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Never Understimate The Value Of A Clean Shave
So I've hit a breaking point; I finally ran out of the razor blades that I bought in bulk last year and took a quick trip to Sam's Club.
Only this time I lost it, I don't know what it was that hit me but as I stood there scratching the razor burn from the last shave with my “ultra high tech razor with five blades for the smoothest shave you'll ever get”; I just could not bring myself to shell out 40 dollars for razor blades.
I'd had it!
I was through!
I was growing a beard!
Well two weeks later, a combination of severe itching and a wife that is not a fan of the “Grizzly Adams” look sent me high tailing it back to the store.
But to be honest I had never planned on keeping the beard, and had been trying to figure out a more efficient and cost effective way to manage my facial hair.
And then it hit me, I found a way to stock up on supplies that are useful to me now, will be useful to me later, last a very long time, and will save me money in the process.
And it something that was completely normal just a few generations ago but is now seen is more of a novelty than a functional ( and better) alternative.
I'm talking about wet shaving
Sounds silly right?
My wife thought so too at first, but then we did the math.
A pack of my normal razors cost $38.98 for 16 blades; that's $2.44 per blade and each cartridge lasts me two shaves; so thats $1.22 per shave.
A pack of double bladed razors for my safety razor runs $2.48 for 10 blades; which is $..25 per blade; after testing I can comfortably say that I get one shave per blade. ( and you can buy them even cheaper in bulk)
The math alone makes this a completely logical investment, as long as you learn how to use it properly.
Also, manufacturers are hyping up the “more blades equal a better shave B.S.”, pretty soon we'll all end up with razors like this…:
I have been wet shaving with a safety razor and boars hair brush (the image to the right) for about a month now and couldn't be happier with the results.
Yesterday I actually went back and shaved with my old razor and I think it is safe to say that I am now a life long fan of wet shaving and will be ditching my disposable.
With that being said, there are a few pro's and con's you should know about if you are interested reviving this lost art.
The Good:
A better shave; even with one blade I noticed that my skin was much less irritated that when using my normal 5 blade model.
Economical; the double edge blades are much more economical than the cartridges.
Shelf Life; Did you ever stop to think that your razors have a shelf life? Most of the fancy razors have lubricating strips and rubber pieces that can go bad over time.
Multiple uses; these double bladed razors are ultra sharp and can be used for more than just shaving your face, unlike their cartridge cousins (minus a few prison modifications of course).
Nostalgia; something about holding one of these reminds me of watching my Papa shave when I was young and makes me feel connected ( this is more of a personal pro but some of you may feel the same).
The Bad:
Shock factor: The initial cost of a handle can be very expensive, but unlike modern razors, these are meant to last a lifetime. I purchased my razor from a beauty supply store for around 12.00 just for testing purposes and while it seems to be pretty sturdy, I will soon be switching over to a Safety Razor from Merkur. The only problem is picking which one I want. A good handle can cost you anywhere from $20-$100 and the sets that include the brush, stand, and lather cup, start at around $60 and go upwards of $200. BUT if you buy a good razor it is something that you will be able to pass down for generations.
Time: Shaving used to be an art. Now it is a pain in the rear. To properly wet shave you need to set aside time so if you don't think that you can set aside a good 15-30 minutes for a thorough shave, you might want to keep at the hack and slash method. ( see below for the technique that I use)
Learning curve: Properly learning the technique to a wet shave is not something you pick up overnight. There is a definite learning curve that I am still trying to get over. Check out below and see the technique that showed me how to get started. (Thank you Art of Manliness)
More chance to cut yourself: You are much more likely to cut yourself with a one of these butterfly type safety razors than with a cartridge, Not necessarily because the blade is more dangerous but because they are far less forgiving than a modern razor.
The Bottom Line
Wet shaving may not be for everyone, but it is a great skill to have. The two main things you need to concern yourself with are the initial cost of purchasing the supplies and whether or not you are willing to dedicate the time required to do a full shave.
