Survival Skills

Start a Fire with a Guitar Pick



Start a Fire with a Guitar Pick

Music To An Outdoorsman's Ears…

Who would have imagined that a fire can be started with a guitar pick?

Originally called a plectrum, a guitar pick can be bought at any music store or guitar shop. For just a few dollars you'll have an inconspicuous tinder that can be stored or hidden just about anywhere. Incidentally, if you're a guitarist then you have become a survivalist right away.

These picks come in various designs and materials but for starting a fire, you need the plastic ones. Plenty of sizes and different thickness are available. For survival purposes, go for the thick ones since you won't really be using them to play music. Here's the video from Black Scout Survival showing you how to start a fire with a guitar pick.

Want more survival hacks? Check out these related articles from our website:


Build a Fire the Right Way

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