Do It Yourself

Simple, Low-Tech, High Security Perimeter Alarm



Barbed wire and electric fence wall security | Simple, Low-Tech, High Security Perimeter Alarm | Featured

Whether you are camping or home alone, this low-tech perimeter alarm is guaranteed to startle intruders and alert you as soon as something goes awry.

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How to Make a Perimeter Alarm for Your Home

Outdoor Perimeter Alarm System

Let's be honest with ourselves. How many times have we woken up in the middle of the night “hearing things?”

It could just be a raccoon, the neighbor's cat, or just a simple rush of the wind, even the refrigerator makes scary noises. Give yourself peace of mind by making your own residential perimeter security systems with items you have around the house already.


Put Your Hands to Work with This DIY Perimeter Alarm


Below are the step-by-step instructions for building this nifty little security device. If you're more of a visual learner and you'd rather watch the instructional video we put together, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Otherwise, let's dig in!

What You'll Need:

  • Air horn
  • Duct tape
  • Flat rock
  • Cardboard Tube
  • Stake
  • Tripwire (i.e. fishing line)

Step 1: Tie Off Your Post


Give your post a good wrap with tripwire (we used a 6-lb fishing line). Be sure to leave plenty of tripwire on the trailing end to ensure that you can reach your tie-off point.

Tying off your post is one of the most important parts of your survival perimeter alarm. If your post isn’t securely wrapped it may never trigger the horn!

Step 2: Insert the Air Horn


Insert your air horn into the cardboard tube and cut it to size. This step ensures that you don’t have to dig a new hole every time your perimeter alarm needs replacement.

Step 3: Place the Perimeter Alarm


Dig a small pit for your perimeter alarm at an out-of-the-way location (make sure you have natural brush and debris that will cover the area and keep it from standing out to an intruder). You’ll want to bury the alarm about halfway from the top and tightly pack the earth around it so that it doesn't shift.

RELATED: 20 Home Security And Crime Prevention Secrets

Step 4: Create Your Trigger


Remove the air horn from the cardboard tube and attach a strip of duct tape to the side of the can. Roll the second piece of tape into a “button” about the size of a grape and place it on the air horns trigger.



Place the first strip of tape over the button and secure it to the other side of the can. Smooth it out to ensure the duct tape is securely attached to the can.

Step 5: Set Your Post and Deadfall


Insert your post a maximum of 1/3 of its length into the ground in front of your alarm pit, any more than this and the post may not pull free when the tripwire is activated.

Carefully balance your deadfall (stone) on top of the post. Add natural brush and debris around the deadfall to create a natural look that won’t stand out.

Step 6: Tie Off Your Tripwire


Tie off the loose end of your tripwire to a tree or other stationary object. Be sure to elevate the tripwire at least 3-5 inches off the ground (low enough to remain unnoticed, but high enough that it will still trigger).

Here's the full video tutorial of this security perimeter alarm:

You’ve now secured your home, campsite, or bug out location! This quick and simple perimeter sensors outdoor will give you that last second heads up you need to prepare yourself when an intruder enters your campsite or bug out location.

Are you ready to make your own DIY perimeter alarm? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!


For awesome survival gear, you can't make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  7. Brian Tomlinson

    April 8, 2018 at 12:08 PM

    I really appreciate your Gmail’s. I’m very security conscious and rarely have much money, so your diy projects are right up my alley. I haven’t tried the air horn perimeter alarm yet, but intend to ASAFP. Thanks again.

  8. wallpaper

    October 23, 2018 at 8:33 AM

    I really appreciate your work and content good keep it up

  9. Joseph Kisselburg

    August 22, 2019 at 6:15 PM

    This is a most informative site and I do appreciate all you do. Money is tight and these little diy projects are exactly what one needs to know when “it” hits the fan.. thanks

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