You can stock up on razor blades now and even buy a few extra cheap razor handles to keep stashed away. That way you can have them for your personal use now and as a bartering tool after TSHTF. Never under estimate the face value of a clean shave. If you want to get started and skip going the cheapest route I would suggest getting this kit (it is probably the one I am going to end up with):
P.S. Like I said earlier there is a technique and finesse that you need to learn in order to be successful with this type of shave
The Technique
Prep your beard. If you want a clean shave, you need to prep your beard adequately. The goal during beard prep is to soften your whiskers so shaving is easier and causes less irritation. The best way to soften your beard is to to shave right when you get out of the shower. The hot water from your shower should hydrate and soften your beard enough for shaving. If you haven’t showered, at least wet your beard with some hot water. A hot towel is a great way to soften your beard.
Lather up. Take a small dollop (about the size of nickel) of your shave cream and place it in a mug. Take your brush that you’ve pre-soaked with water and swirl the cream around until you get a nice thick lather. Apply the lather with your brush in swirling motions. When your face is nice and covered, take a few strokes to smooth everything out.
The shave. Unlike shaving with cartridge razors, shaving with a safety razor actually requires some skill and technique. Once mastered, though, you should be shaving effectively in no time. The four keys to a successful shave with a safety razor are 1) use as little pressure as possible; 2) angle the blade as far away from your face as possible; 3) shave with the grain; and 4) go for beard reduction, not beard removal. This will take some getting used to if you have used cartridges your entire life.
You don’t need to use pressure because the weight of the safety razor is sufficient to cut your beard. If you press down, you’ll end up hacking up your face. To help counter the tendency to apply pressure, try holding the razor by the tip of the handle.
Angling your razor is probably the trickiest part. The proper angle is somewhere around 30 and 45 degrees. To get the proper razor angle, put the top of the razor head directly on your cheek, with the handle parallel with the floor. Now slowly lower the handle until the blade can cut your whisker. Practice on your arm if you’re not comfortable practicing on your face.
While shaving against the grain can get you that smooth feel, you risk slicing up your face and causing ingrown hairs. When you’re first starting out, shave with the grain of your beard. If you lather up and pass the razor more than once over your face, you’re guaranteed to get a smooth finish.
The goal with shaving should be gradual beard reduction, not beard removal in one deft swoop. Most men try to get rid of their beard in once pass of the razor. This hack-and-go technique is what causes the majority of skin irritations. If you want to avoid skin irritation, lather up and pass your razor over your face several times. Your face will thank you.
Post-shave. Rinse your face off with some cold water to close your pores. Treat your face to a nice aftershave. There are several to choose from, so pick the one you like best. Aftershave helps reduce any irritation that may have occurred and will leave your skin looking healthy.
There is much more to a shave than just the technique:
Be sure to read the full article written by Brett on The Art of Manliness
Anyone else practice wet shaving?
Or if you have a suggestion for a good razor handle model, leave me a comment and let me know!
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April 4, 2013 at 7:37 AM
Two recommendations:
Williams Mug Shaving Soap, cheap and works well.
theartofshaving.com has everything you need.
Keith R. Snyder
April 4, 2013 at 7:42 AM
My late father-in-law told me that during the Depression, his mom taught him how to re-hone those double-edge blades to stay sharp using a bit of light oil and a round (glazed) crockery jar. You put a little oil a ways on the inside where you put the blade with the edges in line with the height of the jar, and then just use your finger in the middle with a bit of light pressure to slide it back and forth. The blade-to-jar is extremely small for a very fine edge, and done regularly, kept the blade as sharp as new for a very long time.
I’ve heard keeping the razor head in baby oil also extends the life of the blade.
