Do It Yourself

Emergency Hurricane Survival Kit List & Preparedness Tips




There are all kinds of emergency survival kit lists out there. So many, in fact, that its hard to decide what exactly you need in your own, personal kit.

A lot of the items you'll need to keep in your survival kit are determined by where you live and what kinds of survival situations you're likely to find yourself in. By and large, the most likely causes for bringing about survival situations are natural disasters.

For many of us along the coast, those disasters usually involve hurricanes and the side effect disasters they bring with them. Hurricane season is fast approaching, and you don't want to be stuck without a kit when disaster strikes.

Stock up now to avoid the chaos of last minute preparing and the possibility of having to do without. Read on for our emergency hurricane survival kit list.



First, some general information-

From the different categories to what to have on hand, this infographic gives some key information about hurricane preparedness.


For more information, click here.


Emergency Hurricane Survival Kit List Video

Here's one example of how to put together a hurricane survival kit.


Hurricane Preparedness by Global Expert Systems

Scroll through these pages for some tips on how to best prepare for and deal with hurricanes.



FEMA Emergency Supply List

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is the national authority on natural disasters. Here's what they think should be in your emergency survival kit:




Tip: Document Your Completed Kit

Take a photo as a reminder of what all you have in your kit. This could be helpful for restocking and periodically checking to make sure everything is still accounted for in your kit.


(via SCDHEC)


If you follow these tips and assemble your emergency hurricane survival kit now, you'll be sure to keep your family safe in the event of a hurricane.

Avoid the stress of preparing last minute and get your hands on these key items before disaster strikes!

Want more tips? Check out these great articles on our site:

The Basics of Disaster Preparedness

10 Disaster Preparedness Tips You Can Really Use

Medical Preparedness: Which Should You Store?

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