Storage & Hiding

Keep Your Valuables Safe With a Hollow Book

A hollow book is an ideal way to keep your possessions safe. On the outside, it’s an ordinary hardcover book – but on the inside, it’s a secret storage compartment. Check out this awesome way to keep your valuables safe and sound.



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A hollow book is the ideal way to keep your possessions safe. On the outside, it's an ordinary hardcover book – but on the inside, it's a secret storage compartment. Check out this awesome way to keep your valuables safe and sound.

Protect Your Valuables in a Hollow Book

If you're looking for a way to keep your valuables safe, look no further. A hollow book is the perfect disguise for expensive jewelry or an emergency cash supply, and it's surprisingly easy to make. Check out this tutorial to learn how to stash your stuff in plain sight.

What you’ll need for your hollow book:

  • Hardcover book
  • Mod Podge
  • Paintbrush
  • Card stock
  • Large block of wood (or something heavy)
  • Ruler
  • Boxcutter
  • Construction paper

How to make your hollow book:

Step 1: Start with a hardcover book that you don’t mind gluing shut.
DIY Hollow Book Step One

Step 2: Open your book up to the first page.
DIY Hollow Book Step Two

Step 3: Brush a thin, even layer of Mod Podge over the first page.
DIY Hollow Book Step Three

Step 4: Close the book and press down for 20-30 seconds.
DIY Hollow Book Step Four

Step 5: Open up to the next page, then coat the page with an even layer of Mod Podge.
DIY Hollow Book Step Five

Step 6: Press down and hold for another 20-30 seconds.
DIY Hollow Book Step Six

Step 7: Place a sheet of card stock between these pages, then close the book.
DIY Hollow Book Step Seven

Step 8: Paint the outside of the pages with a thin coat of Mod Podge.
DIY Hollow Book Step Eight

 Step 9: Close the book, then add weight and press down for 30 seconds.
DIY Hollow Book Step Nine

Step 10: After the glue has dried, open the book and cut out a compartment from each side.
DIY Hollow Book Step Ten

Step 11: Remove the pages until the space is completely hollowed out.
DIY Hollow Book Step Eleven

Step 12: Coat the empty space with Mod Podge and cover with construction paper.
DIY Hollow Book Step Twelve

Step 13: After the glue has dried, fill the book with items of your choice.
DIY Hollow Book Step Thirteen

Step 14: After your book is full, keep it on a shelf in case of emergency!
DIY Hollow Book Step Fourteen

Check out the video below to see the full tutorial:

Keep Your Valuables Safe With a Hollow Book


For awesome survival gear you can't make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

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