Steve Montgomery
April 4, 2013 at 10:55 AM
I have a neat little device that I picked up at an auction around 30 years ago that presumably came out in WWI or WWII when blades were scarce. You put a double-edged (or single edged) blade in a clamp and turn a crank on the machine. The blade lowers to a rotating leather disk and after a couple seconds, the blade flips over and repeats on the other side of the blade. The thing is nickel-plate over brass and looks like it’ll last forever. And the best thing is that it really works! I’ve looked and I haven’t seen another one of these things anywhere–maybe it just worked too well…
April 4, 2013 at 8:03 AM
Welcome to the world of Old-School shaving! You should get much more than 1-shave per blade though! Different blades shave your face differently, and sometimes different handles shave differently too.
Many newbies start out with DERBY blades, they can be bought very economically at Amazon. Other blade favorites among afficionados are Lord, Timor, Gillette Super Thin, and 7 O’Clock. Irridiums used to be the majority favorite by far, but they’ve stopped producing them. Some surplus blades can still be found, but be CAREFUL… these are/were so popular that many ‘fakes’ are out there… and they are poor quality & not good shavers. I suggest you buy a sampler pack & find the one that works best for YOUR face & your handle(s).
Merkur is a very good choice, another popular handle is a Edwin Jagger. MANY people opt to spend the money on eBay to get the classic Gillette “Fat Boy”, it is the Rolls Royce of handles even though they stopped making them 50 years ago!
You’re using a cream right? NOT a can of Foam/Gel, right? Creams &/or soaps will give you a MUCH better shave… and again are a cost saver (especially soaps).
Many wet shaving snobs out there clamor on & on about the straight… from someone who uses both, you get the same quality shave from a nice handle & a blade that is good for YOUR face. The only time straight beats razor is when you’ve let yourself go all Grizzly Adams. A straight will shave that beard of VERY quickly. There is a pretty steep learning curve when using a straight, take your time & don’t expect to not nick yourself on the first few tries!
May I recommend a place for you to get your supplies?
This place is great, they have a wide variety & very good prices: http://www.royalshave.com/
For more info on wet shaving, this wiki from Badger & Blade (a very popular forum) is EXCELLENT: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Getting_started_wetshaving
April 4, 2013 at 8:07 AM
That works fine for the face but what about shaving the head. The new style razors a quick and usually cut free.
Dave B
April 4, 2013 at 8:09 AM
Now your getting ready for the next big step… try a straight razor.
A good straight razor will last several lifetimes and you get the best shave ever. Even better than double edge safety blades.
I’ve stocked up on safety blades and travel with my merkur, but for my regular shaves I alternate between two straight razors. It’s like getting a barber shop shave every day.
Oh, and it’s not that difficult to learn. Just type “straight razor” in your browser for all the information you need.
Also, there’s something special about taking the time for myself each morning and giving myself a great shave.
Remember, the introduction of disposable blades (even the venerable double edge saftey blade) was a marketing strategy not a true “improvement” in shaving. Just imagine how many replacement blades have been sold since the 50’s as opposed to potential straight razors that could be handed down through generations of shavers.
Not everything that glitters is gold…
April 4, 2013 at 8:17 AM
HAHA, that is my next step! I’ve been wanting to try a straight razor, but I figured I would give the safety razor a go at first.
Dan Steinwender
April 20, 2013 at 10:59 AM
Yep the ArtofManliness led me back to an old dream of shaving with a straight razor. No snobbery involved. I just wanted to bring back the fun in shaving by taking a nostalgic trip to vintage days. I was also getting fed up with filling the local landfill with disposable razors and broken electric razors. Little did I know just how happy my face would be with the shave of a single edge blade. I have not tried a DE setup but the straight razor learning curve was not too bad. The key was locking the wrist and moving the blade using the shoulder.
Once in a while while travelling or when I am in a hurry I will revert to the fancy 5 blade disposable. My face immediately knows the difference. The welts, razor burn, and occasional weeper show up right away.
Paul Foreman
April 4, 2013 at 8:27 AM
Shave in the shower! with all that fresh HOT water pooring down on your face, the beard slices off real easy!
