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10 Survival Uses For A Contractor’s Trash Bag

Did you know that there are a lot of uses for a trash bag when SHTF? Read on to learn 10 ways to use a trash bag for survival situations.
Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag
How I Came Up With This Idea
How many survival uses can you think of for a trash bag? About a month ago, I have received an email from Google. I subscribe to a few email alerts; one of the topics being Survival. I receive these emails daily and I always take the time to skim through them to see if I find anything of value. As I got to the third headline, something immediately caught my attention. It was a story written in the Associated Press about the survival uses of a plastic trash bag. The title was:
Overdue hiker dressed in layers, used trash bag for cover
The part that obviously stood out was the fact that the survivor utilized a trash bag to survive the harsh winter night. The article goes on to state that by adding extra clothing and a garbage bag, the hiker was able to survive the below-freezing temperature. He was found the next morning hiking back to civilization.
This obviously got me thinking.
I carry a lot of gear in my go bag. My equipment is quite diversified and can certainly save me in different climates. I have used trash bags in the past for various purposes while out in the field. What I didn’t give much thought to was making a contractor’s trash bag part of my standard gear. Would space be better taken up by a more worthy piece of equipment?
As I deliberated in my mind, I thought about my current gear list. Even though the trash bag is light, inexpensive and compact, would it serve a purpose that my other gear could not? I began to compile a list of how I utilized the trash bag in the past. I then began to think of other uses, that would be well served by a quality trash bag. The more time that I spent thinking, the more the diversified applications began to flood my mind.
I then compared my list to the checklist of gear that I currently carry in my survival kit. I found that a few of my current items would perform the job better than the trash bag could. But once I was done with all the statistics, I realized that there were a significant number of really viable reasons to carry a contractor's trash bag in my survival kit.
I want to share with you 10 reasons why I chose to add the contractor’s trash bags to my kit.
So let’s get started…
1. Shelter or Outer Garment
The story about the hiker who survived the freezing night in White Mountain National Forest was convincing. It was enough proof to attest to the trash bags’ ability to protect against the stabbing wind. When a poncho and other dry clothes were added, it became a well-insulated shelter.Keep in mind that this incident happened in very cold temperatures. In weather that is not so extreme, the trash bag or black garbage bag has the ability to perform even better. The article does not go into the size of the hiker and how much of his body remained exposed to the elements. Luckily, he was well equipped with good gear and was skilled in the outdoors. Being prepared was a priority for him as it must to be for us if we hope to bode for in survival situations.
2. Poncho

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
When I was a Scout leader, we always had a box of contractor bags staged in our trailer. Their main purpose was for trash but they also doubled for other uses that I am sharing with you in this article. Our patrol leaders would also have trash bags as part of their patrol kit. The difference was their bags were standard kitchen trash bags that weren’t comparable to the contractor’s bag’s construction.
When a Scout would forget his poncho – there is always a couple – they would grab a trash bag from their patrol kit. Approximately 30 minutes later, there would be a rain-drenched Scout wrapped up in a white trash bag. Their patrol leader would then send them to one of the adult leaders in order to get one of our bags. It was always an embarrassing episode for the Scout, but I’m sure that they received a life-long lesson in return.
3. Ground Cloth

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
My body temperature seems to run high all the time. At times where I didn’t use a ground cloth, I would wake up with the bottom of my sleeping bag soaked. This would happen even in colder temperatures. I learned early in my Scouting career to carry a ground cloth as part of my sleeping gear.
4. Backup Carrying Equipment

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
After all, it contains all of our lifesaving gear. Without carrying equipment, you would be hard-pressed to carry all the gear that it contains; in your pockets or even hands. Having a contractor’s trash bag gives you a quick-fix if your backpack becomes unserviceable. Granted, it won't be the most efficient way to carry your gear… But it may be your only means to do so.
5. Rain Fly or Sun Shade

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
Keep in mind this application can be used for protecting your gear from the elements. Your sleeping setup can be good to go while your gear is still exposed to the weather. Using your trash bag as a layer of protection can go a long way in keeping your gear safe and dry.
6. Water Gathering

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
You can use the water for cooking, drinking and even to do laundry. These contractor bags are not designed for these purposes so do not make this a common practice. The harsh chemicals from these bags can be diluted into your water. When consumed, it can wreak havoc on your nervous system with prolonged exposure. But in an emergency scenario… It can serve you quite well for your water gathering needs.
7. Bear Bag

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
A bear bag can go a long way in curtailing animals and other critters from adding to your stress level. You can put all of your consumables and other items that have a sweet smell, in your bear bag. You can then hang that bear bag from a tree, at a distance from your campsite. This will not only protect your goods but it will also go a long way in keeping you a bit safer from the animals.
8. Floatation Device

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
If you need to spearfish during an emergency, the trash bag can make a good temporary float. It can let others in your group know where you are while spearfishing. You can also attach gear to the float, that can assist you on your fishing mission, while you are in the water.
9. Dry Bag/ Pack Liner

10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag Photo by Coach Helder [Youtube]
If I didn’t have access to a dry bag, the trash bag could protect my more critical gear. But if I need to move out during a downpour, I can line the interior of my pack with the trash bag. I can then place all of my gear inside the trash bag and seal it. This will keep all of the contents of my kit dry, ensuring its serviceability.
10. Emergency Booties
Trash bags are also great for keeping your feet from getting wet. Simply place your foot inside the bag and use something to secure it in place such as a duct tape. It can rain anytime in the wilderness and you have to find ways to keep yourself dry.
This video shows how to build a trash bag raft by Taromovies Swiss Bushcraft & Survival:
There are countless other applications for a contractor’s trash bag. Just like in most survival situations, we are only limited by our needs and imagination. As people focus on emergency preparedness, we strive to find gear that can serve multiple purposes. When it comes to the trash bag, I certainly feel that it is right up there with duct tape when it comes to versatility in lifesaving situations. I have since added a few contractor’s trash bags to all of my go bags. Hopefully, by conveying some of its applications via this article, I have given you enough reasons for you to make them part of your survival kit.
Can you add more amazing survival trash bag uses to this list? Tell us about it in the comments section below!
Up Next: Bugout Bag Spring Cleaning | Revising Your Bug Out Bag Is A Must
If you're looking for useful survival gear that you can't make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 14, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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Neil Rosney (Prepping & Surviv
May 14, 2017 at 6:34 AM
I always carry 2 Contractors Trash Bags in my EDC Bag and 3 more in my Bug Out. They have virtually no weight and take up so little space (intact 1 of my Bug Out Bag Trash Bags actually doubles as my Bag Liner to add an extra level of Waterproofness)
Coach Helder
May 14, 2017 at 8:14 AM
Excellent, thanks for sharing, Neil.
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gordon hoyt
July 8, 2017 at 6:00 PM
For you fashionistas out there, it can also be used as a burka.
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September 7, 2019 at 10:56 PM
I have read to use at least the 3ml to line a 5 gal bucket/w toilet lid or a porta potty
with it for sanitation disposal
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