coup d’ etat” resulting in the converting of a Republic, under the Common Law into a Democracy, now under Administrative Rule.
As an American National, you would not be subject to the administrative Territorial rules, codes, statutes and whims of DC. You would not.. if fact, you could not be drafted, you would not be subject to Obama Care, you would not be liable for any (Direct without apportionment) income tax, i.e., 26 USC or any USC for that matter (unless you committed a crime on Federally Ceded Lands or within the Territorial boundaries of the US)
See: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/2fj1-2.htmSee: https://governmentprinciples.wordpress.com/2009/06/20/federal-jurisdiction-within-the-states/
Obama, even if he was a lawfully seated President, (Whole different subject) Congress and any and all of those corrupt alphabet agencies, have zero authority over the land inhabited by People of the (now) 50 several states of the Union. (Unless you have contracted with them and accepted their meager benefits)
The design was to make everybody dependent on this defacto regime, then, take everything by debt and enslave the entire population thereby converting all of our rights into a taxable “Privilege”.
I’d say they did a hell of a job! If you don’t believe it then look at the deed to your property. Why are you listed as a “Tenant” (in common or Joint)? Look at your car registration. Why is it only a “Certificate of Title”? Where’s the real Title?
I’m getting long winded, but my point is, complaining about the wrong issue (and getting the right answer to the wrong question) only tells those in power (this includes all of those “Willing Dupes and Useful Idiots”, i.e., those in local, county, state and Federal Government) that we are still a naive populace and that can be easily conquered because we lack the knowledge to see what they are stealthily doing. (Hosea 4:6 King James Version: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”)
So, look up Federal Legislative Jurisdiction, see it’s limitations. Look up Territories vs. states of the Union, Republic v. Democracy, US citizen v. American Citizen and maybe repatriate back to being an American with God given Unalienable Rights and give them back their meager benefits. Then, complain, bitch and take steps to help either jail and or remove all of those miscreants and traitors from our country.
July 20, 2015 at 2:04 PM
This is not a criticism, it’s merely meant to inform. Also, this subject matter is highly criticized and denied by politicians, the national media, liberal talk show hosts and of course most attorneys, so *I encourage you to check it out for yourself.
Also, you might want to read the above and below links before making any mis-statements by using words like “account” and or “payback”, etc., because there are no “Accounts” to pay back and there is no “Trust Fund”; and please take special note to the terms “insurance period” and “contribution” in the above link.
From what I can *glean from these sites, Social Security is an insurance policy and or an annuity. In addition, the whole SS system is now administered (and maybe wholly owned) by The Kingdom of Great Britain. The Queen is now your “Benefactor” and by signing onto SS you are now subject to a myriad of fees, taxes, rules, codes, statutes and whims, designed to suck out your substance. (see the Unanimous Declaration) Thank you FDR.
I believe SS was originally designed (circa 1933 and after the intentional economic collapse) to create a “Nexus” and entrap most American nationals (People of the Republic of the several states) into unknowingly contracting away their rights in exchange for mere pittance, i.e., SS benefits, and thereby, becoming US (DC Territorial) citizens.
As such, said citizen’s are now subjects and are now citizens of the DC government (Territorial serfs) instead of freemen on the land of their birthright. (See: 14th Amendment) It would appear to have been a “coup d’ etat” resulting in the converting of a Republic, under the Common Law into a Democracy, now under Administrative Rule.
As an American National, you would not be subject to the administrative Territorial rules, codes, statutes and whims of DC. You would not.. if fact, you could not be drafted, you would not be subject to Obama Care, you would not be liable for any (Direct without apportionment) income tax, i.e., 26 USC or any USC for that matter (unless you committed a crime on Federally Ceded Lands or within the Territorial boundaries of the US)
See: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/2fj1-2.htm
See: https://governmentprinciples.wordpress.com/2009/06/20/federal-jurisdiction-within-the-states/
Obama, even if he was a lawfully seated President, (Whole different subject) Congress and any and all of those corrupt alphabet agencies, have zero authority over the land inhabited by People of the (now) 50 several states of the Union. (Unless you have contracted with them and accepted their meager benefits)
The design was to make everybody dependent on this de-facto regime, then, take everything by debt and enslave the entire population thereby converting all of our rights into a taxable “Privilege”.
I’d say they did a hell of a job! If you don’t believe it then look at the deed to your property. Why are you listed as a “Tenant” (in common or Joint)? Look at your car registration. Why is it only a “Certificate of Title”? Where’s the real Title?