Owen N Pollard Jr
April 4, 2013 at 8:45 AM
If you shower before and during your shave you can get months of use out of any blade. I hung a mirror in the shower and wet down, lather up and then bathe. I then later up again and grab any razor. The shave is quick and thorough. MY beard is tough. If I stand at the sink and presoak with a towl and then lather and shave the blade is gone after 1 usage. try it you will love it…
April 4, 2013 at 8:47 AM
How about that area that women need to shave? You know, like under the arms.
April 4, 2013 at 9:00 AM
Keep the razor with blade in baby oil. My blade last me a month or more. Also store the pack of blades in oil and they will keep longer. And use Dove soap on your face.
April 4, 2013 at 9:11 AM
Want to know why disposibles are so expensive?…because they are one of the most stolen items in the store…secondly…why are you using a 5 blade razor?…a double blade should be sufficient and a LOT cheaper…third…why are you calling it a “wet” shave?…who shaves without hot water and atleast soap at the minimum???…I used to shave with one of these single blade razors all the time…have received many cuts I’d rather not repeat in this lifetime…I’ll stick with disposables…they work just fine…and no need for “tissue” bandages and styptic pencils…I’ll pay the .50 cents each for 10 to avoid those nasty cuts…thanks for the tips though…some may still prefer the single blade… 🙂
Dan Steinwender
April 20, 2013 at 11:04 AM
I can only imagine the difficulties in shaving the places that women have to shave using my straight razor. Shallow ripples and dents in the surface of the skin need to be stretched out in order to effectively and safely pass over with a single edge blade. I shave regularly with a straight razor and the area around the nostrils for example still slow me down quite a bit BUT I rarely cut myself anymore.
Roy Teter
April 4, 2013 at 9:22 AM
To do it for the lest cost use the old straight
Dan Steinwender
April 20, 2013 at 11:06 AM
There really is no savings in using a straight razor setup. Don’t forget you will need the razor, a good brush, a leather strop, strop paste, one or two honing stones AND more time to use all of the above. There will be setup time and clean up time after the shave that will take longer than “hackandslash” shaving.
Its about relaxing and I suppose being a bit more self-sufficient in personal hygiene. I have not yet found any savings however.
April 4, 2013 at 9:35 AM
No offense meant, here, but in reading this article, though an interesting and useful topic for most men, I couldn’t help but be amused by all this talk of $100 handles, high-dollar razor blades, “one shave per blade”, “wet shaving” as if it’s something new and novel, placing canned shaving foam in the mug (that’s designed for round cake shaving soap), and all… on a “Survival” site. Good heavens… sounds more like “preppies” than “preppers”. For inexpensive shaving that’s manageable and perhaps easier to keep up under more adverse conditions, you’ll find that a simple bar of Palmolive soap (the original, inexpensive green-colored version available in many discount stores – not the gold “antibacterial” bath version) and a brush and mug with hot water, combined with even a “throw away” plastic-handled type double blade razor from the same discount store (assuming you don’t have an old double-edge handle with fresh blade – you can find them practically throwing these handles away at yard sales, etc., sometimes, because folks think they’re outdated), will give you a great shave. The green Palmolive has a palm and/or olive oil content that makes it shave better than many cake shaving soaps I’ve tried. You can cut a bar in half and use one half in mug, leaving it in the mug between shaves, over course, and re-wetting w/hot water each time, then stirring up lather w/brush in mug. That’s a good shave, cheap. And, frankly, I’ve used one of these double-blade razors (1 or 2 bucks per bag of 10 or 12, sometimes)for a couple of weeks, often. At least week should be the norm for most men, I’d guess. Also, under camping/outdoor conditions, I’ve even simply made lather in my cupped hand with the brush, the soap bar and hot water…. sans any mug.
