Do It Yourself
GET HEALTHY: 3 Military Inspired Quick Tips To Get Fit
It's that time of year again…
New Years resolutions are in full effect.
Number one on that list for most people is “Get Healthy.”
Unfortunately this time of year also means that the Gyms are going to be jam packed and you'll be waiting hours on end just to step on a treadmill..
(It's Ok, if you're a die hard gym member you should be able to get back in to an all but empty gym by February first)
That being said, we were exercising and staying fit long before the overpriced gyms ever came about.
My friend Jeff wants to share a few quick tips that will help you get fit and avoid the insanity that is the post new years gym insanity…
Here are 3 “quick fitness tips” you can put to use right away…
1. Bodyweight works best
You don't need a gym to get a great body – in fact, bodyweight exercises (like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and others) target more muscle fibers than any other style of training – even using weights!
And since your body's muscle is its “fat-burning engine”, more muscle fiber stimulate means you burn more body fat all day and all night.
2. Train as early as possible
In the military, troops exercise first thing in the morning – and for a good reason…
Your metabolism speeds up during the day and slows down at night before you go to bed.
By exercising earlier in the day, you give a “turbo boost” to your metabolism to melt away even more body fat throughout the day – with no extra effort on your part!
3. Never give up your “guilty foods”
This goes against what you may think, but the fact is, most diet plans fail because they're too restrictive.
Soldiers practically live on pizza and beer yet stay in amazing shape because they stay active and eat right for most of their meals.
When you give up your favorite foods, you actually want them even more… until the desire is too great and you eat a bucket of ice cream and give up.
The secret is to know WHEN to eat these foods so they don't sabotage your results.
Want to find out more?
P.S. Just what are those New Years Eve resolutions anyway?
Check out the infographic below to find out:
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Mike Rosenkrans
January 8, 2014 at 6:01 PM
Every time I come across an article about staying fit, you would think that every person in the world is “Fat”.
I get tired of seeing articles about losing weight and staying fit. I’m a skinny guy usually weighing around 135lbs. I never see articles about putting on muscle for the skinny guys. I have a high metabolism and it dont matter what I do, I just cant put the muscle on.
There needs to be articles about skinny guys like me and ways to bulk up. I can eat what ever I want and even if I do gain a pound or two, it will be gone in a couple of days.
For guys like me, its just as hard to gain just a little weight and put muscle on as it is for some people to lose weight.
It just pisses me off when every article I come across (like this one) has to with losing weight.
January 15, 2014 at 10:47 PM
Its called muscle magazine dude…
January 9, 2014 at 10:46 PM
The best advice I can offer is educate yourself and most importantly, be persistent. Even professional bodybuilders don’t put on much more than a few lbs of lean mass in a years time. Also, no 2 bodies are the same, so you have to figure out what works best for you and knowing what, how much, and when to eat are equally as important as knowing what to do in the gym. It takes time and can be frustrating, but persistence pays off.
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