Personal Safety

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching



| holiday safety topics

If you're ready to battle your way through stores during the Christmas rush, then these holiday shopping safety tips will help you prevent purse snatching and other forms of theft. Read on and follow these tips carefully to deter any thieves from stealing your valuables!

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips to Keep Valuables Safe

Nowadays, we cannot be too complacent and relaxed when we're out shopping. Pickpockets and purse snatchers are always on the lookout for their next target, so we can never let our guard down. They move fast without making you realize your purse or bag is already gone. However, these holiday shopping safety tips should arm you with the know-how to discourage thieves from accomplishing their wicked plans.


1. If possible, leave your purse at home

If possible, leave your purse at home | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
Bring only items that you really need, such as ID and a bit of cash in your wallet. Place them safely in your pocket. You can also use a purse or a bag if you want to bring additional items like keys, phone or makeup, but do keep them hidden in plain sight.


2. Don't carry any more cash or credit cards than needed

Don't carry any more cash or credit cards than needed | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
More often than not, bringing one credit card is enough. Make sure you have written the customer service number on a piece of paper or somewhere, so you can report it in the event your purse is stolen. I personally would add the customer service number into my cell. That said, it is better to keep your cellphone in your pocket and not in your purse while shopping.

3. Walk in busy, well-lit areas

Walk in busy, well-lit areas | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
Muggers and thieves are more likely to strike in dark and secluded areas. It would be better if you walk briskly and confidently in busier and well-lit areas. You might also want to consider bringing a friend with you when you go shopping this holiday season.



4. Be aware of the area around you

Be aware of the area around you | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
Awareness of your surroundings is one of the most important factors you need to consider when you're out shopping. Take a good look at the faces and hands of people who might approach or pass through you. Most of these snatchers like to strike swiftly without being recognized. Do not appear to be vulnerable or exposed and make sure you can describe them if such incident occurs.

5. Hold your purse close to your body

Hold your purse close to your body | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
Whether you’re on a bus, a train, or just walking/shopping – hold your bag securely and close to your body. You can also wear it under your jacket or coat and keep it unexposed. Be careful if you want to wear it diagonally on your body or wind the strap around the wrist because a solid pull on the strap can hurt you really bad.

6. Other safety tips when shopping this holiday season

Other safety tips when shopping this holiday season | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
Here are more tips to guarantee your safety during the holiday season. Being aware of your surroundings is indeed a great advantage to keep you far from harm's way.

  • Do not leave your purse in your shopping cart or on a counter – not even for a moment. Also, do not hang your purse in a stroller.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended on a table or chair beside you in a restaurant.
  • Be fully aware of your surroundings all the time for most of these snatchers like to strike from behind.
  • Consider making photocopies of the important things in your purse like a driver's license and credit cards, and leave the copies in a secured place at home. So if your wallet or purse gets snatched or stolen, you'll have records of important information.
  • If you plan on carrying just a wallet, consider carrying a small wallet that fits easily in a pocket.

7. Record credit card assistance numbers

Record credit card assistance numbers | Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics
Record these numbers in your cell and in a safe place at home. Never record account numbers or other personal information in your cell in the event of your cell phone being stolen.

    • MasterCard: 1-800-MC-ASSIST (622-7747)
    • Visa: 1-800-VISA-911 (847-2911)
    • American Express: 1-800-528-4800
    • Discover: 1-800-DISCOVER (347-2683)
    • PayPal: 1-888-221-1161



Watch this video from VIPFinancialEd for more holiday shopping safety tips!

During the holiday season, thieves, con artists, and people with sinister intentions are roaming around the busy shopping malls and avenues looking for their next victims. We have to be more conscious of our surroundings and be more mindful of our belongings. Your carelessness and vulnerability are flashing go-signals for burglars, muggers, and pickpockets. So if you're going shopping make sure to heed the tips above to be safe all the time. Shop safely!

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips: How To Prevent Purse Snatching | holiday safety topics

Do you know other holiday safety tips in mind? We would definitely want to hear it from you. Share it with us in the comments below!  

UP NEXT: Safe Driving Tips For Winter Travel

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  3. Janny

    December 6, 2017 at 10:36 AM

    I know they aren’t “in” but a fanny pack worn in front and even under your shirt frees up your hands, you don’t leave it anywhere , and it is not very noticeable to pickpockets.

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    February 25, 2021 at 4:39 PM

    I see women all the time putting their purse in the child seat on a grocery cart!!! I will go up to them and tell them to use the strap for the child and run it thru the handles of their purse. That way if it’s snatched they will have to take the cart too!!! Leaving you time to scream as loud as they can to get HELP coming to them!!!

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