Do It Yourself

Holiday Tutorial: How to Make a Deep-Fried Turkey



deep fried turkey turkey slicing ss

Want to spice things up this Thanksgiving? Why not try your hand at making a deep-fried turkey? It's easier than you think. Check out the video below to learn how.

How to Deep-Fry Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Is there anything better on Thanksgiving than a deep-fried turkey?

Okay, maybe it's not the most traditional method. But it is delicious. Of course, making a deep fried turkey for Thanksgiving can also be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. The last thing you want is to spend Thanksgiving day in the ER with third-degree burns or calling the fire department because you set fire to your house.

Don't let that scare you, though there's no reason you can't have an awesome and safe time making a deep fried turkey this Thanksgiving as long as you know what you're doing and follow the proper safety precautions. Watch the video below to find out how.


Do you plan on frying a turkey this Thanksgiving? Have any tips of your own to share? Share them with us in the comments!

Want to know more? Check out these great articles:

How to Carve a Turkey Like a Pro

Chef’s 5 Minute Meals… Not Much Of A Deal

Venison Recipes to Try This Hunting Season

For awesome survival gear you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

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  1. Pingback: How to Carve a Turkey Like a Pro | Survival Life

  2. Rob

    November 3, 2016 at 1:37 PM

    I couldn’t see the video, so I’m not sure what they spoke on but in my experiences with frying turkey, I always over flow the oil. I have always followed the the rule of before you heat the oil, put the turkey in the pot and fill it with water til the bird is covered. Then take the bird out and the water level will tell you how much oil should be put in once the water is removed. Problem with this is the peanut oil expands a good but after it is heated which leads to the overflow. It’s not too big of a deal as long as you remember to turn the burner off before putting the turkey in, otherwise you will be frying yourself.

  3. Pingback: How To Carve A Turkey Like A Pro: Holiday Tutorial - Survive!

  4. Pingback: How To Carve A Turkey Like A Pro: Holiday Tutorial - Survival Patch

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  6. Pingback: How To Carve A Turkey Like A Pro: Holiday Tutorial | Life Off The Grid

  7. Pingback: How To Carve A Turkey Like A Pro: Holiday Tutorial | Survival Life

  8. Pingback: How To Carve A Turkey Like A Pro: Holiday Tutorial – Ultimate Survival Alerts

  9. Pingback: How To Carve A Turkey Like A Pro: Holiday Tutorial - Survival Gear Review

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