I’m getting long winded, but my point is, complaining about the wrong issue (and getting the right answer to the wrong question) only tells those in power (this includes all of those “Willing Dupes and Useful Idiots”, i.e., those in local, county, state and Federal Government) that we are still a naive populace and that can be easily conquered because we lack the knowledge to see what they are stealthily doing. (Hosea 4:6 King James Version: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”)
So, look up Federal Legislative Jurisdiction, see it’s limitations. Look up Territories vs. states of the Union, Republic v. Democracy, US citizen v. American Citizen and maybe repatriate back to being an American with God given Unalienable Rights and give them back their meager benefits. Then, complain, bitch and take steps to help either jail and or remove all of those miscreants and traitors from our country.
July 20, 2015 at 2:17 PM
This is not a criticism, it’s merely meant to inform. Also, this subject matter is highly criticized and denied by politicians, the national media, liberal talk show hosts and of course most attorneys, so *I encourage you to check it out for yourself.
Also, you might want to read the above and below links before making any mis-statements by using words like “account” and or “payback”, etc., because there are no “Accounts” to pay back and there is no “Trust Fund”; and please take special note to the terms “insurance period” and “contribution” in the above link.
From what I can *glean from these sites, Social Security is an insurance policy and or an annuity. In addition, the whole SS system is now administered (and maybe wholly owned) by The Kingdom of Great Britain. The Queen is now your “Benefactor” and by signing onto SS you are now subject to a myriad of fees, taxes, rules, codes, statutes and whims, designed to suck out your substance. (see the Unanimous Declaration) Thank you FDR.
I believe SS was originally designed (circa 1933 and after the intentional economic collapse) to create a “Nexus” and entrap most American nationals (People of the Republic of the several states) into unknowingly contracting away their rights in exchange for mere pittance, i.e., SS benefits, and thereby, becoming US (DC Territorial) citizens.
As such, said citizen’s are now subjects and are now citizens of the DC government (Territorial serfs) instead of freemen on the land of their birthright. (See: 14th Amendment) It would appear to have been a “coup d’ etat” resulting in the converting of a Republic, under the Common Law into a Democracy, now under Administrative Rule.
See: http://usa-the-republic.com/items%20of%20interest/US%20v_%20US%20v_USA.htm
As an American National, you would not be subject to the administrative Territorial rules, codes, statutes and whims of DC. You would not.. if fact, you could not be drafted, you would not be subject to Obama Care, you would not be liable for any (Direct without apportionment) income tax, i.e., 26 USC or any USC for that matter (unless you committed a crime on Federally Ceded Lands or within the Territorial boundaries of the US)
See: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/2fj1-2.htm
See: https://governmentprinciples.wordpress.com/2009/06/20/federal-jurisdiction-within-the-states/
Obama, even if he was a lawfully seated President, (Whole different subject) Congress and any and all of those corrupt alphabet agencies, have zero authority over the land inhabited by People of the (now) 50 several states of the Union. (Unless you have contracted with them and accepted their meager benefits)
The design was to make everybody dependent on this defacto regime, then, take everything by debt and enslave the entire population thereby converting all of our rights into a taxable “Privilege”.
I’d say they did a hell of a job! If you don’t believe it then look at the deed to your property. Why are you listed as a “Tenant” (in common or Joint)? Look at your car registration. Why is it only a “Certificate of Title”? Where’s the real Title?
I’m getting long winded, but my point is, complaining about the wrong issue (and getting the right answer to the wrong question) only tells those in power (this includes all of those “Willing Dupes and Useful Idiots”, i.e., those in local, county, state and Federal Government) that we are still a naive populace and that can be easily conquered because we lack the knowledge to see what they are stealthily doing. (Hosea 4:6 King James Version: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”)
So, look up Federal Legislative Jurisdiction, see it’s limitations. Look up Territories vs. states of the Union, Republic v. Democracy, US citizen v. American Citizen and maybe repatriate back to being an American with God given Unalienable Rights and give them back their meager benefits. Then, complain, bitch and take steps to help either jail and or remove all of those miscreants and traitors from our country.
July 21, 2015 at 12:06 AM
It is to bad some of us have been disabled due to auto accidents and cannot afford nio to cahs our checks, what really gets me is that the people who wanted thhis are getting more then they bargained for, and to think htat I served fro 8 years in the military ofthis country, just to watch it turn its back on all that it stands fro, the abominations that caused the destruction of two great kingdoms are said to be what is right. they allow that and murder their childeren also, what ahs been promised is what is going to come and the people in the WHite house are trying to maske it happen
March 20, 2017 at 2:10 AM
Pingback: All About the Financial Crisis in Greece | Survival Life
July 7, 2018 at 6:14 AM
Uncle Jerry 51 is 100% correct! also, check out some articles by Anna Von Reitz ( Alaska)