The Easiest Water Purification Method For Clean, Drinkable Water

Water purification is the most important skill you can posses for an emergency situation.
Hopefully you know this, but just in case: if disaster strikes, you’ll have less than 72 hours before you and your family are in danger of LOSING YOUR LIVES due to dehydration.
If the tap dries, if the supply is contaminated, if the grocery store is looted, what’s your plan?
If you don’t have a plan, thank god you’re reading this article. If you do have a plan, have you considered the following: if your water supply runs out and you must make your own drinking water,
1. Can your purification plan create enough clean drinking water to sustain your family indefinitely?
2. Is your system mobile?
3. How much labor and time is needed to purify water using these methods?
4. Can you easily teach others to use your method if you’re unavailable?
5. Do you need a lot of hard to come by supplies to purify water with your planned method?
6. Will your purification method remove everything harmful from water – such as viruses, pesticides, radon, heavy metals, etc?
Here’s where to find my favorite filtration system (that passes all of those tests above) >> I’ll get into the details later in this article, but if you want to check it out now, be my guest.
There is a lot more to consider than many realize. And if you’re anything like I was a few years ago, the answers to these questions will make you worry. I had a plan that I thought was great. Thankfully I found out just how wrong I was in time.
I had a plan that I thought was great. Thankfully I found out just how wrong I was in time.
No water storage/filtration plan is perfect, but with proper planning and know how you can make sure to be just about as prepared as anyone can be. For starters, if you don’t have a stock of clean drinking water in your home you’re out of your mind.
Even in an event as commonplace as a blackout, you and your family will be exposed to a quick demise if something happens and the tap goes dry in your home.
Think about it: the absolute last thing you’ll ever want to do in an emergency is leave the safety of your home unless it’s ABSOLUTELY necessary.
So a supply of clean water inside of your home that will last your family a few days is essential to ensuring your safety in the early stages of disaster. Batten down the hatches, stay inside, and use your preps that are dedicated to these first crucial days.
Now the next phase is a lot more tricky: if and when you’ll need to make water safe and drinkable. I covered the many issues you can run into early in this post.
So many nasty little things can be hiding in your drinking water. Things that, if consumed, could be deadly in a disaster situation where medical attention isn’t easy to obtain.
So many nasty little things can be hiding in your drinking water. Things that, if consumed, could be deadly in a disaster situation where medical attention isn’t easy to obtain.
So what’s the answer? I could go through the faults with every popular filtration system out there, but instead I’m going to tell you what I’ll be relying on if SHTF: the Berkey Water Purification System.
The Berkey filters out all of those nasty things I mentioned before as well as some extras, including:
- Pesticides ✔
- Herbicides ✔
- VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) ✔
- Viruses ✔
- Radon 222 ✔
- Parasites ✔
- Heavy Metals ✔
- Chemicals ✔
- Trihalomethanes ✔
The Berkey is lightweight, fast, easy to use, powerful… Actually, let me answer those questions I asked y’all earlier.
Here’s what the Berkey can do for Water Purification:
1. Can your purification plan create enough clean drinking water to sustain your family indefinitely?
The Berkey can produce up to 8 gal of clean water an hour. You’ll have to figure out if that’s enough for your needs, but I can’t imagine anyone would need much more than that.
2. Is your system mobile?
It’s a self-contained unit that I’ve had no trouble moving by myself. Very mobile.
3. How much labor and time is needed to purify water using these methods?
I’ve covered the time, which is on the very low side of the spectrum for water purification. The labor is relatively easy. It’s just like a giant Brita filter on steroids that you fill up and let it do it’s thing.
4. Can you easily teach others to use your method if you’re unavailable?
See above. ^^^
5. Do you need a lot of hard to come by supplies to purify water with your planned method?
Nope! It’s a self contained unit and comes with 2 filters that can create enough water for a family of 4 for 2 years. I’m stocked up on a few extra filters so I’m set up for a very long time.
6. Will your purification method remove everything harmful from water – such as viruses, pesticides, radon, heavy metals, etc?
Yes! And then some. 😉
So for me, the Berkey is my main plan for water purification. Of course it’s good to know some other methods as a backup, but you should make sure that your top method is the best it can be.
The Berkey combined with some stored drinking water should cover you and your family in an emergency situation, but it really depends on your needs and your situation.
If anyone is interested in getting their own Berkey Water Filtration System, you can click here to check for availability. They can be hard to get ahold of, so if you get the chance make sure you jump at it.
I highly recommend this product and everyone here at Survival Life seems to agree with me. It’s a great system.
If nothing else, go buy some water to store and check what exactly your water purification methods filter for – you might be in for a nasty surprise!
Click here to check availability >
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