
21 Savory Campfire Recipes For Delicious Meals Outdoors

Do campfire recipes really have to consist of burgers and corn on the cob every night? We don’t think so. These scrumptious easy campfire recipes are guaranteed to amp up your next camping trip.



father-son-overroast-their-marshmallow-candies | Campfire Recipes | Featured

Campfire recipes are delicious and easy-to-make meals that you can cook over an open fire during camping trips. From classic s'mores to hearty foil packet dinners, these recipes bring a delightful taste to your outdoor adventures. These easy campfire recipes are guaranteed to amp up your next camping trip!

RELATED: 11 Camping Snacks Recipes

Campfire Recipes to Give the Outdoors the Feel of Home

Enjoy the best of camping snacks with a tasty trail mix while embracing the magic of campfire cooking with sizzling skewers and delicious foil packet recipes. Elevate your camping experience with mouthwatering treats and unforgettable outdoor meals.

Bacon Baked Beans

cup-baked-beans-on-rustic-wooden | baked beans


Want some bacon and baked beans? We're in! Here's a classic campfire dish that will surely be a crowd-pleaser.

This is one of those slow-cooker recipes where you simply add BBQ sauce and let it do its thing.

 Roasted Cinnamon Rolls

cenital-view-freshly-baked-cinnamon-rolls | cinnamon rolls
All you need is a tube of cinnamon rolls, a stick, and a campfire to enjoy this easy roasted cinnamon rolls recipe.

It is great for breakfast, brunch, or dessert. Mix it up by using biscuits or rolls for a dinner side dish.

 Cheesy Dutch Oven Potatoes

child-hand-dirty-nails-outdoors-holding | dutch oven
Grab some potatoes, bacon, cheese, and onions, and soon, you will be salivating over this dish. Make sure to bring your cast iron Dutch oven, too.

If that's not convenient, you can also make these cheesy potatoes in tin foil over the campfire.

 Sunrise Breakfast Bowl

bacon-eggs-toast-breakfast | Campfire Recipes
Take the hassle out of campfire cooking with this easy breakfast dish. Bring together bread, eggs, bacon, and butter, and this breakfast bowl is complete.

 Campfire Muffins & Cinnamon Rolls in Oranges

Get ready to transform an orange into a tasty treat that will surprise the whole family. In this magic trick, you bake a blueberry orange muffin within an orange after it has spent time in tin foil over the fire.

 Biscuit Campfire Donuts

Biscuit campfire donuts are a delightful treat to enjoy while camping. Using store-bought biscuit dough, you can create delicious donuts cooked over the campfire.


Turn your favorite biscuit dough into sweet and satisfying campfire donuts. In just a few simple steps, this dish can be your go-to breakfast on any camping trip.

 Coconut Curry Soup

hot-sour-soup-shrimp-condensed-water | Campfire curry

Camping food hacks are clever and practical tips to make cooking and eating while camping easier and more enjoyable.

Prepare this meal before your camping trip, and throw it in a ziplock bag. When you're ready to eat, just add water and boil. It's a simple main dish recipe that tastes like a home-cooked meal.


young-man-cooking-over-camp-fire | campfire burrito
You can make this dish before you head out into the woods or prepare it once you have picked your camping spot. Either way, this campurritos recipe makes for a hearty dish that leaves everyone satisfied.

What are campurritos? It is the combination of the words “camping” and “burritos.”

 Campfire Paella

persons-sitting-outside-tent-making-paella | campfire paella
With one pan, you can create this flavorful dish while camping outdoors. Use your favorite protein and spices for the best campfire paella dish.

Quench your fired-up appetite outdoors with this one-dish meal for lunch or supper.

 Hot Whiskey

whiskey-glass-cloves-lemon-hot-irish | hot whiskey

For cold nights camping, we recommend a drink recipe that will warm your insides. This simple hot whiskey recipe from Jamie Oliver is simply perfect for cold nights outdoors.

It requires whiskey, boiled water, lemon, and clover. Add honey if you want to add sweetness.

RELATED: Practical (Yet Delicious) Winter Campfire Cooking Ideas For Outdoor Cooking

 Curly Dogs

sausages-baked-on-campfire-forest-making | sausages
It is not a true camping trip without everyone's favorite quick campfire recipes – hot dogs roasted over the fire.

Mix it up a bit by wrapping your hot dogs in dinner rolls to create fire-roasted pigs on a blanket. Your little campers will be delighted with this tasty treat!

