Introducing Frailejones: The Andes’ Perfect Survival Plant

There's a new survival plant in town — Frailejones, and it's becoming popular among survivalists and foragers. Find out more about it as you read along!
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In this article:
- What Is Frailejon?
- How to Identify Frailejones
- Where Can You Find Frailejones?
- General Survival Uses
- How to Brew the Frailejon Nightcap
What You Need to Know About Frailejones and Its Survival Uses
What Is Frailejon?
#frailejon jewel of the #andes #nature #tourism #travel #travelenjoyrespect
— MeridaCableCar (@CableCar_Merida) September 6, 2017
Plants like cattails, amaranth, clovers, and dandelions are all typical plants of choice for the survivalist, but what about the frailejon? If you’ve never heard of it, you're not alone.
Most people outside South America have never even seen one before. These amazing survival plants are only found in a very specific region of the Andes, where the climate is just right for them to flourish.
For hikers, explorers and other outdoor enthusiasts traveling in this part of the world, frailejones can serve as a critical survival and medicinal plant.
When the going gets tough, these plants are your best friends. Or, you can use your knowledge of frailejones to impress fellow travelers the next time you hike in the Andes.
How to Identify Frailejones
Frailejones is immediately recognizable. While exploring the foggy flanks of the northern Andes, you’ll no doubt catch glimpses of shadowy, slender figures dotting the landscape.
These silhouetted forms can look like other hikers in the fog, but on closer inspection, you’ll find something much stranger.
It is a plant measuring anywhere from a few centimeters to a few meters high. It might look like a cactus at first, but the leaves are soft, and the spines feel more like fur.
The twisted stalk gives way to a spongy mass of leaves bunched at the top, and you might see yellow flowers poking up here and there.
Botanists call this wacky-looking plant the espeletia, but most locals simply call them frailejones or friars. Indeed, they certainly look priestly with their shaggy forms vaguely resembling cassock-clad monks in dim light.
At night, the espeletia plant can be a bit of an otherworldly sight when hiking in the Andes.
Where Can You Find Frailejones?
In areas where they’re endemic, frailejones plants can cover the landscape like a spongy blanket. They’re most commonly found in Colombia, along with the western highlands of Venezuela and Northern Ecuador.
Failejones also grow in some parts of Peru but are not particularly common. In all four countries, you’ll only see frailejones on the paramo.
The paramo is a high altitude tropical ecosystem. It is usually wet, windy, and cold, and sometimes resembles moorlands. As for the frailejones, they typically grow on paramo at altitudes of 1,800 to 4,700 meters.
However, this height can vary, depending on the specific climate of the paramo.
In general, however, you can expect to find frailejones on any high altitude slopes in wet and cold regions. In some places, it’s hard to walk without stepping on one; elsewhere, it can be challenging to find even a single plant.
RELATED: How to Find Edible Plants in the Wild
General Survival Uses
#Frailejon jewel os the #Andes @Mukumbari @CableCar_Merida
— MeridaCableCar (@CableCar_Merida) August 22, 2017
Frailejones have a surprisingly diverse set of applications for campers and survivalists. Next time you’re in the northern Andes, try out a few of these for yourself.
Bear in mind, however, that the frailejon is considered endangered due to agricultural clearing.
In some areas where the plant is plentiful, it can seem harmless to take a few leaves for yourself, but keep in mind that frailejones grow exceptionally slowly.
So if you need to harvest the plant for yourself, do so sparingly. Only take a few of the outer leaves from limited plants where permitted.
In some areas, frailejones harvesting is banned, while in others, it is entirely acceptable. When in doubt, play it safe and refrain from picking this plant.
1. Bedding
The rocky, wet terrain of the paramo offers very few spots for the weary traveler to sleep for the night. Luckily, the frailejon can save the day. The wide, spongy leaves of the frailejon make an excellent camping mattress or pillow.
Simply harvest dry leaves, evenly pile them, then lie down to compress them a bit. Stuff them inside a plastic bag to make a decent pillow, or heap them under your tent for a little extra comfort in the night.
In Venezuela, you’ll often see local hikers harvesting frailejones by the armload, piling them into ridiculously high improvised mattresses.
Don’t copy this wasteful behavior. Instead, take only what you need, and do so sparingly.
2. Insulation
Frailejones make an excellent addition to any improvised shelters, such as a lean-to, wedge hut, or round hut. Packing them all over the walls will offer protection from the wind while helping keep the precious warmth inside.
3. Medicinal Uses
Along with being suitable construction material for bedding and improvised shelters, frailejones also purportedly have some serious health benefits. They are believed to ward off altitude sickness.
An attribute that makes them quite a popular survival plant among travelers hiking in the Andes.
4. Frailejon Tea
A common folk cure for altitude sickness, frailejon leaves can be used to make a bitter but tasty tea. Boil washed leaves vigorously for at least 10 minutes, then drink hot.
You should use roughly one medium-sized leaf per cup of water. Cinnamon is also traditionally added for a bit of flavor.
I’ve tried this myself, and find it can be pretty refreshing and helps with the symptoms of mild altitude sickness.
5. Frailejon Resin
Boiling the tea further will lead to the liquid forming into a thick mess of bitter yellow syrup. It might look gross (and ruin your cooking pot), but Andean locals claim it can help with asthma and other respiratory problems.
At altitudes like these, anything to make breathing easier is welcome.
6. Bonus Tip: Making Booze
As a final ode to the glorious frailejon, let me introduce perhaps its greatest application: as booze.
On a cold Andean night, a frailejon nightcap can work wonders, easing sore muscles and helping even the most restless traveler get their Zs on.
To try it for yourself, begin by making the frailejon tea described above.
How to Brew the Frailejon Nightcap
Add a tablespoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of sugar, a dash of cardamom and a bit of nutmeg, depending on taste. Simmer for a few minutes after the initial vigorous boil, and add either aguardiente (basically moonshine) or a spirit of your choice.
In Venezuela, I’d opt for their excellent rum, while in Colombia, you’re better off sticking to an aniseed liquor. In Ecuador, Trago de caña will do the trick.
After a total of 15-20 minutes of boiling, strain the leaves and drink hot. You’ll thank me.
Check out this video from John Campbell about a few edible and useful desert plants:
Like the survival experts of the primitive times, they've learned to identify plants vital to their survival, which is how we got to know the amazing Frailejones. Take precautions though when trying new plants for their survival uses.
Taking time to research about plants like what you are doing now is one way to help you identify safe and useful plants.
So what do you think? Will you be keeping an eye out for this legendary plant on your next trip to the Andes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Up Next:
- Foraging Tips for the 7 Most Common Edible Plants
- 7 Coconut Uses For Survival When You Have Nothing Left
- Uncommon Aluminum Foil Survival Uses
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 24, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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Mark L C
March 5, 2018 at 4:35 AM
We see free things all the time but the sad part is they are paid for in the shipping cost. If the 6.99 was just for shipping only they would let you compare shipping rates. It a very light tool amd can be shipped in a small bubble pack 2.00 bucks on average. It isn’t a bad little tool, im not saying not to purchase one I am just putting truths out there about shipping and handling practices. P.S. companies do not pay tax on shipping and handling.
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March 9, 2018 at 10:15 AM
Yup, I am from the Andes mountains in Venezuela, and frailejones are one of our unique plants!
Dissatisfied Customer
March 18, 2018 at 12:57 PM
Also, don’t order any pepper spray. I ordered some on 12/6/17 and haven’t received it yet. They continue to solicit sales of pepper spray even though they don’t have any and have told me they don’t know when they will be receiving any.
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