April 4, 2013 at 9:57 AM
I’d also add, to my last post, that this allows you to bathe and shave with the same type of soap – even the same bar – keeping things much simpler. “Dove” brand soap will also work decently for this methodology, though it tends to be more “gooey” when wetted, due to having a so-called “cold cream” base. The green Palmolive seems a better dual-purpose soap and transports/stores easier between uses, in my experience. Plus, in this area of the South, 3 bars of Palmolive go for $1 in the discount stores. Best bargain around…
April 4, 2013 at 12:28 PM
I’ve been wet shaving for a number of years now. If you’re thinking of trying it out, don’t let all the excess(ive) ritual scare you off. I have a tough beard and it takes me less than 10 minutes to shave. I just wet my face, grab my shaving bowl and brush to lather up, and shave two times. It takes maybe twice as long as with a disposable, but if I rush, I can do it in 5. I skip the hot towel, preshave, aftershave, etc. That’s all window dressing.
Most drug stores have a basic bar of shaving soap that costs about $2 and lasts for at least a month or so. Buy blades in bulk-I can usually get a week of shaves from one blade.
One piece of advise that I think is worth the expense and trouble to follow is to start out by buying a sample pack of different brands of blades to discover which you like best.
OldNorthState has the right idea. Do it cheap, simple, and better. I’ll have to try Palmolive….
April 4, 2013 at 12:47 PM
Cuddos to OldNorthState above! I have a medium beard and, admittedly, only shave 2 to 3 times a week. But I use those $2 packs of double blade razors and a $1 can of whatever shave gel/foam I find on sale — and I’ve found a way to make that pack of $2 razors last AT LEAST 1 YEAR.
Want to know what it is? I don’t care, I’m going to tell you anyway — just soak your beard for about 5 minutes before shaving by simply using your hands to splash plain water on your face.
Just doing that I can make 1 of those el-cheapo razors last 6 to 8 weeks – sometimes longer. I don’t know – maybe DARPA beams top secret Black Ops shaving info directly into my brain without my knowledge, but I don’t think so. I really think taking a couple minutes to soak does the trick – but what do I know. I’m just an old guy. Ha Ha Ha! Oops – sorry, I mean LOL.
rev. dave
April 4, 2013 at 3:03 PM
watch out guys. The boys from the DHS security stasi will have you all on a watch list for wet shaving! It cuts into the profit stream of the bankers and CEOs who run the white house and fed. And if you travel, you can’t fly with a straight razor either, so pack it in baggage, not your carry-on if you choose that route.
Duane Rosekrans
April 5, 2013 at 3:47 PM
I would suggest that you don’t put your straight razor in your luggage. I have had various items stolen by our tsa pukes every time I have flown. So I just buy a small package of disposables for travel.
April 4, 2013 at 5:54 PM
Clark Howard the cheap-skate says that the reason razors go bad is because you don’t dry them thoroughly after using. He said 6 months is what they should last. So I tried it, and he’s right!!!
Butch B
April 5, 2013 at 7:57 AM
I’ve been shaving with an old straight razor for about 35 years now! The hardest part is learning to strop it properly. as far as shaving cream goes, I agree with farmist, Williams Mug soap is the best. But in a pinch I have used just about anything, even bar soap!
I use a disposable razor occasionally if I’m traveling and don’t want to pack all my straight razor supplies! I left a nice razor strop in a motel room several years ago!
April 5, 2013 at 10:11 AM
There is a product on the market called Razor Guard. I think it is light weight mineral oil. It’s purpose is to lubricate your razor to make the blade last longer. It protects the edge against rust and I suppose dissolves the soap left on the edge of the blade so that it rinses off easier for the first cut. Some of us older types started out with the double edge safety razor. It was called the safety razor because it was easier to use than a straight razor. Gillette used to give the razor holder away free when they first started out because King Gillette, the inventor or the first real marketer, I don’t know which, realized if men started to use his razor blade holder, he would make his money on the blades that he sold. Most men only used a blade one time, but with a light beard, you can use a single blade for a week or more and if you keep the blade in oil between shaves, it will last a month or more. If you are Richard Nixon, you can’t use a blade that long. You can use a very fine stone to restore the edge if you have to. I hardly ever throw away the single edge razor blades I use in the garage because I resharpen them. Stainless steel blades don’t have as sharp an edge as the old blue razor steel blades used to have, but they do last longer. I guess because the edge, while it doesn’t get as sharp, doesn’t gather corrosion as rapidly. Throw away your can of aerosol shave. In very cold weather it won’t work anyway. At Pickle Meadows, USMC Cold Weather Training Battalion, all the troops with aerosol cans had to shave with water and no soap as they couldn’t get the cans to work in the cold weather. I had a tube of Barbasol and in a canteen cup of hot water it would melt enough to allow us to squeeze the cream out. My squad didn’t have little patches of paper stuck to their faces. You can buy special cup soap or as some have pointed out regular bath soap, just check different brands to see which you like best.
