
Gone Fishing



Feature | Gone Fishing

Survival Life community member, Steve B, sent in this quick tip to help you snag some fresh fishing bait the next time you're out at the docks and find yourself all out.

I found it an interesting and innovative way to make use of all the trash that gets left behind.

Read on and let me know what you think about this quick tip:

No, I'm not talking about your mother in law…

Just a handy way to catch minnows.

All you do is cut a two liter bottle all the way around in the area where the top of the label is.

Turn the top around so that it makes a funnel into the body and place holes through the body.

Then, through the top so that a stick can be put through to hold it in place.

Also place a few holes in the body to help it sink and an optional string can be tied to the body to anchor it place a few small rocks inside for ballast and you best tasting minnow bait.

IE: worms, grubs, or dough balls.

Place it in stream or pond you have to help it sink a little but it works fine and uses up some of the trash laying around .

And remember don't leave it, dispose of it.

Do you have anything like this you want to share?

Please feel free to email me at

I would love to be able to post more of our community members ideas, so keep them coming!

Read more with these related articles from our site:

5 Unconventional Fishing Techniques

The Ultimate Intro to Fishing and Lure Making

[VIDEO] No Fishing Gear? No Problem

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  1. Chuck

    June 20, 2013 at 4:38 PM

    As I read your article on how to prepare the jar, a zip tie would serve better to hold the top to the bottom. Every bugout bag and survival kit should contain lots of zip ties. They are the modern equivalent of our grandfather’s bailing wire which in his generation was used to fix everything around the farm. If bailing wire couldn’t make an emergency fix, then the thing was really busted.

  2. RJ

    June 21, 2013 at 9:45 PM

    This little minnow trap works great I taught my son how to make one of them in the creek where we were camping and it worked great and he had a blast doing it. caught enough minnows to fish for the rest of the day and a few crawfish as well.

  3. Chaotic Silence

    January 29, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    have done this with 20oz bottles works as well

  4. Pingback: How to Use Antibiotics Effectively | Survival Life

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