Personal Safety

Independence Day Survival – July 4th Safety Tips



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While the 4th of July is one of the greatest celebrations known to mankind, it is also the most dangerous. What started as a celebration of this nation's grand history has turned into the number one holiday for drunk driving, reckless activities, and hospital visits.

I've always loved this Independence Day…Hot dogs, cold beer, and a boatload of fireworks. What's not to love!

But as I get older I start to see the possibilities for disaster on Independence Day.

Fireworks fails, traffic accidents, and general chaos all contribute to a day full of potential dangers.

That doesn't sound ideal, does it?

Make the most out of your festivities with these smart safety tips and avoid a trip to the hospital!


Practice Fireworks Safety for 4th of July

Practice Fireworks Safety for 4th of July | Independence Day Survival - July 4th Safety Tips

Let's not end our Independence Day celebration in the emergency room. Be smart, folks:

  • If you are doing your own fireworks display, be sure to purchase them from a reputable seller and follow the label
  • Do not let children handle fireworks. If they use sparklers, watch them carefully and teach them safety techniques
  • Keep away from where fireworks are being launched, especially the disabled. Should something go wrong, you will need a quick exit
  • Do not try to light a stack of fireworks at once, rather light one at a time
  • Never point fireworks at others
  • Have something readily available to extinguish a fire
  • Do not light fireworks in an area with tall grass or if it is dry

Check out this video on fireworks safety:

Burn Ban

July 4th Burn Ban | Fireworks Safety Tips

Sadly, burn bans may affect your 4th of July plans. Before you send hundreds of dollars on fireworks, check with the county and make sure there is not a burn ban established. If there is not a ban, proceed with caution. Your area could still be dry enough to start a fire via fireworks, sparklers, bonfires and grills.

Food Safety

Food Safety | Independence Day Survival - July 4th Safety Tips

Clean: Make sure you clean all surfaces, utensils, and hands with soap and water. Separate: When grilling, use separate plates and utensils for raw meat and cooked meat and ready-to-eat foods (like raw vegetables) to avoid cross-contamination. Cook: Cook foods to the right temperature by using a food thermometer. That’s the only way to know it’s a safe temperature. Remember, burgers should be cooked to 160°F. Chill: Chill raw and prepared foods promptly if not consuming after cooking. You shouldn’t leave food at room temperature for longer than two hours (or 1 hour if outdoor temperatures are above 90° F), so if you’re away from home, make sure you bring a cooler to store those leftovers. – See more at:
Clean: Make sure you clean all surfaces, utensils, and hands with soap and water. Separate: When grilling, use separate plates and utensils for raw meat and cooked meat and ready-to-eat foods (like raw vegetables) to avoid cross-contamination. Cook: Cook foods to the right temperature by using a food thermometer. That’s the only way to know it’s a safe temperature. Remember, burgers should be cooked to 160°F. Chill: Chill raw and prepared foods promptly if not consuming after cooking. You shouldn’t leave food at room temperature for longer than two hours (or 1 hour if outdoor temperatures are above 90° F), so if you’re away from home, make sure you bring a cooler to store those leftovers. – See more at:
Clean: Make sure you clean all surfaces, utensils, and hands with soap and water. Separate: When grilling, use separate plates and utensils for raw meat and cooked meat and ready-to-eat foods (like raw vegetables) to avoid cross-contamination. Cook: Cook foods to the right temperature by using a food thermometer. That’s the only way to know it’s a safe temperature. Remember, burgers should be cooked to 160°F. Chill: Chill raw and prepared foods promptly if not consuming after cooking. You shouldn’t leave food at room temperature for longer than two hours (or 1 hour if outdoor temperatures are above 90° F), so if you’re away from home, make sure you bring a cooler to store those leftovers. – See more at:
  • Clean: Make sure you clean all surfaces, utensils, and hands with soap and water.
  • Separate: When grilling, use separate plates and utensils for raw meat and cooked meat and ready-to-eat foods (like raw vegetables) to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Cook: Cook foods to the right temperature by using a food thermometer. That’s the only way to know it’s a safe temperature. Remember, burgers should be cooked to 160°F.
  • Chill: Chill raw and prepared foods promptly if not consuming after cooking. You shouldn’t leave food at room temperature for longer than two hours (or 1 hour if outdoor temperatures are above 90° F), so if you’re away from home, make sure you bring a cooler to store those leftovers.

Have A Designated Driver

Have a Designated Driver | Independence Day Survival - July 4th Safety Tips

63.8 million cases of beer are sold every Independence Day, so it makes sense that nearly half of deadly crashes on the Fourth are alcohol-related. As always, plan ahead — choose a designated driver – See more at:

July 4th is the number one holiday for beer sells, with over 68.3 million cases of beer sold on Independence Day. It also ranks as the deadliest holiday, with a spiked increase in fatal crashes. Be sure you have a designated driver!

63.8 million cases of beer are sold every Independence Day, so it makes sense that nearly half of deadly crashes on the Fourth are alcohol-related. As always, plan ahead — choose a designated driver – See more at:

Pet Precautions

Pet Precautions | Independence Day Survival - July 4th Safety Tips

Don't let your Independence Day celebration come to a halt by losing your beloved Fido. Think twice before bringing your pet and practice extra care around them.

Independence Day Survival – July 4th Safety Tips

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  1. Wyzyrd

    July 4, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    The “2 hrs” for “chilled” foods can easily turn into 20 minutes in direct sun or really high temps or mayo-based sides. (potato salad, macaroni salad, coleslaw, etc.)

    Make sure you have shade, and extra ice to keep this sort of stuff cool. Experiment with oil/vinegar/spice mixes of your own, and just nix the mayo, even better.

  2. Jim Judge

    July 4, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    I’m 68 yrs old now. When I was a kid we bought cherry bombs, M80’s, and a whole collection of things that are mostly outlawed now. Not a single one of us ever got hurt. We had fun with our firecrackers, pop bottle rockets, etc. Wonder what happened. Did the whole next several generations loose their wits? Why do they do absolutely stupid things (can’t fix stupid). And when did we turn into a nation of pansies? My parents, and my friends parents never worried about us with our fireworks, and I’m sure that’s because they had the same ones.

    • mangusfl

      July 4, 2018 at 1:35 PM

      cherry bombs, M80’s ash cans which were metal castled with a fuse that still burn under water and blockbuster(which is equivalent a quarter stick of Dynamite ) They always been outlawed and very easily available in states that outlaw fireworks like NY as kids could buy them of the the trunk of a car on almost every street corner as when I was a 10 year kid i never had more the 15 minutes to find a seller and yes ever year did have some idiots blow some fingers off but were were never that stupid tonight i send up assume rockets which is why I love Florida as so many non English birds need chased off LOL
      by the way chilled” foods for me in Tampa last well over several hours but I use 2 bowls one with ice which is a lot bigger and one with the food and refill every half hour dumping the water and adding more crushed ice to the outer bowl and of course keep out of direct sun

  3. LocalHero

    July 6, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    “…one of the greatest holidays known to mankind..”

    Seriously? Are you people insane? The creation of the government of the US has been an unmitigated disaster for 95% of the people living on this planet (and, yes, I live in the US). Our warmongering is directly responsible for tens of millions of deaths since this country was created. You people need a history lesson and not the cartoon-version that you’ve obviously been taught.

  4. Pingback: The Meaning of Independence Day | Survival Life

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