
Quarantine Survival Tips | Part 2: Creating A Coronavirus Homeschool Schedule



Coronavirus Homeschool Schedule

The meme world is going crazy over parents taking on the role of teachers. Parents everywhere are discovering just how hard the job is. As we all adjust to a new normal, making and sticking to a schedule can be challenging.

A few guidelines to making your coronavirus homeschool schedule can help keep everyone from going crazy.

How to Make a Coronavirus Homeschool Schedule

Remember that kids and adults alike need breaks, and children need to move around. Online tools are helpful, especially when you need to get some work done, but screen time should still be limited!

So how do you make a schedule that’s realistic and achievable but still gets the work done?


1. Pick the Time

This is a great opportunity to avoid alarms and the morning rush that creates stress.

Let your children wake up on his/her own and eat a leisurely and nutritious breakfast. Avoid the quick and portable breakfasts that we rely on when we have less time.

Once the kids have eaten and played a little, get started.

2. Hardest Work First

Most people do their best work early in the day, and children are no exception. Work on the most challenging subjects first, tapering off to review or fun concepts as the day progresses.

When possible, follow your child’s regular teacher’s approach to lessons for consistency.

Be patient with your child and yourself as they have become accustomed to learning from someone else, and you don't teach them the difficult subjects daily.

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3. Work with Each Child Individually

Some parents are finding themselves as teachers of three or four different ages (maybe even more!). The curriculums and requirements vary significantly, and each child will need some one-on-one time with you.

Make sure you carve this time into your coronavirus homeschool schedule each day.

4. Don’t Forget the “Specials”

If you remember anything positive about school as a child, it probably included “Specials”: Art, Music, Home Economics, Woodworking, Theater, etc. Don’t leave these out of your curriculum!


It’s so important to keep your home school experience fun, hands-on, and practical. Using tools and measuring ingredients are important life skills for kids, just as Math and Reading are important life skills.

5. Schedule Time to Move

Breaks and physical activity are vital to a successful day of homeschooling. Do not underestimate the power of time outside and time spent playing. As much as possible, add physical movement activities in your coronavirus homeschool schedule.

When children are homeschooled, there aren’t distractions from other students. Lessons can be completed in a matter of minutes. Each completed lesson can be followed by a break to prevent burnout, frustrations, and fights.

6. Be Ready to Adjust

If your first attempt at a schedule isn’t successful, try again. This is unchartered territory for so many parents. If your kids are losing focus because you’re starting lessons too late, then start earlier.

If they need to burn off energy before they settle into learning, schedule outside time after breakfast. Take this chance to learn what your child needs to perform at their highest level.

7. Keep Your Days Short

Homeschooling is revered as the most personal approach to learning because it is entirely customizable. If your child grasps a concept quickly, you can move on. If something takes a little longer, that’s where you dedicate your time.

When they show extra interest in something like Geography or Cooking, you can add more time for those subjects in your coronavirus homeschool schedule.

Much of the 7-hour school day that they are accustomed to include administrative tasks and meeting the needs of 20-30 students. Your school days at home may be closer to 2-3 hours in total as you cut down to the essentials.

School's out early, so try to view this time with your child as a learning experience for both of you. It is fascinating to watch your child learn and see them embrace certain skills and subjects. You may learn a lot about each other!

Hopefully, this coronavirus homeschool schedule will keep you and the kids focused.

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