Do It Yourself

How To Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad



Feature | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

In survival situations, do you know how to make hardtack? Check out this modern hardtack recipe video tutorial below!

DIY Survival Food: How to Make Hardtack


How Long Does Hardtack Last?

Hardtack, aka ship biscuit, is called so because it is hard. Hardtack history dates all the way back to more than a hundred years ago. These were found in the civil war rations; merchant ships had these long ago when traveling overseas. They would take these because hardtack doesn't go rotten. They have these in museums, and although the civil war hardtack pieces are 150 years old, they're still edible.

We make these and we store them in our food supply. We're trying to work out a one-year food supply in case of a disaster or emergency. When you think about it, if something bad happened in the world, how long do you think the food at the grocery store will last? Maybe one or two days at the most.

If you don't have food at your property or if you don't have the ability to grow it, you don't have the seeds, you're not raising chickens, or have food storage, you are going to get hungry and starve to death. So, we're trying to be prepared for any kind of disaster.

What you'll need to make hardtack biscuits:

  • Flour
  • Water
  • Rolling pin
  • Mixing bowl
  • Knife/pizza cutter
  • Salt
  • Fork
  • An oven, of course

Step 1: Prepare the Dough

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Put some flour into the mixing bowl, filling it about halfway.

Add water.

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Then some salt to help in dehydrating and drying.

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Mix them all together. When it becomes really sticky, add a little more flour,then start kneading it.

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Spread some flour on the countertop.

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Take your dough and knead it together.

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Fold, press, repeat, until the ingredients are all mixed in well.

Prepare the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad


Step 2: Flatten the Dough

Flatten the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Take the rolling pin and roll it out until you get the thickness you want.

Step 3: Put Holes in the Dough

Put Holes in the Dough | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

When you get the preferred thickness, put holes in the dough using the fork. This is to release the moisture and pop any air bubbles.

Step 4: Cut Into Shapes

Cut Into Shapes | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Take your pizza cutter and slice the dough into rectangles or whatever shape you prefer.

Step 5: Start Baking

Start Baking | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Put them on a cookie sheet. Make sure the cookie sheet is clean and oil-free.

Start Baking | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

You don't have to keep the pieces far apart since they will not rise.

Start Baking | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Heat your oven to 370°F. Set the timer to 28 minutes.

Start Baking | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

When the time is up, open the oven slide the sheet out a little bit.

Start Baking | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

Flip them over and bake for another 28 minutes.

How to Eat Hardtack

How to Eat Hardtack | How to Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

To eat your hardtack, soak them in milk for about 15 minutes. Water can also work as a softener.


Check out this video from Carl & Jinger Family for the step-by-step guide on how to make  hardtack:


As you can see, making hardtack on your own isn't so hard. Nothing should stop you from preparing for your emergency food supply in case SHTF. Do know there are other hardtack recipe variations. Our very own ‘Above Average' Joe also wrote a post about hardtack. Check it out here.

For awesome survival gear you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

Do you have a favorite hardtack recipe? Share it with us in the comments!

Up Next: Wise Food Storage For Long-Term Survival



Editor's Note: This post was originally posted on May 27, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  1. Pingback: How To Dry Meats, Fruits & Vegetables In A Car | Survival Life

  2. Michelle

    May 28, 2017 at 3:02 PM

    Maybe add some Rosemary, or dried tomato basil seasoning for taste

  3. SABRE546

    May 29, 2017 at 9:53 AM

    LOL, Soak them in milk for survival food, I am guessing you may not have any

    • Bobo

      February 25, 2019 at 8:44 PM

      Right? Milk (and non contaminated water) will be Oh So Plentiful in a survival situation….LOL

    • david smith

      September 19, 2019 at 7:50 AM

      If you took the time to make hard tack than you probably have other survival basics like dry milk powder and water filters.

  4. Sam W.

    January 28, 2018 at 3:23 PM

    I have great teeth they can be eaten dry if you bite a small crumb of at a time, just be sure you have well formed teeth mine were formed with the help of raw cow’s milk.
    I include sugar and cinnamon in mine.

  5. Pingback: How To Make Hardtack: The Survival Food That Never Goes Bad

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  11. Jerry Underwood

    September 19, 2019 at 9:41 AM

    I make hard tack much thinner. I stash a few in my day pack for hikes with a little bit of my neighbors honey
    I stop and drizzle honey on a piece and eat it on the side of the trail. I’ve even steamed hard tack and jerky at night for an easy “sandwich”.

  12. Brewe

    September 20, 2019 at 8:22 PM

    You want your hardtack to taste, well not bad, but certainly worse than anything else you have. This way no-one will eat it until they have no choice. I have 3 large boxes my kids won’t touch. NEARLY EVERY thing else I have prepped I have to check and recheck because they will sneak in and try it. The hardtack is “safe”

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