Homemade Survival Equipment

5 Reasons To Load Up On Olive Oil Now




Most preppers don`t even consider stocking olive oil, because it goes bad faster than other alternatives. Indeed, an unopened bottle of olive oil can last up to four years, while an opened bottle may start getting rancid after only 90 days.

However, olive oil has a LOT more purposes than cooking, that most people have no idea about.

 I`m going to show you five ways you can use olive oil as a prepper, whether it`s around the household or when you bug out. Hopefully, you`ll see why olive oil is a great multi-purpose item that can save you a lot of money (and space) if used properly.

 #1: Body care

 Olive oil is an amazing 100% natural moisturizer, so you can use it as body lotion, hand cream and even as hair conditioner. If you bug out, you can use it for softening dry skin and help scratches heal faster.


Also, if it`s freezing outside, you can apply a light layer of olive oil on your hands, face and hair, to protect them from the cold.

 #2: Leather care

 If it`s good for you skin, then it`s good for your leather clothes, as well. Apply a thin layer of olive oil on your leather jacket to keep it in good condition. Do the same with your leather shoes. Olive oil helps them preserve their shine longer, saving you from spending money on new shoes.

Attention: Wipe the dust off your jacket or shoes before applying the oil!

 #3: Lubricant

 Why waste money on retail lubricant when you`ve already got some in the kitchen? If you`ve got some olive oil that`s past its expiration date, don`t throw it out. Use it on squeaking doors, on knife blades or any other metal object that needs a protective coat (or just some shine). It`s 100% natural, so it won`t attack metal. On contrary, it will protect it just like any other lubricant — only it`s much cheaper.

 #4: Olive oil survival candle

 This is probably the easiest DIY candle ever. I got this from GreatNorthernPrepper and I`ll share it with you, as well, because I found it very simple and useful.

 Here`s what you need:

 – Olive oil (it can be expired, makes no difference)

– Mason jar (ideally with handle)

– Wick (string, shoelaces, shirts strips, mop strands… anything that is cotton)

– Paperclip or ornament holder


Here`s what you`ll do:


  • Twist the metal wire  (ornament, paperclip, stray wire) to form a ‘hook” to hold onto the edge of the jar
  • Twist the metal wire into a semi-tight loop around the wick


  • Pour the Oil into the mason Jar, insert Wick into the oil


  • Make sure the wick is barely above the oil, about 1/4″


  • You’re done. LIGHT IT!

Here`s the step-by-step youtube video, in case you need visual aid:

Can you think of any other good reasons to keep olive oil stocked up?

Want more? Check out these articles for other surprising uses of items that you need to know about:

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***Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.***

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on November 8, 2013, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  1. Brank

    November 8, 2013 at 9:20 AM

    WHY would I put olive oil on leather when it gets rancid in 90 days????

    Surely that’s a joke….

    • Joseph Jaeger

      November 8, 2013 at 11:05 AM


      1. Dampen two soft cloths with lukewarm water. Make sure the cloths are just barely wet.

      2. Pour three drops of gentle hand soap onto one cloth, and rub it in until it is well-combined. Alternatively, you can use 2 tbsp. white vinegar.

      3. Pour 3 tbsp. olive oil onto the other damp cloth. Rub it in until olive oil saturates the cloth.

      4. Rub the first cloth all along the surface area of the leather jacket, wiping away dirt. Follow immediately with the cloth dampened with olive oil. Repeat once.

      5. Buff dry with a clean, soft cloth.

      • Jan P

        November 8, 2013 at 11:19 PM

        Be careful using this on leather clothes if you have pets…Chew toy! My border collie LOVES olive oil, shea butter, etc. Not recommended to use any kind of animal /veg fats on leather because of rancidity and mold.

    • Lori Jo Wood

      November 13, 2013 at 5:04 PM

      Would I be able to use olive oil in a oil lamp?

  2. Schneewitchen

    November 8, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    Anybody remember the “un-candle” from the 1970’s?? It was simply a shallow bowl into which you poured water, then any oil and it had a small plastic float with a hole in center. You placed a short cotton wick in the hole, that rested in the oil. It burned safely for hours with a nice mellow light.

    • Shirley Schwerdtfeger/DeCuir

      November 8, 2013 at 8:22 PM

      Yes, I loved them and you can still get these little plastic floats from Hobby Lobby.

    • Jen

      November 9, 2013 at 4:28 AM

      My mother had the uncandle. I remember them as a kid. 🙂

  3. John Wesley

    November 8, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    How about normal consumption? For a very tasty and heathy snack: (1) Slice Italian or French bread, plain or toasted. (2) Rub with a slice of garlic (optional). (3) Apply olive oil to your liking. (4) Lightly salt (or not) (5) Enjoy! Delicious! We discovered this recently while traveling in Tuscany.

    • 'Above Average' Joe

      November 8, 2013 at 10:39 AM

      now you’re making me hungry…


    November 8, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    Be sure to place your olive oil in the Frig. for 24-48 hours. many Extra Virgin Olive oil being sold today is fake. without this test i would not use it on my skin,knife, or as a lube. It could do more damage than good in the long run. Please be careful.

