Do It Yourself

How to Make a Double-Wide Cobra Paracord Bracelet

A great survivalist knows how valuable a paracord bracelet can be in a survival situation. This double-wide cobra bracelet allows you to carry multiple feet of paracord around your wrist at all times. Check out the tutorial below to learn how to make your own.



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A great survivalist knows how valuable a paracord bracelet can be in a survival situation. This double-wide cobra bracelet allows you to carry multiple feet of paracord around your wrist at all times.

Check out the tutorial below to learn how to make your own!

RELATED: Top 10 Reasons To Never Leave Home Without A Paracord Bracelet

Double-Wide Cobra Paracord Bracelet Tutorial

Paracord Bracelet

A paracord bracelet is a great survival tool for any prepper, not only does paracord have a ton of uses, but it is also incredibly durable. I'm a huge fan of this Micro Fish Pod Paracord tool.


The double-wide cobra paracord weave is made from two small cobra braids side by side, allowing you to carry even more paracord on your wrist without being too bulky. I'll show you how to make your own in the tutorial below.

Paracord Bracelet Supplies

  • 3 Paracord 550 (4mm)(16 feet/4.8 meters each cord)
  • Paracord black plastic buckles (25 mm / 1 inch)(2 Sets)
  • Measuring tool
  • Sharp flush cutter pliers
  • Lighter

Instructions to Make Paracord Bracelet

  1. Measure your wrist to determine how much paracord you will need. You may need more or less, depending on the size of your wrist. (It's definitely better to have too much paracord than not enough.)
  2. Loop your first paracord string through the buckle. Fold your cord in half, then make a loop with the right strand. Insert the loop into the top buckle, then pull the cord strings through.
  3. Loop your second and third-string through the buckle. Repeat the process you did in step 2. Loop one string on the left of your first string, then do one on the right side. In total, you will have three strings side by side.
  4. Begin to braid your paracord. This is 2 cobra stitches, side by side. After each set of braids, the center braid lines are swapped from one side to the other. This holds the 2 sides together. Take the outside braid line and pass it behind the 2 core lines. Pass the inner braid line under the outer braid line, then up and over the core lines, and through the loop made by the outer braid line. Tighten that knot. Now, on the same side of the buckle, you have to do the mirror image of the first knot. Loop the inner braid line behind the core lines. Then, pull the outer braid line behind the inner braid line, over the core lines, and through the loop and pull tight. Now do the same set of steps on the other side of the buckle, starting with the outer braid line. Once you've completed 2 knots on each side of the buckle, you have to crisscross the inner braid lines.
  5. Ensure that you are pulling the knots tightly, but not so tight as to distort the straightness of the bracelet. Every so often, grab the core lines and push the braids up to the buckle to keep everything tight. Release the braid lines bit by bit as needed. Just keep braiding until you get to the desired length.
  6. Once your bracelet is the proper length, thread your paracord through the bottom buckle. Pull one string from each braid line through the buckle.
  7. Tie off your bracelet.
  8. Seal the edges. Cut any excess paracord, then use a lighter to burn the edges. This will keep your bracelet intact and prevent fraying.
  9. Buckle your bracelet on your wrist, and you're all set! You now have several feet of survival cord ready!


  • When you measure your bracelet, be sure to include both ends of the buckle in your measurements.

RELATED: 82 Uses for Paracord That Will Surprise You

Finished Product

bracelet collar paracord | paracord bracelet patterns


In an emergency where your paracord bracelet will come in handy, you’ll want to be able to quickly deploy your bracelet. This double-wide cobra bracelet is just one of the many ways to weave a paracord.

Not only does it look stylish, but it will also provide you with a longer paracord which is handy in times of survival!

What other paracord bracelet have you tried weaving before? Share your experience with us in the comments section below!

Double Wide Cobra Paracord Bracelet


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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 9, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.



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