In addition, the double edge blades, while they may not be sharp enough to shave comfortably with, will still be sharp enough to cut lots of stuff. You can use then to skin animals, you can slash somebody pretty seriously. If you go to a Japanese market, they sell holders for a safety razor broken in half. A lot of old fashioned Japanese men who do not use electric razors which are very big in Japan, use a straight holder which holds a thin blade like our double edge blades but it only has one edge. YOu can make a make do holder with two popsickle sticks glued together or wrapped together with thin wire. It will do a lot of fine cutting.
John Panagos
April 5, 2013 at 12:22 PM
Guess I’m lucky as I have been shaving with double edge blade for over 50 years and have accumulated about 6 razors over the years. Yes, buying blades in bulk is cost saving, but if the SHTF you will have to reuse those blades, I have a sharpening stone the was made to sharpen razor blades and it works resonably well. A search of the web may still find these stones or try Lehmans up in Ohio to see if they have them as they deal in a lot of old time non electric items.
April 5, 2013 at 1:36 PM
I came to the same conclusion about 5 years ago. However, I did not want to buy any kind of blades every again! So I went with the straight razor option. Yes, there is a learning curve. However, I am quite happy to be free of ever having to buy blades again. If the SHTF, I can shave for years without ever having to worry about finding or even reusing blades!
April 5, 2013 at 7:41 PM
The cost of blades drives me crazy too, but I found a different solution. There is a product called Magic Shave that is very inexpensive (under $4.00 at Walmart), provides a very smooth shave and makes my blades last about 10 times longer.
April 7, 2013 at 8:05 PM
I’ve got a full beard. My dad had me start shaving twice a week or so, out of necessity, between 12 and 13. My beard is s heavy that when I was in Navy Boot Camp I had a special ‘chit’ saying that was ‘allowed’ to carry a razor in my shirt pocket and I was REQUIRED to shave at lunch time in the chow hall head, or by 1700 hours, I looked like I had NOT shaved at all that day.
In days gone by when I briefly held jobs where beards were verbotten, and I never kept one long, I learned several things. I still do these things because even a guy with a full beard has to trim the fur occasionally.
First and foremost, using a cup, brush and decent shaving soap.
Second, HOT water on that brush!! The more you lather, using circular movements, the better that shave / trimming up will be.
Third and finally, ladies and others this one involves you TOO, never, ever, never share your razor with your GF / wife / live in whomever / partner / anyone! If your razor starts feeling tuggy or draggy, pitch that PUPPY. And two of you using one razor will eventually get someone whittled, sliced and slivered!
Just for the record on wives and beards. My wife of 40 years, who has known my SINCE I was 13, says she would much rather see and hug on my furry face, than me beardless, SCRATCHY face.
At this point, even my mother says I look ‘funny’ without my beard!
Perry Keene
April 8, 2013 at 1:11 AM
For years, I have been honing my razor blades by CAREFULLY stropping them on the underside of my forearm. Works is a jam. Use a bit of leather when you can.
April 8, 2013 at 4:27 PM
I’ve realy have only been using strait razors and “safety razors” for over 25 years I’m cheap though. and Mine was my grand fathers razor(s) I’ve got about 6-7 of them and buy blades when I find on sale ever few years. Shaving cups w/ soap is better than caned stuff. I used a small water bottle cut down for years my soldiers always asked me what it was for.