    • Tessa

      November 8, 2013 at 11:10 AM

      What are we looking for when we put it in the Frig.

      • SunRose

        November 8, 2013 at 1:13 PM

        please see just below

      • Shirley Schwerdtfeger/DeCuir

        November 8, 2013 at 8:26 PM

        It will get solid when cold but it doesn’t take much to melt it.
        Run the bottle under warm water, not hot. Never never put olive oil in the microwave, it will destroy the good benefits.
        Also never put honey in it either. I hate what a microwave does to food and your body.

    • getts2u

      November 8, 2013 at 11:32 AM

      What is the result if the oil is genuine? vs the result when it is fake?


      • SunRose

        November 8, 2013 at 1:12 PM

        A good evoo gets cloudy and then more solid. You can make fake butter pats by freezing it in a plastic ice cube container (fun for vegan kids).

  5. Tessa

    November 8, 2013 at 11:09 AM

    Don’t forget you can make castile soap from old olive oil!

    I’ve also soaked newspaper with it, crinkled up some dry newspaper, roughly smooth it back out and alternate layer them. The crinkled layer adds oxygen. Roll them up and tie them with a couple of repuposed bread twist ties (it will take a couple daisy chained together depending on the size of the roll). Try a small one first until you get the hang of it. Great fire starter.

    I’ve done this with a roll of corrugated cardboard from packing too but watch out, it burns FAST! Better suited to starting a campfire or bonfire.

  6. Peter Thompson

    November 8, 2013 at 12:12 PM

    Oilve oil was used as street lights in Ephesus (Turkey) 2,000 years ago.

    • Shirley Schwerdtfeger/DeCuir

      November 8, 2013 at 8:31 PM

      In the Bible you can read where they used olive oil for light, so, many years ago when my good smelling candles burned down a little, I would pour olive oil in it while still lit. The original fragrance is still there and the candle lasts forever. Of course it is healthier to use essential oil to make it smell good when you use a fragrance free candle.

      • Phoebe

        November 14, 2013 at 11:29 AM

        I love this; thanks! Much easier than crafting a candle in a mason jar and using up my really good oil. Very thrifty!

  7. SunRose

    November 8, 2013 at 1:09 PM

    Watch out for absolute statements.I keep it in a dark place. I personally have never had a bad evoo, even with non-organic.

    Below is from the Apollo Olive Oil page

    Extra Virgin olive oil on the other hand, is a natural raw product, subject to variations year to year and to changes with time. Generally speaking, a young EVO oil will be fresh and even perky with aromas and flavors. As time goes by, the filtered EVO oils will mellow, becoming softer and milder – but still quite pleasant. Unfiltered EVO oils may develop off-smells and flavors at any time, largely depending on storage conditions. Eventually, all oils will turn rancid.

  8. Suzanne

    November 8, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    Olive oil is NOT shelf-stable. It goes bad quickly, you can’t cook in it (smoke up the house), it requires refrigeration after opening. Therefore, for storage, hit Costco and load up on their coconut oil, grape seed oil and peanut oil. All much better for storage.
    On top of that, you need the medium chain fatty acids in the coconut oil to rebuild muscle and tendon tissues, and to help brain tissue.

  9. Thomas Schuckman

    November 8, 2013 at 2:33 PM

    Pure Olive oil [and I think Greek oil tastes the best] cam be used instead of butter, or with butter. on your morning toast. It can also serve as a laxative!! It is also part of the home therapy recipe to help pass gall stones and kidney stones. Great relief ! Also mixed with pure, RAW, honey, and apple cider vinegar — for the best, most healthy salad dressing! [email: tschuckman@aol.com] Disabled
    Vietnam Veteran: 68-70.

    • chris

      November 9, 2013 at 9:47 PM

      Thomas, do you have the recipe for the kidney stone removal??

  10. Jackie Singleton

    November 12, 2013 at 5:06 PM

    I need the receipt for removing any stones in the organs mentioned. Have misplaced mine. Please. Will someone let me know I you have a copy to share???? I have a cousin who needs rom remove a kidney , as we speak,,,, thank you Jackie

    • Merle

      November 17, 2013 at 6:35 AM

      Google “The Cure for ALL Diseases” or go to Amazon and by it, it’s not much, and it has what you want and much, much more… I promise you you’ll be glad you did… Merle

  11. Jill @ Called To Be A Mom

    November 12, 2013 at 6:02 PM

    I use a lot of Olive Oil. I have a soap business. I can say it is used a lot! Also you can put it in a fridge for it to last longer. It will change in the fridge to a white in tact solid instead of a yellow liquid. Once you bring it back to room temperature it goes back to the normal texture.

  12. Max from Texas

    November 24, 2013 at 8:00 AM

    FYI, you can freeze Olive Oil to make it last longer. You can also use it to make soap/shampoo’s, salves, creams; ie; pain relief/muscle soreness, etc. , make-up remover, and much more.

  13. Kim Yritt

    March 3, 2014 at 2:18 AM

    You can also use olive oil to make homemade soap.

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