
Traveling for the Holidays? Make Sure You’re Prepared



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If you plan on traveling for the upcoming Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, you need to make sure that you and your vehicle are ready for the trip. After all, nothing puts a damper on a holiday celebration like being stranded on the side of the road.

The folks over at Prepper-Resources have put together a great list of preparedness tips for those planning on traveling this holiday season. Check it out below.

How to Fully Prepare for Holiday Travel

Even while traveling precautions must be taken to ensure that you and your family will be prepared if things go wrong while you're out on the road. Why put all the effort into prepping at home if you simply leave that mindset (and most of your gear) behind?

Here are some tips you should keep in mind prior to making your Thanksgiving pilgrimage.


Prior to Traveling

1. Perform vehicle maintenance.

This should go without saying but make sure your vehicle is prepared to travel (all fluids are changed, tires in good shape, services complete, etc). Don’t make the mistake of gambling before heading out for a 500- to 1,000-mile road trip – you’ll regret it when you are on the side of the road waiting for AAA to come tow your vehicle.

2. Prepare get-home bags.

Much like bug out bags, these should have enough basic supplies to sustain one person for 3 days, in addition to other survival gear that you might choose to add based on personal preference. Make sure not to leave these at home.

3. Gather external fuel supplies.

Based on what kind of vehicle you have this might not be possible. If you have a truck or SUV with external hitch mounts it might be wise to strap a few extra gasoline containers down somewhere, you never know when they could come in handy.

4. Pack your tools.

Even basic tools can save the day and quite a bit of hassle while traveling. Tire-changing tools, a roll of duct tape, some wrenches and a socket set would be a good place to start.

5. Know your route.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with GPS, I would have paper maps as well (a backup plan). Make sure to become familiar with the route and alternate routes. Know where medical facilities are along your route along with planned fuel/rest stops.


Traveling for the Holidays? Make Sure You’re Prepared

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