Do It Yourself

9 Unique DIY Homesteading Projects




Try these projects to add some fun to your homesteading.

These unique DIYs and unusual instructions will add some new life into your homesteading projects.

With this list of projects you will discover all natural and homemade alternatives to some of the store bought items you would otherwise rely on.

From the medicine cabinet to the barnyard, from the kitchen to the mudroom, these DIYs will offer some fun projects to make your life better and easier.


You can find the instructions for each project in a link in the description.

1. DIY Reusable Food Wrap

With a little beeswax and cotton fabric, you can make a reusable covering for food storage. Find the full instructions here.



2.  10 Minute Fridge Pickles Recipe

This quick, simple DIY will have you canning pickles like a pro in no time. To get to canning, check out this DIY.


3. All-Purpose Citrus Cleaner DIY

You can easily make your own all natural cleaner. This combination of vinegar and citrus gets the job done and smells great. Find the instructions here.



4. Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Avoid the harsh chemicals of store-bought hand sanitizer. You can make your own that's better for you, safer, and completely homemade! Find the DIY instructions here.




5. Homemade De-Skunking Spray

There's a better remedy for the skunk smell than tomato juice! This is an all natural recipe that will help remove that dreaded stench. Get instructions here.



6. Picnic Table Instructions

Have some carpentry skills? Put them to use with this picnic table DIY. Find the instructions here.



7. Homemade Udder Salve

A combination of beeswax and Shea butter will do wonders to relieve your animals udders. Check out the DIY here.



8. DIY Jello Flue Shots

These cubes are full of immunity boosting herbs that help your body fight off infection. Find the recipe here.



9. DIY River Rock Boot Tray

Keep messy footwear at bay with this DIY. River rocks lining a simple tray keep shoes of all kinds from tracking dirt into your house. The instructions can be found here.



For more fun DIY projects, follow DIY Ready on Pinterest!

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  1. Aaron

    March 4, 2014 at 6:52 PM

    It seems all the links are broken. Anybody else having trouble?

    • Stephanie

      March 6, 2014 at 9:46 PM

      So sorry, guys. We had an issue yesterday and apologize for the inconvenience. They should work now.

  2. Ryan

    March 6, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    Love the DIY projects!

  3. Lucy Walter

    March 6, 2014 at 11:52 PM

    What great tips, I love the river rock boot tray. Such a simple idea but perfect when the summer rain comes and Ive got to wade through muddy animal pens.. thanks for sharing.

  4. Doug

    March 24, 2014 at 7:11 AM

    Thanks for the homesteading tips
    We are going to try to make pickles for sure when our cucumbers are ready

  5. Pingback: How To Become Self Reliant Through Homesteading | Survival Life

  6. Pingback: How to Make a Paracord Wallet | Survival Life

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