George Huss
April 13, 2013 at 2:59 PM
The secret to making the cheapest disposable last months…
1. take an old coffee mug
2. add 1/2 inch of glycerin (generic at any wal-mart)
3. after shaving, rinse blade and drop it into the coffee mug until the next shave.
Your blade will stay sharp for months.
Why? Blades get dull because they rust. Water and air cause rust.
The glycerin eliminates air on the wet blade thus preventing rust.
Blade manufacturers don’t make blades micro-thin because they are sharper.
They do it so they will rust faster.
It’s worked for me for years now!
I usually get 3 months use from every razor.
Do the math.
Check it out!
April 15, 2013 at 7:18 AM
I vaugly remember shaving with one of these as a lad cause my Dad did. I remember how good the cartridges felt on my face. Today, I am constantly reminded of the pain to my pocket those cartridges reresent. I can’t wait to give wet shave another try.
April 19, 2013 at 12:56 AM
Use hair conditioner instead of soap or shave cream. the oils in it lubricate your face, the hair is softened and the oil left on the blade after rinsing makes them last longer. I use Mach III and cheapest conditioner. Blades last for 20 plus shaves.
April 24, 2013 at 3:54 AM
I’m 63 and have been using the Gillette Trac-II for years. So long that I’m wondering when they will stop making them and I’ll have to go for the ‘new’ 5 blade heads. I used to store the daily use blade head in vegetable/cooking oil years ago from a tip I got from Mother Earth News, that doing so will help your blade last and you can get a months use out of one blade change… True. But I no longer use the oil storage. I use the original Badger Bristle brush I’ve had for 30+ years and whatever shaving soap the local drug store carries and rinse out and shake dry my razor daily and still get a months shaves easily out of each razor head. At times I will use a can of shaving cream. One of those will last a year or so for as often as I use it. I also use just regular soap lathered up well in the old coffee cup I use as a shaving mug and it works just as well… So, you don’t have to go to your Dad’s or Grandpa’s double edge and learn how not to slit your throat. Just a good handle for disposable cartridges, that uses something like the Trac-II or III and you’re set.. I shave daily, well, maybe miss a day on a weekend or vacation, and get a full months shaves(30 shaves) no problem, out of each blade cartridge. 12 disposable cartridges a year? I’ll do that. One warning: I tried the cheap plastic bags of disposables from Walmart or Walgreens or the local food store. 30 for $7 or so… They’re bad… Even using them only once or twice you will nick and scrape the heck out of your self. They’re not worth it…
April 24, 2013 at 4:01 AM
I agree with the hair conditioner recommendation. And always wet your face well with hot water first before applying either soap, shave cream or the conditioner.. It’s a wet shave… Just not with the old 2-sided razor blades…
I agree with George Huss above and used the oil storage for years, but there’s possibility of bacteria in the oil. It can really cause irritation problems with your skin. I like a really close baby-butt shave and was getting irritation from the oil storage. Blades stayed sharp but the oil harbored bacteria and caused irritation..
Troy Cates
January 7, 2014 at 10:17 AM
I have been using Safety Razors and straight Blades pretty much all my life, in Fact (to Bill) i still have my dads Gillette “Fat Boy” and it is as he said the best one around. i also use a straight blade on those days that i want to relax, but be prepared using a straight blade is an art it takes time and you do have to take care of your blade but it is the best shave you will ever get in your life. the best thing about this thou is the multiple uses you get from the razor from the razor blade its self. the blade can be used as part of an animal trap, a blade for skinning the hide a cutting utensil for the kitchen or for sewing etc etc etc. and maybe even melt down the blades to make something else.same for a straight razor as long as you keep stopping it.
Donald Otto
May 28, 2018 at 2:13 AM
Yes, I agree too you. Great post!!! Thanks for sharing this post 🙂
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