 Sausage and Fennel Grilled Campfire Pizza

Pizza may not be the most common camping food, but it can be done. You will need dough, sauce, cheese, and your favorite toppings.

Cook a delicious pizza over the fire in a cast-iron skillet and enjoy something better than delivery pizza.

 Mixed Mushroom Hobo Pack

Quick campfire recipes are great for outdoor trips. With parchment paper and foil, you can cook just about anything over a fire.

This delicious mixed mushroom recipe will complement any night in the great outdoors.

 Dutch Oven Caramel Apple Pie

If you want to go all out, give this caramel apple pie a try. It'll be a tasty treat the whole family enjoys around the campfire. Dutch Oven Caramel Apple Pie is a mouthwatering dessert perfect for camping trips.

 Pineapple Upside Down Cake

sweet-homemade-pineapple-upside-down-cake | upside down cake
Use tin foil to make this pineapple upside-down cake after dinner. This recipe requires just a few ingredients and bakes quickly right in a tin foil packet!

You can also add a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Poundcake S'mores

child-hand-dirty-nails-outdoors-holding | smores
It's not a camping experience without campfire s' mores. Mix it up with this pound cake s'mores recipe.

These easy camping meals will definitely put your campers at ease after a long hike!

 Campfire Chicken Stew

cooking-over-campfire-stewed-food | camp stew
You don't have to leave all the comforts of home behind when you go camping. With this chicken recipe, you can have a bowl of warm chicken stew heated over the fire.

It will turn into a crowd favorite for supper on your camping trips.

 Lamb Kebabs with Mint Pesto

Looking for a unique recipe to make on your next trek into the woods? Give this lamb kebabs recipe a try.

It is a camping skewer recipe you can't skip.

 Apple Pie On A Stick

homemade-apple-pie-cake-pops-vintage | Campfire apple pie
With this apple pie on a stick, you can leave the fork and knife behind for an easy campfire dessert or snack. Apple Pie on a Stick is a delightful camping treat that brings the delicious flavors of apple pie to your outdoor adventures.

 Campfire Cone

Add a little marshmallow, chocolate, and even peanut butter to create this tasty campfire cone treat, a fun take on the classic s'more. No camper can turn away this fancy outdoor snack.

 Campfire Nachos

campfire-nachos-on-grill | Campfire Recipes
Nachos are the ultimate camping comfort food. It is quick and easy to prepare and can be served at any time of the day.

If you have a hankering for some good ole Tex-Mex food, follow this campfire nachos recipe!

Watch this video from Buzzfeed Nifty for 5 camping food hacks: 

Campfire recipes do not have to be limited to burgers and corn on the cob every night. We clearly like to mix things up and try out exciting campfire recipes. Camping essentials are the necessary items and gear you should bring along for a safe and comfortable camping trip.

These are easy campfire meals sure to please on your next camping trip. Plus, if you can master cooking while camping, you will have an invaluable skill when the SHTF.

Master these quick and easy campfire recipes, and you will certainly become the designated campsite chef.

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Do you have other campfire recipes for occasions like St. Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day? Let us know in the comments section below!

Campfire Recipes

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 2014 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  1. Cheryl

    July 1, 2014 at 10:32 PM

    I would like to know more about number 5. Sunrise Breakfast Bowl, and number 13. Curly dogs Please.

  2. David

    July 8, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    Hi Cheryl! I tried answering you a moment ago but maybe because I tried giving you the actual links, the system didn’t like it 🙂

    You can learn exactly how to make each item by simply clicking on the blue text “hyperlink” directly beneath each photo. So for #5, click on the “via Tony Spilsbury” and for #13 click on the text that says “via Rhodes Bread”


  3. Pingback: Camping Desserts and Cocktails… And We're Not Talking Molotov - Survival Life | Preppers | Survival Gear | Blog - Survival Life | Preppers | Survival Gear | Blog

  4. Baxtton

    July 22, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    Really cool, thanks for sharing

  5. Pingback: Simply Delicious Camping Snack Ideas - Survival Life | Preppers | Survival Gear | Blog - Survival Life | Preppers | Survival Gear | Blog

  6. Graham

    October 22, 2014 at 7:30 PM

    This is a weird mix of things that could be campfire cooked, and things that clearly you need an oven for. sort them better or title them better.

