press release

Prepper Checklist Created by Survival Life Managing Editor



EZKAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==Prepper checklist guidelines reflect some of the biggest considerations for personal safety and security. ‘Above Average’ Joe, the Managing Editor of, knows this all too well, and has devoted his latest Special Report to helping people fill the holes in their emergency readiness plans.

The Prepper’s Playbook is Survival Life’s latest addition to the survivalist library, and it’s offering the instantly-downloadable e-book to readers and followers of its website and online community. In many ways, the Prepper’s Playbook mirrors the overall sentiment shared by contributors, site visitors, and Joe himself. Being prepared is the only way to face the possibility of a disaster, and establishing a plan is the first important step in the process.

Survival Life devotes its content and offers to enabling and informing the concerned survivalist, no matter what they may be vulnerable to. The Prepper’s Playbook describes the three main categories of disaster, and explains in detail what is needed to survive each one. Recovery periods are smoother and safer when a well-constructed and executed plan dictates what people do. The survival strategies in Prepper’s Playbook will show how easy that can be.

Joe and the Survival Life team know the value of such a comprehensive checklist, which is why the Prepper’s Playbook will only be offered for a limited time. It’s believed by the experts behind Survival Life that those who procrastinate on accessing the Special Report are the ones who wouldn’t take their preparations seriously. That’s why the downloadable report will only be available until March 18, 2013.


Readers and followers of the Prepper’s Playbook suggestions will be taking an active role in the assurance of their future, and that of their loved ones. Claim the knowledge and skill needed and complete a thorough prepper checklist by accessing the Special Report today.



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