Survival Skills

20 Exercises Boost Your Chances of Survival



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Emergencies and disasters are stressful situations for anyone. They take a physical, psychological, mental, and emotional toll on everyone, but especially on those that are physically unfit. Survivors undergo challenging situations such as anger, fear, stress, frustration, and depression once they experience the death of friends or loved ones. Illness and injuries are no exemptions. The following list is made to help those who need to be mentally and physically fit to increase their chances of survival.

20 Exercises Boost Your Chances of Survival

  1. Walking

    – Find a few minutes each day to step away from your daily routine. Undergo different walking exercises for physical upkeep. This is especially important for people who are sitting most of the day at the workplace and at home. Proper breathing techniques along with steps/strides help to increase blood flow, stamina, and overall physical condition.

  2. Running

    – Running works to condition your body and increase stamina. Running in the event of a disaster or emergency can be the difference between life and death. Start slow and then increase the coverage and pace of running over time as you become comfortable.

  3. Sprinting

    – Also called interval training, you perform 30-second sprints at least once a week with slow walking in-between sprints for at 20 minutes. Survival situations sometimes require you to run as fast as you can from tsunamis, wild animals, thieves, fires, and so much more.

  4. Squats

    – In order to have a solid foundation to build their physical stamina on, you must build up muscle endurance in your legs.  Surviving might mean you have to pick a fight. Being able to stand your ground should it come to blows with an opponent is important to your survival.

  5. Burpees

    – Burpees are a great conditioning exercise and should be integrated with a strength building plan. You can use them for warm-up or for core training.

  6. Wall Pushups

    – This can be especially beneficial for older people since it aims to increase the strength in the chest and shoulder areas. It is not hard on the body like regular pushups, yet, it helps build upper body strength. This is essential especially if you were to ever have to carry heavy items for a long distance.

  7. Plyometrics

    – Also known as “the jump training technique”, this exercise aims at strengthening the muscles through explosive movements. It improves your muscle power, agility, balance, and strength. Being able to continue going strong ever after hours of physical endurance is vital to survival.

  8. Parkour and Freerunning

    – Even one without prior knowledge or experience can easily follow the step-by-step instructions to this exercise. It’ll teach you superior balance, how to land with minimal impact, the proper rolling techniques, and how to get up and over walls in a jiff are just among the few skills that one can learn which will surely be useful if in a survival situation.

  9. Natural Movement Discipline

    – Train in the Brazilian rain forest with one of the most physically fit men in the world, Erwan Le Corre. He will enable you to learn about converting speed and forced into an endless set of practical movements that could spell life or death in a survival situation.

  10. 20-minute Hotel Workout

    – You can do this inside the room of your hotel or your bedroom at home without the use of any gym equipment. Broken down into three levels from beginners to advanced training, it consists of four types of exercises which focus on the legs, push-pull and core that aims to burn fat, build muscle, and exercise your heart.

  11. Prepper Fitness Guide

    – This workout consists of walking, carrying weights, running, strength training, flexibility, swimming, and defensive skills. Learn all these on a day-to-day basis at your own pace. A more serious fitness program for Preppers is a book from Dan F. Sullivan’s called, “Run, Prepper, Run!”

  12. The Wild Woodsman Workout

    – The use of an ax or sledgehammer, a log /old tire, a backpack or a saw are most basic things you will need. With the use of one or more of these tools, you will learn a proper swinging motion that engages your core muscles.

  13. Survival Fitness Daily Workout

    – You don’t have to go to the gym to do this workout. It’s easy to do and you will only have to do it at 3 to 5 times a week. Generally, you will have to walk at least a mile. increasing the distance and the weight of your backpack over time.

  14. Survival Training Workout

    – This workout can be broken down into five parts. These parts are named Evade, Escape, Attack, Balance, and Rescue. It is composed of different unique methods, but primarily promotes sprinting, do chin-ups, pull-ups, and squats.

  15. Zombie Apocalypse Workout

    – This workout consists of ladders (also known as suicides), deadlifts, overhead shoulder presses, pushups, squats, biceps curls, standing wood chops, and deep knee bends. It will test your strength and stamina as it works on key muscle groups on your body.

  16. The Walking Dead Workout

    – This ultimate workout literally says it all. It requires little to no equipment in order to be in tip-top shape whatever the odds.  A total of 7 days which is composed of three days of running and another three days of strength training.

  17. Military and Navy Seal Exercises

    – If you want the hardcore proven and tested exercises then this is the one for you. It will start with basic US army boot camp exercises, military workout then the Navy Seal workout. It has videos that show various exercises of which you can choose from. You can go through each session at your own pace. As long as you perform each correctly, you’ll be fine.

  18. Comprehensive Bodyweight Workout

    – This is a list of various workouts created by different people from official Crossfit trainers to athletes. You will surely not run out of options with this list of WOD’s. Just take your pick and see how it can change your life when it comes to being fit and ready.

  19. Winter Workout Survival Regimen

    – For those that live in areas that have four seasons, preparing for the winter survival is critical. It has a High-Intensity Interval Training that intends to up your cardio, melts away excess fat and boosts your body’s metabolic rate. This workout will also help keep you warm.

  20. The TACFIT Commando System

    – With just 20 minutes a day, you can have a full body workout based upon real programs used to train SEALs, secret service, and Israeli counter-terrorism trainees. It uses only your body weight and very little space. If you wish to follow the Complete TACFIT Commando Training System you can order it online.

Having these awesome lists to pick from is really great for those that really want to increase their chances in surviving a disaster situation. However, without the proper commitment, time and dedication to really following it to the letter and incorporating it into your daily activities and diet, you’re never gonna achieve anything at all in any emergency or disaster. So suck it up and start now! Not tomorrow, not even later! But NOW! You’ll reap the benefits when the time comes. You can thank me later…

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 10, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.



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