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Earthquake Safety Tips | How To Survive In An Earthquake



Earthquake Safety Tips | How To Survive an Earthquake

As you’ve probably heard by now, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit Napa Valley, California in the early morning hours this past Sunday.

Such an event should serve as a reminder that disaster can strike at any time, unexpectedly. That’s why you always have to be prepared for the worst.

Earthquakes tend to happen more frequently in certain areas (California is a hotspot), but the truth is they can happen anywhere.

While earthquakes are hard to predict, there are precautions and steps you can take to keep yourself and your family safe. Check out the excerpt below, and be sure to read the full article for a complete list of earthquake safety tips.



How to Prepare for an Earthquake?

  • Know where you are at all times and how to get out of the building. This is more important if you are in a strange place like a hotel in another city.
  • Select a safe place in your home for everyone to wait out the earthquake if needed
  • Practice earthquake drills with your family
  • Keep flashlights and sturdy shoes available.
  • Bolt gas appliances to walls (water heater, oven, dryers)
  • Know how to shut off the gas in your house and have the proper tools on hand if you need to do this.
  • Keep emergency supplies/bug out bags in a safe location.
  • Have a plan for power outages before you are faced with one.

(Via Earthquake Safety Checklist)

earthquake survival tips


Earthquakes are one of several natural disasters that can affect just about anyone, no matter where you live.

You may not be able to control the damage caused by an earthquake, but knowing what to expect, how to prepare, and what to do when the earthquake hits can help you prevent a fate much worse than damaged property.

So learn what to do, take the proper precautions, and be confident in your knowledge.

Be safe out there!

Do you have any tips that you'd like to share for surviving in an earthquake?

Leave a comment below to let us know.


Want more tips? Check out these related articles:

Earthquake Preparedness Tips

How to Survive an Earthquake

Earthquake Survival Tips: Think You’re Safe? Think Again

Continue Reading


  1. Pingback: Earthquake Safety Tips | How To Survive In An Earthquake | SurvivalistBasics.com

  2. Claude

    August 26, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    Great info! This is useful for anyone. I also keep in mind a quick exit route when I enter a new building.

    But I can’t understand why should you get out of your vehicle during an earthquake? If you are stuck in traffic under a bridge then it makes perfect sense. But otherwise the car will protect you from possible falling objects (like windows from nearby buildings).

    I also think it is important to mention something about the triangle of life, even if not everybody agrees with this theory. It has saved some lives until now and with more awareness it may save more.

  3. Pingback: How to Survive an Earthquake » Survival Gear & Food Storage

  4. John Turner

    July 16, 2015 at 7:33 AM

    here i found, i think it is very useful article too, Survival guides: Twenty-six tips to help you survive during earthquake and after an earthquake https://www.patriotdirect.org/survival-guides-twenty-six-tips-to-help-you-survive-during-earthquake-and-after-an-earthquake/

  5. Pingback: Earthquake Preparedness Tips For Homeowners | Get Out Alive

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