    • Chris

      January 22, 2015 at 10:04 AM

      Looks like only #5 would require an oven; everything else would be doable with a campfire or grill.
      In fact, you could make #5 with a solar oven or a campfire oven [].
      Personally, I can’t wait to try the potato boat.

    • Sherry

      August 27, 2016 at 11:31 AM

      They all can be done on a campfire. Try it before you hack it!

  7. Sondra Frakes

    November 6, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    these sound really awesome and I can’t wait to try these recipes out.

    • Sondra Frakes

      November 6, 2014 at 12:23 PM

      I was trying to say that the 25 campsite recipes sound great and can’t wait to try them sometime.

  8. Pingback: Survivalist Recipes | Extreme Survival Guide

  9. Pingback: 25 Exciting Campfire Recipes - fordsbasement

  10. Pingback: Camping Desserts and Cocktails… And We’re Not Talking Molotov - Survival Skills America

  11. Pingback: Cincinnati Camping Getaways | Date Night Cincinnati

  12. Pingback: Other Recipes | Pearltrees

  13. Pingback: Excitingly Simple Family Dinner Ideas -

  14. Brenda

    January 21, 2016 at 7:15 AM

    I like recipe for 6,14.19 please!

  15. Peyton

    February 5, 2016 at 2:06 PM

    Bookmarked this page. Those re some delicious looking recipes.

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  18. Pingback: Winter Campfire Cooking | Simple & Tasty Outdoor Recipes

  19. michael10sley

    January 30, 2017 at 1:32 PM

    I’m surprised you didn’t include the Boy Scout dinner, aka tinfoil dinner. Use a half pound of ground chuck for each camper and one baking potato. Lay out tinfoil and place the flattened hamburger in the middle and split the bite-sized cut up potato on either side. Add margarine or butter on top of the potato bites and salt and pepper to taste. Fold the foil from all corners to the center making sure the package is completely sealed. I use two pieces of foil to be sure no air can escape. Cook over campfire 30 to 40 minutes. To check done-ness, open foil pack and taste a bite of potato. If its cooked enough to eat, your meal is ready.
    If you’ve never eaten one of these before you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find the hamburger no longer tastes like a hamburger. It tastes more like steak. Simple to make and delicious !

    • JPV

      March 21, 2018 at 2:48 PM

      Hey Michael…. I remember that meal from my days as a boy scout, we called it Pocket Stew. We also added onions, carrots, and green peppers to the mix. Add what you like to the mix you can never go wrong.
      Damn I am getting hungry now…….

      • Winston

        June 20, 2018 at 10:02 AM

        Where do I even FIND tinfoil? Only thing available near here is aluminum foil.

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  24. Ronald Forsse

    June 20, 2018 at 3:03 PM

    Is there a cookbook with the recipes in it available?

  25. Pingback: Cooking On The Move; Do You Consider Yourself A Campfire Chef? - Survive!

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  30. Pingback: Best Camping Recipes and Meals

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  32. Tony F

    January 6, 2019 at 12:24 PM

    Wow, those bacon beans look amazing. Lots of delicious looking dishes on this list. Will be bookmarking this for later.

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  74. Meledie

    June 29, 2021 at 12:46 PM

    Every recipe posted sounds wonderful! I wish I could build a fire a start cooking right now, but the 110° temperatures the past weekend in the PNW quickly shutdown any fires. We went from sopping wet to popcorn dry in 3 days. Incredible! Anyways, I do have a campfire favorite that I typically make on all campouts. I just refer to it as breakfast goulash. It’s something I made when I was tired one night, so just mixed several breakfast items together in one pan that really became a huge favorite, and it’s so easy.

    Take a package of shredded hashbown potatoes (DON’T USE FROZEN unless you like mushy potatoes) and a thinly sliced onion, brown in oil but add a good amount of butter for extra-good flavor. Before they’re completely browned, stir in real bacon bits (whatever looks good to you…I use lots!), whip 6-8 eggs in a bowl and pour over the hashbrown mix, add about 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, constantly stirring until eggs are cooked. Remove from heat and top with more shredded cheddar cheese. Perhaps I should call it heart attack breakfast, but with the added unique flavor of a campfire, I guarantee you’ll love it!! It’s actually really very good when made on your kitchen stove, too. Enjoy!!

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  76. Tim

    August 14, 2021 at 2:49 PM

    Nice to see these in video form but where is the wrtitten word, PDF’s would be so nice

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