Survival Skills

Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack



Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack

While out in the wilderness, it is important to keep in mind that this is not just human territory. It is the territory of many different packs of wild animals.

While out exploring in nature, it is extremely important to know how to defend against wild packs of animals. Here is a short list of what to do if you are attacked by various animals such as wolves, coyotes, bears, raccoons and even birds.


1.  Wolves

Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack | Wolves


Wolf packs operate on a type of hierarchy. Alpha males lead the pack while the Omega males are the first of the group to approach danger, in case of an unfortunate mishap. In most instances humans are only first approached by the Omega male which can be warded off. In case you find yourself in a wolf den or surrounded by a pack, it is possible to survive against this wild pack of animals.

Whatever you do, do NOT turn and run. The canine family thrills off the chase, as they are predatory creatures.

Instead, stand your ground and make your appearance as big as possible. Waving your rifle or a large object while yelling can intimidate the pack, scaring them into hightailing it out of there.

In case of a wolf attack, it is possible to put the wolf into a headlock or chokehold.  This has been done and can be heard in numerous wolf attack stories, although injuries did occur to the survivors.

It is always smart to have some sort of defense weapon in case traveling in an area where wolves might be about.


2. Coyotes

Much like wolves, coyotes travel in packs with a scale of hierarchy. Fortunately, coyotes are much smaller than wolves, but you should not assume that they are to be any less feared.

Intimidation is possible in defense against a wild pack of coyotes and has occurred often in areas where coyotes are common. In fact coyote attacks are much more frequent than wolf attacks as coyotes tend to prey on small dogs and cats in residential areas where many pet owners reside.

In case of a coyote attack, never turn and run. Again, canines will instinctively chase. Stand your ground and make your appearance as large as possible  Yell and display signs of aggression.

Be sure to have a weapon for defense; if you don't, remember that much like wolves, coyotes too can be held in chokeholds and headlocks. Although injuries may be sustained, destroying the hierarchy of the pack will scare the others off.



3. Bears

Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack | Bears

There are many different types of bear, but regardless, if attacked these creatures are capable of a great deal. Bears can weigh up to 1,300 pounds and tend to attack the jugular of their prey first. If provoked or if  their young are approached, they can instantly attack. For the most part, though, bears naturally avoid humans and can often be seen from a distance while out in their territory, causing attacks by these creatures to be uncommon.

If attacked, however, a fight would not be a great idea. Still, turning and running will get you killed by a bear faster if you ever find yourself in such a situation. Instead, speak in monotone voices while not making any sudden movements.

A bear will work on intimidation, so forcing yourself to remain calm while very slowly reversing your path could very well save your life.

If physically attacked, your best chance of survival is to instantly go into the fetal position — stomach down to the ground, protecting your face, neck and throat.  The bear will attempt to attack your throat and stomach area, exposing vital organs.  At all costs, you must not let this happen.


4. Raccoons

Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack | Raccoons

Although small, raccoons can be very vicious. Raccoons typically live in small packs, protecting their offspring until they can fend for themselves. However, large groups of raccoons have been known to seek shelter in areas of the wilderness and increase their aggressive behavior if provoked.  Many innocent individuals simply just walking their dog have been attacked by several raccoons at once because they unknowingly stumbled upon their territory.

If attacked by raccoons, especially more than one, make your way out while facing the raccoon. This will help prevent the raccoon from chasing you. Also, be sure to stay on your feet if bitten or jumped on. Once they knock you down, raccoons are capable of causing multiple bites in just a matter of seconds that can penetrate skin very easily, resulting in having to get stitches.

Also, it is a better idea to stay on your feet so as to prevent bites around the face and neck, especially if the raccoons are rabid. Yell, scream and make loud noises, as this will intimidate the raccoons, but never turn your back. Raccoons are known for their sneakiness and will attack if your eyes are taken off of them even if just for a moment.


5. Birds


Tips On How To Survive In The Wild | Defending Against Animal Attack | Birds

Groups of crows, geese, and even ducks have been known to attack en masse, especially if startled or provoked. Although most birds naturally fly away, instances do occur where birds will attack.  Birds are capable of causing significant damage, especially in large numbers, if the face, eyes, and neck are not thoroughly protected or if the shelter is not sought out immediately.

Attacks by birds are rare, but not to be thought of as uncommon or unnecessary to defend against. If attacked by a group of birds, immediately use your clothing to cover your face and eyes and seek shelter.

Birds will fly and circle and attack from many different directions, leaving you with really only one option: Extraction. Extract yourself immediately from the area in which you stumbled on before being attacked. Birds’ flight patterns are somewhat unpredictable and can be hard to defend against especially if a weapon is not available.


Do you have any animal attack stories of your own? Share them with us in the comments below!

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