
How To Prepare Your Mind And Body For A Pandemic



Feature | How to Prepare Your Mind And Body For A Pandemic

Apart from worrying about the future, you also have to check your physical and mental health during this time. Let's talk about ways on how to prepare for a pandemic below to keep your mind and body in tiptop shape.

How to Prepare for a Pandemic Mentally and Physically

We are now into a couple of months of isolation brought on by this pandemic and you are likely feeling some of the negative effects from it. There are several reasons that you might be feeling under the weather.

The good news is you can affect all of them.

Isolation is far from over and there are some things you need to do to be prepared for the long haul. It is my suspicion that we are going to have more than one round of isolation due to this virus and if that’s the case, the information below will be even more valuable!


1. Form a Routine

The underlying cause of most peoples’ angst while dealing with isolation and this pandemic is the fact that their routines have been destroyed. From the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep, they are all living a completely different lifestyle.

Worst of all, the isolation happened quickly, and it came on with the hope that it would be over in weeks. Now we could be looking at months and most people are just waiting for their old routine to come back.

We need a routine each day. Now our old routines are out the window, it's up to us to build new ones!

Your kids are likely hungry for some routine, too! They are used to being up and out of the house at a certain time and now they never leave!

Are you and your children in pajamas all day?

One of the best things you can do is sit down and create a routine with your family. You have more control over that then ever before so take advantage of it.

2. Prepper Fitness

Prepper Fitness | How to Prepare Your Mind And Body For A Pandemic

If you aren’t suffering from a little depression through this pandemic, you might be lying to yourself. Just watching the world gripped in this thing is enough to get the most positive person down. We know much more about depression now than we did before.

Diet and fitness play a huge role in how your body deals with stress and depression. Not only is fitness important to your mental well being but it will be especially important that we all remain fit, as this is going to be a crazy year. Maybe a crazy decade!



Using only your bodyweight you can get a great workout. Things like leg raises, pull-ups, push-ups, and burpees are all great ways to add fitness with zero cost!


Kettlebells are the in-home gym. If you want to lift heavier weights at home, then the best and most effective investment you can make will come from kettlebells.

Just be sure you do some research and learn how to handle the kettlebell safely. You can do serious damage to your body if you are not careful.

Running and Biking

These endurance exercises are so powerful because they not only affect your overall endurance, but they are like a form of meditation. You can work at your own pace and go as long as you like.

3. Practice Mindfulness

I know. I KNOW! It's one of those words that many of you just cannot stand.

MINDFULNESS. What does that even mean?

I can give you the definition, but I would much rather give you an example of how it will help you with isolation and dealing with this pandemic.

Have you had a short fuse in isolation? Are you irritated from being forced to stay inside the home? Have you been in control of your emotions or not?

Mindfulness is all about watching yourself. It's about recognizing when you are losing control and helping to get back under control.

Now, you might think this mindfulness stuff is for skinny yoga practitioners and hipsters. The reality is that a key component to being prepared is to be in control of your emotions. Just ask anyone who has made it through special forces selection.

Do you think they just fly over the handlebars when they get upset? What if they were isolated or even being tortured?


4. Do Meditation and Yoga

You know the benefits. You know what these two things are, and I do not need to list them to convince you.

What I would say is that you can use them to clear your mind. No matter how prepared you are these events have influenced us all. It can be valuable to have a moment of calm to really let it all dissipate.

Have you ever made an event to not think about anything? Sounds easy right.

Yoga and meditation have tremendous benefits, however, the reason so many people have a tough time with them is that they require practice. Yes. Sitting still requires practice. You probably suck at it and that is why you make fun of it.

Self-Care at This Time

Self-Care | How to Prepare Your Mind And Body For A Pandemic

Self-care is another word that most preppers don’t care to hear about. However, all the above is about caring for oneself. These are all parts of preparedness. A sound mind and a powerful body will make for a better prepper.

If you are depressed, overweight, and completely out of shape, then you are going to struggle through hard times.

The virus itself should be enough motivation to take a better look at your health. There are direct correlations between fitness and health and how people are responding to COVID-19. I didn’t say that its bulletproof, we have seen healthy people die. However, the majority have walked away unscathed.

Take care of yourself!

Do you have other tips on how to prepare for a pandemic? We'd love to hear from you in the comments section!

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