
Hurricane Hacks Most Don’t Know!



Palm at hurricane. Star beach, Phu Quoc island, Vietnam | Hurricane Hacks Most Don’t Know! | featured

Arming yourself with the best hurricane hacks is like going to battle with full combat training. You can never predict the outcome 100%, but you can at least reduce the odds in your favor. If you are looking for foolproof hurricane hacks that have withstood the test of time, you’ve come to the right place.

RELATED: Hurricane Hacks Most Don’t Know!

Hurricane Hacks and Tips that You Need to Know

1. Prepare the Right Food

A well stocked cupboard. Consumers have just got past the panic buying-hurricane preparedness hacks

During an emergency, people immediately choose snack-type foods for life support. The trouble with this type of food is you can’t get enough nourishment from them.

But did you know that there are also non-snack-type edibles that you can prepare without refrigeration?

If you like fruits and vegetables, plums, apples, oranges, potatoes, and cucumbers are perfect for emergencies. They are nutritious yet have a relatively long storage life. Apart from these, you can also go for sandwiches, sausages, biscuits, jerky, instant ramen, and canned goods.

2. Use A Camping Stove

The pan with the porridge stands on the gas burner (Camping Stove)-hurricane survival hacks

When a hurricane goes down, so are basic services like water, gas, and power. Without power, cooking can be a challenge.

You could prepare your food the old school way using rocks and wood. However, you cannot rely on this method all the time. Bad weather will automatically eliminate this cooking option.

Good thing camping stoves are invented. With a portable stove, cooking your food will be a breeze in any given situation.

This type of cooking device is basically a stove powered by propane. These canisters of propane are easy to acquire and refillable.

Compared to regular stoves, cooking on these babies may take a while. A propane stove is a great alternative in hurricane-prone areas, where open-fire cooking is not an option.

3. Keep Your Smartphones Charged

Phone charging with energy bank. Depth of field on Power bank-hurricane hacks

Easier said than done, right? During emergencies, maintaining a stable line of communication is important. But there is also the predicament called power outage.

Do not fret, though. Even without conventional power sources, you can always keep your smartphones charged. How?

The answer is sitting right there in your drawer or garage. In the absence of a regular power source, you can use 9-volt batteries to charge your phones.

However, this is only recommended during emergencies since this method could damage your phone.

RELATED: Android Hack How To Charge Your Phone With A 9 Volt Battery

4. Keep Cool Using A Washing Machine

Water splash of the washing machine drum-Hurricane Hacks

After a hurricane wreak havoc in your vicinity, among other things that you will worry about is power. When power is out, so is everything that needs it to function.

This means no TV, no internet, and no air-conditioning! But never sweat. There is an easy hack to control the heat during power outages.

Apart from making your laundry spic and span, a washing machine could also function as a cooler. It’s easy. All you need is to fill its tub with ice. Equipped with a drainer, the machine will remove excess liquid. Aside from doubling as a makeshift air-conditioner, you can also use it to preserve perishable goods.

5. Use Frozen Bags as Cooler

Frozen ecological berries in reusable plastic bags-Hurricane Hacks

A simple plastic bag filled with water could also function as a cooler. It is simple as filling the plastic bag with water but just enough to leave space for expansion when it freezes.

So, it works this way: a. the liquid-filled bag will make your refrigerator cool longer; b. the water thawed from the bag is also a viable source for cold potable water.

Another extra hack to make your frozen bag cool longer is covering the surface and the bottom with an aluminum sheet for insulation. This also ensures that the frozen bag doesn’t stick to the surface of the rack.

6. Use Bucket as Improvised Toilet

Aluminium bucket for florist to make home and garden decoration accessories-Hurricane Hacks

One of the worst issues post-hurricane disaster is where to dispose of your personal waste. When your home is wrecked, the last thing you’ll ever do is go back and use the toilet. But do not fret. This is a hurricane hack article, after all.

With just a simple bucket and a pool noodle, you can create an effective commode. Just find a nice spot within your vicinity.

Make sure that it’s far from where you prepare your food. Sanitation is an important consideration when it comes to this project.

7. Take A Picture

Woman Taking Pictures of A Custom Kitchen with Her Smart Phone-Hurricane Hacks

This may be simple, but it is one of the most important hurricane hacks. Take a picture of everything just before the hurricane comes down.

Why? Simple. The point is to document all your possession. Ensure that every nook and cranny of your abode is well-documented, including the food in the freezer.

This will be helpful after everything clears down. When you are looking forward to reimbursing all the costs for insurance purposes, the documentation will really help.

It will function as a basis for your claim in the future.

Check out this video from the Holderness Family Vlogs for more hurricane prep hacks:

We hope you enjoyed these simple yet easy hurricane hacks and tips. Just remember that practice makes perfect. However, it doesn’t take another hurricane to keep these hurricane hacks in mind. Reviewing this article from time to time does help. Enjoy and keep safe!

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What are the worst experiences you’ve encountered during a hurricane? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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